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Posts posted by Rogergreybeard

  1. I feel for farangs with families here, as for me i was looking forward to living the rest of my life here, but i am very lucky to be able to pick up and move, have already started looking, and as they say i would not be the only one thinking of this, will hold on a little longer until it affects my lifestyle even more,especially the targeting of us for the amusement of the bib,knowing they can treat us like #-;:@ and Thais that can think of a way to rip you off. The next biggest problem for the Thais, as has happened in other countries are drugs and the associated crime that comes with it.but the elite and the corrupt will always win out whilst the poor are kept from a decent education and walked on like ants.

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  2. So they never charge more eh.ok i was out by 2 days my falt got the ticket in 2nd road down to the cop shop along with about 40 others,this was November just gone 2000 baht i complained was bought down to 1500 you can't win must have wanted an expensive gift for Xmas,i won't forget again as an add on i went to post office soi 5 renewed and received sticker and book back about 3 weeks later (they rang me when ready,great service.

  3. Happened to me in big c pattaya Arab,Pakistani,looking and voice person approached me in fruit section made chit chat where I came from then showed me his wallet allegedly full of us dollars,and asked me if I could show him some baht notes,i then yelled out security and he took of like a rabbit i later told police maybe check security cameras in big c i was brushed off, lately I see the bib arrested some other family for the same scam and i read there have been another couple also

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