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Posts posted by Bkungbank

  1. Brain wash by local tv and media control of the people of North Korea that's why counted all voted except oversea because outside North Korea the information are not bias to the leader . Dare not protest as anyone who go against their leader are consider traitor andsend to prison camp where some might feed to hungry dogs, under certain pressure the poeple of North Korea have to accept Kim and even Obama cannot received 100% votes. The fund generate to defence by build nuke and certain drough season the people may suffer famine and the death of course never reported on local tv. If the locals know what their leader have done not even 5% will voted for him.

  2. The italian guy rent a car in Phuket and deposit his passort there after returning the car his passport was missing under care of the rental car company,

    usally impostant document are kept safely this are not drop and lost in hotel room, so why it has been lost when under this company is a big questions nobody can walk inside and take out his pasport . I saw one farang rent a motobike and his bike lostin Phuket the owner refuse to return his passport and he has to catch a flight back home ,can see his eyes getting wet in this case.

  3. Last year caretaker government introduce this projects due laws where needed to apply licence to supply electricity to grid very troublesome where finally this project abandon pending to ament laws to able household to install solar power grid to earn income from egat. BUt if you think to direct into some big batteries then generat some fans or home appliance then it's okay done quitely but legal have to wait few more years for it.

  4. Blue bus private own need to race to ticket sales due have small commission in it F1 driver but you took red and air-cord buses very good services as government own buses some fare collectors greeting passanger too , I don't have much problems with red buses as if free buses thier commission are fixed by government already not hurry a very good attitute on passanger.

  5. Should get rid of these mafia by charging tourist very expensive rates , from Jungceylon to hotel less then 1 km charging 300 baht never consider going back again to Phuket with bad reputation of this Island. Even Europe ammbasador complaint noting much can be done, should purpose small tuk-tuk running like Pattaya which charging 10-20 Baht but it get protest from tuk-tuk drivers, We are talking about volumme of passangers and not waiting for baits by parking in front of hotels and shopping mall, the mafia reserved thier rights but not letting others to come in this kind of act are unacceptable .

  6. AoT rich enough to purchase government bond but still planing to increase airport tax domestic and international ,passangers don't much facilities except some toilets and duty free shop, the taxes should be built more runway and terminal to reduce flight delay and repair works can be done.

    Many times I personally encounter terminal are full and needed to take buses to immigration main terminal not only budget airline but Thai airways too which very inconvience for elderly and children to walk down staircase.

  7. HAve to get rid of red tape then business will run smoothly, this group are fighting corruption where the main costing for private business in short run may be suffer but if sucess the costing will reduce. Some of these are doctors who against corruption in the country and these doctors able to operate human brain then smart enough that there are serious problems needed to tackle.

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  8. Due to China economy grown people looking something more excotic foods believed to have medical rememdies for female on beauty purposes or enhance sex for male. example eating tiger penis will get stronger like tiger all these are wrong as due to deforestation tiger have no where to live and wild deer which main prey for tigers are gone fast.

    All these extiction animal will only one day shown on our children books and comics not even zoo as kept animal delevope stress on animal themself.

  9. OMG, in BUddhist it's against of killing with death body causing more viruses, beware of the poo it may harmful to human may cause brain damage if not cure with antibotic . In Japanese shop of 60 baht you can find crow and some smell capsul which can scare pegion away.This kind of shop located in big shopping malls near you whereall items are 60 Baht, Don't used poison as the bad karma will get back to us.

    One of my friend's father used the shot gun to kill pegions and he gets lung cancel very suffering before he die.

    I don't think the OP is Buddhist. So no harm no foul. I have shot lots of pigeons no lung cancer here

    Some Karma are able to see on spot like PDRC leader ask riot police to disperse demostration in 2010 after 2014 he taste his own medicine, only 4 years time, some a long terms like when you kill a mother pegion where it has small pegion in nest waiting for foods not only kill the mother pegion but it whole family so Buddha says next life reborn as orphan, Karma is law of Universal where if you cheated somebody will get caught one day, or like Bill Gate the more he donate the money still come back to him as he still holding 76 Biilions.

  10. Airport taxes plan to inrease again from AoT with nearly 1 trillion BAht per year from tourist income which stand 25 % from GDP why haven't being taken good care with, at first plan to introduce 500 baht medicare insurance for every tourist for only 300- 500 Millions Baht spend on tourist medical cost with rice pleaging proggrame already spend 130 Billions with not a single baht income from it.

    All this are bad management and not only blame on politic unrest.

  11. Few tips to follow :

    1) Chinese will place use ro old cloth which have been wear inside the house to tell that it's occupied already so later spirits will known it has owner in it.

    2) Japanese will place salt at every side isde the house where it's believe have element to expel evil spirits

    3) Thai open some window to get sun lights inside of the house even owner are not there for few weeks. darkness will attract spirits but also thieft

    4) If some spirits already there before you some Thais will built a spirits house outside call 'Tah Yai house' for them with some offering in return get protecting back from them.

  12. Remind expat not used all your life saving keep some overseas incase you need to used it, most are either cheated or lavish spending for the first two years in Thailand, As old age it's very hard to earn back money that has been use. Yesterday the 7th victims jumped from Suvanbhumi airport many due to financial problems. Proper mangement of your money are most important don't easily trust somebody in buying property or transfer to others account.

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