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Posts posted by mickymouse1

  1. thoughts by my mate back in Bath;

    Tourists pay the top rates in treatment however young back packers are often penniless and potentially wreckless with booze and drugs. They are also accident prone with high rates of motorcycle crashes.
    If they are not covered by insurance it can be a messy business.

    Most commonsense tourist have insurance anyway.

    I think Thailand is getting prosperous right across the board and they despise low budget travellers.

    The Film" The Beach" glamorized modern day adventurers reflecting kids getting blasted in full moon beach parties . This is in complete contrast with Thai traditions and the religious calendar when consumption of alcohol and wild parties are out of bounds on lunar days.

    Bar girls are forbidden to work on those lunar days and bored tourists flock to full moon parties
    which brings revenue to the organisers. It seems that Thailand's huge tolerance to this practice
    has allowed this phenomenon to grow to enormous proportions equalling the mass booze teenage resorts of Greece and Spain.
    This is typically an Anglo-Saxon export of the worst kind.

    It will not be long before there will be a general clampdown on loutish behaviour in Siam. The americans used to have a crap reputation in Asia now the British Jeremy Kyle excrement of British society are crowding asia with their foul behaviour.

    In all evidence if people behave sensibly and in manageable numbers beach parties are great but greed and and criminality are intertwined ruining it all for all.

    In truth Thailand does not need us anymore. Tourism of a much higher class is now the norm.
    We are the ones who <deleted> up what was a perfectly wonderful land.

    Yes, I have returned...to snow and siberian temperatures and crappy UK.

    XXX with my brotherly blessings.

  2. What a load of cobblers !!! I have been visiting Thailand since 1992 and ONLY once did I pay a visit to A&E where I ended up paying in advance ,well before I saw a doc who gave me medicines which I could have bought at any chemist for less than 20% of what I was charged.

    cobblers again...in Brunei where i am based we pay 1 $ max 5$ to see a doc and for medicines,,all for a 125baht if u r a non resident.

  3. I do not know why you guys are making such a big fuss.If you do not like it then go back home you F**** non nazi:) blonkers.:):):)

    It is their country and culture ,,do not try to tell them what to like and what not..They know history and every individual is free to choose what they like and think wear and eat. Else we will all be eating fish & chips soon or mash & bangers.

    Oh ,for those who do not like IT go to Israel but do not come back:)

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  4. I agree with few members,many Russians are all over Thailand involved in unsavoury activites.We must cull these illicit activites now or else it will be too late and we will all be in trouble soon.ALthough many legitimate holiday makers come to thailand and do spend more than the Brits who also field so many unsavoury characters too to say the least.

    unsavoury comment:)

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