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Posts posted by mickymouse1

  1. There must be few hundred millions of pills smuggled daily to the extend there is a daily confiscation. 

    I wonder if all gets burned.I watched a BBC  documentary  showing the Burmese burning tons of drugs before invited audience representing the UN and few embassies .After all guests left a hidden cam showed the Burmese army running to save whatever they can and take it to army trucks???????????? no need to cont the story as you all guessed ????

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  2. 6 minutes ago, waders123 said:

    The real story isn't out yet.  I view this as nothing but attention grabbing news sensationalism. 

    A man with credentials of a doctor, from Canada,  a country which is legal to make cannabis oil, comes to Thailand, with two other fellows, and sets up an illegal cannabis oil refinery to import cannabis resin to refine into oil and then ship it out of country!?!  They are not even selling it in Thailand!!  This doesn't make sense.  You would do it in a country that allows this sort of thing.  What's the angle?  Cheaper labor??  I don't think so.  I am betting there is certainly a very different version to this story.  I am curious how the story will change as time goes by.

    I thought the Doc is from England! 

  3. 3 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    Does Bahrain have the death sentence? is there not some rules regarding extraditing people to a country that still carries out the death sentence? or did Thailand never agree to that?

    Both kingdoms do execute certain criminals.This lad is not a criminal though . Thailand should have released him immediately upon the the red alert being revoked. BUT ????

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