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Posts posted by Bkungbank

  1. ,

    Malaysian taxis being honest???? Is that a joke? I used to live four years in Kuala Lumpur and the taxi system over there is a total failure! taxi drivers being probably the most dishonest drivers in the whole world!
    As for Singapore, the main I uses over there is that ... there are no taxis available at the leak hours. Nearly me missed a couple of flights on a Friday night in Singapore just because not a single cab would pick me up at the taxi stand and the waiting list on the various taxi company hotlines was just crazy.

    Bangkok taxi drivers may not be perfect but the system is much much much better than in any other Asian countries (and probably even worldwide)

    Malaysia taxi drivers full of scam ( special button increase meter rates) refuse to used meter, rude bad driving attitude. I born there I know very well.

  2. For those farang 2 Baht is noting but office workers living on min wages is huge burden, we don't ask for cushioned seats but at least vending machine that accept dollar bills liked MRT does easy for to buy ticket some busy station buying a ticket takes longer then the destination

    Fares increase 2 Baht but service still the same one of the most expensive light rail in Asia .

    Yes it's the the same service: trains come along, people get on, it goes to other stations, people get off.

    So how do you think they should have changed the service for that extra two baht? Cushioned seats? Buffet cars?

  3. Thai Buddhism are different you can have short monkhood they merit can given to your parents dead or alive

    because without this body we are noting in this world. Theravada, Mahayana, Zen or Tibetan Buddhism all are the same

    depend on we which one to choose from.

    We don't need to wait as when you going to die is still a question?

  4. It's wrong to fight force by using force but they are some questions that we really want to know why they care about ATM as it's not belong to them?

    In Thai any public property it's called ' Luang ' mean big, even public phone are dirty but still usable they love their public property so try not to destroy public property especially farang who they think more superior being which offend them.

    Any where in they world if we learn to respect people and property we will respected not only Thailand.

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