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Eddy B

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Posts posted by Eddy B

  1. The Thai state run lottery is b$%lshit from start to finish. As I am sure the winning numbers have already been decided before the tickets go to sale. I do prefer the UK and I am sure anywhere but here lottery style where you can go into a shop and choose your own numbers and it is all down by computers and they print out your lottery numbers. But I guess this would never happen as Thailand loves to waste money on pre-printed tickets and scamming people, just like going to immigration it can be a lottery on who says yes or no on your visa extenstions.

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  2. When I was working at one school, we were told by the head of the English department everyone had to chip-in towards the electric bill for the air-con. I refused as I only spent time in the office to either print something off or pick-up copies of worksheets for classes that I had prepared in my time when not teaching down in the photocopy room that had no air-con. They were not happy with me and their was another foreign teacher I was working with and he was calling me a tight-ass but I told him to f^%k off too as he was a real ass licker to all the Thai teachers. The Thai teachers had half of my hours and would just sit in the room with the air-con going, watching <deleted> daytime tv and stuffing their faces with food. Do not pay, for anything as the school should have the budget to cover all costs for all amenities and functions they have sceduled.

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  3. The work permit is almost like a passport to work. It providing your details, place of work and job description. At no time should this be held on to by anyone else but yourself. If the BIB want to check it you need to have access to it at all times , not have it sitting in your place of works safe. I have met many people here who are working for an agency and the agency hold onto their workpermits and only gave them a photo-copy. I told them this was wrong as they are not all working in the same province as the agency is located. T.I.T.

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  4. They can't get you black listed but they can get you black balled with other schools within the area you worked. It's not so bad if you are willing and are able to re-locate. They will make up stories about your behaviour, drinking after school hours, smoking during your breaks between classes and visits for a special massage. They need to really grow-up, I often saw my Thai co-workers so pissed out of the minds on whiskey, nipping in for a soapy massage or evening dining with someone that was not their husband/wife but I never bothered to mention it around school as I am adult enough to just not be bothered by it.

  5. Ebola is a real threat to all countries. Bangkok will be the first place it starts if it ever (hopefully not) make it here. If it does come here it will spread like wild fire and possibly mutate as Thailands more humid climate could help. If anyone is not at least alittle worried about this I can not understand why? Almost 3,000 people infected, nearly a 1,000 already dead. This outbreak only broke the news about 3 weeks ago, who knows who has been traveling possibly carrying this virus months before it was reported..............?

  6. My dog got out from the front garden and after I realised it was missing I went out on my motorbike to find it. It had been hit by a car but not crushed so I tried to carry and ride at the same time. An old Thai-man on one of the old market style bicycles came up and motioned me to put the dog in the front part. He followed me back to the house and I tried to offer some money to him but he just waved it off and rode away. For me that was very generous of him to even stop and help out.

  7. My step-son is generally a good kid as he is still young. We have a time for having fun and a time when he should listen. I have never had to physically hit him, usually just a raised voice and body stance and he knows it's not play time anymore and he responds. He is actually more afraid of his mum because she can keep him in-check just with words. In general because I have taught alot of Thai kids before I have seen some really spoilt little sods and some really nice kids. I never give an inch and they learn to not mess around with me at least but at their own home who knows.

  8. They can't control Dengue, Malaria or Hand, foot and mouth disease. How on earth are these people thinking they can monitor and control the Ebola virus if it did come knocking on their door? All it needs is one male, lets say staying in the Nana district to have unprotected sex with a sex worker................well hello to a the end of days.

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