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Posts posted by mrvietnam2001

  1. LONDON - President Bush (news - web sites) is traveling to London today and says he'll use the three-day visit to advise subjects in Britain and across Europe about the war, which has 9,000 British forces in Iraq the largest non-American force in the coalition.

    Bush and his wife, Laura, will receive a warm welcome Tuesday evening from Prince Charles. They will fly by helicopter to Buckingham Palace where a royal welcome will be staged Wednesday morning by Queen Elizabeth II. The heart of his visit will be talks with his chief war ally, Prime Minister Tony Blair who has been reported as saying " We in britain will continue to do whatever our lord and master from Washington dictates" as we are truly their ( America) humble servants.

    Bush will be joining with America's most humble and subservient ally in the war in Iraq for a state visit that promises contrasting pictures of elegant ceremonies at Buckingham Palace and noisy street protests by thousands of anti-war demonstrators who will all be kept in check by Britains police as directed by their American rulers. Crowds are expected to be made calm with the introduiction of "free lunches" of bangers and mash as provided by American taxpayers. Camera's in America's first colony will photograph all who are expressing continuing disenchantment with the current state of affairs and rounded up to be sent to re-education camps in days ahead.

    The big question for many of course is "Will the british subjects ever revolt against their puppet governments to seize Freedom for the first time in british history or will this simply be more whining from the subjects and more lip service from the royal family et'al" ? Time will tell however, as evidenced time and time again, we think so!

    brits are such "sophisticated" slaves, they'll surely keep a stiff upper lip and take whatever is handed out to them.

    Mr Vietnam :o

  2. ABC Radio reported that Thai police had arrested 27-year-old Peter Thomas Allan as he was preparing to swallow more than 200 condoms packed with heroin before boarding a flight to Sydney.

    The report said Allan, from Eastwood in Sydney, was arrested in a central Bangkok hotel when police broke into his room and found him and two Thai accomplices packing heroin into 231 condoms.

    Honest Hoccifer I know nuffin and that's the truth :o Here is one way to get a long term stay in Thailand...no visa required, no bank account or funds B)

    231 Jeez :D


    The easy way out/in?

    Mr Vietnam B)

  3. Oh Vietnam , still name calling , a faggot, a fairy, your mood swings are quite intriguing. I could guarantee by your tone that you've not been out for a while.

    A shame really some of your posts a re reasonably intelligient , then you start the name calling again. Offer me a milkshake , then call me a faggot , I'm missing something here. I won't respond in kind , but you'll keep for now.

    You should however be careful about these insults when your address is clearly visible on your website , if it is a real one. It's a small world , no little man such as yourself can hide quite so easily behind such a tirade, then expect a safe night's sleep. What to do , what to do...............

    Also your perception , and Daveyo's of British men being fairies and sweetpeas is a tad askew , I could guarantee, having travelled throughout USA more than a few times, the Average American would come unstuck against the average Brit in a battle of wits or physical ,as well you may find out.

    For the amount of Brit bashing you have attempted , you deserve nothing less.

    No more verbal sparring from me , I tire of these one sided affairs.

    If you're such a successful businessman what the heck are you spending so much time on this non-related site anyway?

    Mee bpen Ha mai?

    Come get some boy if you actually come to FLA.

    Mr Vietnam :o

  4. Dave, sorry about that. I'm just out of time here.

    I am however still waiting on that other british faggot to let me know when he's coming to Florida as I would like to give him my home address if and when he actually arrives so he can show me how tough he is.

    I'm outta here. How can you stand it? All they do is whine, snivel and cry.

    These fairies can't wipe their own asss, and any further replies are simply a waste of time.

    But I will certainly indulge the servant from england to come here and when done may even let him cut my lawns.

    Rgrds Dave

    Mr Vietnam

  5. Hey Mr. Vietnam, California Dave laid you some thickies. Hehehehehehe. Gotta wait for this upcoming response cause now I know this will be juicy tidbits.

    I just hope California Dave has his protective gear on, cause when Mr. Vietnam gets done poishing you, you will wonder if it is still daylight or not.

    Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe. Oh gawwwwwwd I am going to love this upcoming movie.

    Getting my popcorn and drinks ready.


    Hey Dave, it's not worth my time. The old saying you can lead a horse to water but you can't make a horses azz out if him, you have to let him do that himself?

    That's been done. Just reading their posts is all the proof anyone needs. Which is why the world by and large has no respect for them and laugh at them.

    It's now getting to the point where it's so far out of the bounds of reality that the time spent laughing at their weak replies are adding up to wasting too much time. Plus it's not possible to communicate with a mental midget so why try?

    Have a nice day Dave.


    Mr Vietnam :o

  6. The simply fact is that The USSR won the war in the east and would have done so whether the USA came to the rescue or not :o

    Yu need to read some history books stevie boy. If it wasn't for US help with various supplies the russians would have been a short stroke for hitlers armies.

    As would england.

    And just think, that if not for england, and its failed policies, hitler would probably have not even been a twinkle in the eyes of the German people. But I guess the trade off was the monster from Russia who along with Mao were the greatest killers of the 20th century. Hitler was small potatoes in comparison.

    Mr Vietnam :D

  7. >    "Abe, what is the best thing I can do right now, to help the country?"

    >Bush pleads.


    >    Abe replies, "Go to the theater.


    Mr Vietnam  :o

    Mr Vietnam you just stepped up big time in my estimation.

    Ahhh perhaps.

    And perhaps there are many others who are feeling the same.


    Mr Vietnam :D

  8. I'll always laugh when people other than Americans rally around "democracy" as they've never known anything better than that.

    I'll always have a very sour look on my face when Americans do though.

    They obviously don't have a clue as to the definition of this mob rule form of government and certainly don't have a clue as to what freedom is. They should know better.

    So for you "others", Democracy: two hungry wolves discussing what's for dinner with a lamb.

    And since the transition from freedom to democracy what we have now is the worlds most powerful wolves getting more and more hungry every day.

    Is better to disappear than be eaten. Unless of course there were enough real Americans left to get back to being Americans and take care of things........

    But it doesn't look like that's going to happen and so it's better to disappear. then be eaten.

    That's one thing that we can learn from the brits who are expats wherever they've disappered too. Sad huh?

    Mr Vietnam :o

  9. self indulgent fabianism

    Hat's off Mr Vietnam , that is the best phrase I've heard for days!

    Nice one.

    In reality I'm as far as you could get from a socialist.

    Maggie Thatcher would beat the sh1t out of Tony for sure.


    Yu are Chonobot? Yu don't sound so.

    Far as thatcher is concerned, sorry to say I don't know enough to comment. But if her politics were any sort of parralel to Reagan, then it's called speaking out of both sides of ones mouth. Talk the talk of Freedom while spending so much, it guarantees future generations higher and higher taxes of which they WILL collect using whatever force they want, and that aint't freedom.

    And it it's not Freedom then I am their enemy.

    You know, one of my best friends, ( you'll meet him if you come here) is a brit who said to me a long time ago. There isn't that much of a difference anymore between countries with regards to how the governments subgigate ( ###### bad spelling) it's people. I've come to realize how true that is.

    The difference however with America is these people gave up the only real free country in the world, without even firing a shot. So if you think I'm tough on y'all, you haven't even seen me get started on my own.

    If you are a seeker and lover of liberty Mr Chonobot, then I say hat's off to you.

    Mr Vietnam :D

  10. Just think also, that in less than 100 years smart mouth, becuase of the brilliance of the founders of America, my country became the richest, most powerful and happy people on the earth, and accomplished things in that first 100 years not done in 6,000 years of world history. Don't like those facts?

    Mr. Vietnam... Just when i was starting to find some common ground... Richest and most powerful. Quite possibly. Happiest? Are we talking about the same America? And always remember that you personally had nothing to do with the various achievments of past Americans. Don't rely on them too heavily for your personal sense of superiority.

    Bob, are you even trying to dispute what America accomplished from 1776 thru the 1850's in comparison to world history?

    My ancestors were quite libertarian Bob and that would more closely allign my ancestors as well as myself with the beliefs of the framers than anyone I've heard post here.

    I don't spend time on feeling superior. I'm too busy having fun and creating a life in 2 different countries. But now that you mention it. I am good at what I do and insomuch as mentioning the achievements of the America I love ( which I agree is all but a memory now), no country every achieved what we did before, or after.

    Don't like it? Do something about it. Do something extraordinary. Then talk.

    Mr Vietnam :o

  11. You confirmed my theory anyhow.

    Oh well , is that your "weasel like " self on your website news clippings?

    You could pass for one of the Royal Family.

    Cheers Lebowski , or whatever you call yourself this week.

    ps where are your ancestors from , pre-USA , Poland I guess? NOw that would be ironic , what with your Pro-Nazi mutterings . back to the history book Lebowski..

    pps I'll be in Florida this Xmas to visit Sis , Sarasota , lets have a beer.


    That's about all you have is a theory Chonobot.

    Oh no I couldn't pass for any weasels in the "royal dirtbag" family. I don't steal for a living.

    Newsclippings? Yup, there are news stories in several countries about me., ain't that something? Read any of them?

    I'm "pro nazi"? Hahaha that's a real good one chonobot. How so ? Please enlighten me. YU equate only Germans with being facist? Are you that shallow?

    Sarasota's right up the road. I don't drink alcohol . But if you're real nice we could split a milkshake at my home and you can see the evil Mr Vietnam first up. Yu missed the Moody Blues. They just left. Was terrific as expected.

    Just leave your socialism and other brands of self indulgent fabianism outside and you'd be a guest.

    Mr Vietnam :D

  12. You cannot rent a car or legally drive in Florida, Ny, NJ with an international drivers license if you are an American citizen.

    There's a big deal in Florida about that right now which is directly resulting from the new Visa restrictions. The Germans are ( rightfully) pissed and vocal about it. The brits are as par for the course, not vocal about it. I haven't read anything about any other group saying anything but it's sure to be somewhere as FLA is a huge meca for foreign money/investments.

    I'll try to get more info for you.

    If you have not had a US license in so many years you will most likely have to take the written and road test again. I did. As an American citizen you will definitely NOT be able to rent a car, get insurance or legally drive on a international or any other drivers license.

    Good luck

    Mr Vietnam :o

  13. Vietnam,

    I guarantee that most of the Brits in Florida just prefer the weather, it certainly has nothing to do with the "culture" B) (in any sense of the world) or the blessed "american dream".

    ...becuase of the brilliance of the founders of America, my country became the richest, most powerful and happy people on the earth, and accomplished things in that first 100 years not done in 6,000 years of world history. Don't like those facts? ...

    LOL - a classic :D

    What have you accomplished? What facts? Moron

    :o The sad thing is that you seem to believe what you write.

    But, the thing that baffles me most, is how you can have such patriotism for a basterdised nation, the populous of which is almost entirely descended from immigrants.

    It's now clear that one of our most succesful exports of "failures" was a few hundred years ago on the mayflower. B)

    Life must be bliss down there in the shallow end of the intellect pool

    U.. S.. A.., U.. S.. A..

    You'll never know. As you are so consumed by your own ignorance and feeble weak kneed lack of depth, it would be a waste of time to even try to get thru to that little brain inside your head.

    Perhaps you can rent a listening ear wherever you are.

    The mayflower you simpleton came later just as an fyi.

    But thanks BTW in any event. As you weak peons willingly gave up your own manhood to your beloved "queen" no matter what the actual sex of that human was/is, we Americans not only fought for but attained the status of being the worlds most free nation of "immigrants" in world history. And thankfully, sissified weasels like yourself will never qualify to muddy the environment here.

    Remember to tip your hat you weak pussy whenever an American walks by. We not only demand that from our subservient british slaves, but as evidenced by your miserable queen and her weasel like protege, ( oh my little tony), we get it too.

    My vote would have been to let you deal with the Germans. At least they were warriors of the highest order and can be trusted to exibit real heart.

    You're a fairy. Nothing more.

    Mr Vietnam B)

  14. Further evidence my statement was right on the money.

    And look at where 2,000 years have taken you. You're a lapdog for the US, and if not for the US your national anthem would be deutchland deutchland and required reading in uk schools would be mein kampf.

    You know it, we know it and the world knows it.


    You Americans really think you won WWII single handed don't you ?

    BTW We laughable Brits never supported you in one war on the battlefield in a hundred years AND it was the only one you lost, coincidence????

    Again, further illustration that my points are right on the money.

    Keep digging yourself even deeper. Maybe you'll even convice yourself you're right after a few more brews.


    Mr Vietnam :o

  15. Just a thought Vietnam, if his name is California Dave, why is he a Brit?

    Get back to me when you have sussed it out.

    Also get back to me when your nation has been around 2000 years....


    Nice one Chon, B)

    Further evidence my statement was right on the money.

    And look at where 2,000 years have taken you. You're a lapdog for the US, and if not for the US your national anthem would be deutchland deutchland and required reading in uk schools would be mein kampf.

    You know it, we know it and the world knows it.

    Just think also, that in less than 100 years smart mouth, becuase of the brilliance of the founders of America, my country became the richest, most powerful and happy people on the earth, and accomplished things in that first 100 years not done in 6,000 years of world history. Don't like those facts?

    Certainly you're not going to whine your way to duplicating that as hard as you try.

    Unfortunately the darn near blockade of great ( hahaha) britain by the US didn't happen 80 years ago because of two socialists swapping spit together ( roosevelt-churchill) which pushed my country more toward the failed policies of britain rather than continue with the freedom that we invented.

    So in that sence, ya'll are successful. You've been able to export your failures around the world.

    Ask any Brit in Florida if they would ever like to return to that fabian fantasy land. I have several British friends who are the best people I know and would love to put you in your place on that one. They're not about to try to defend the status quo in the uk, OR the us for that matter. They simply left to find freedom and found the closest thing to it......in the USA.

    Is this too deep for you? Click the star sign.

    Mr Vietnam :D

  16. He should have bided his time, run for political office or worked his way up the food chain in the military, and THEN got involved with smuggling drugs. Look at tony blair, bill clinton, ronald reagan, oliver north.

    What a fukcing stupid thing to say.

    Do you honestly believe that Tony Blair is in any way involved with the drug trade.

    You pathetic fool.

    That's funny. I'm a fool.

    Reread your own posts and then if you have a brain you'll reword that one.

    No of course not. And the queen has balls too. You brits are about the biggest laugh in the world.


    Mr Vietnam :o

  17. He should have bided his time, run for political office or worked his way up the food chain in the military, and THEN got involved with smuggling drugs. Look at tony blair, bill clinton, ronald reagan, oliver north. Let's not forget ol fidel and company, danny ortega, either. Yu think thaksin doesn't chip off a piece?

    I mean if you're going to be a "successful" smuggler, that's the way to go.

    Mr Vietnam :o

  18. One night, George W. Bush is tossing restlessly in his White House bed.

    >He awakens to see George Washington standing by him. Bush asks him,


    >what's the best thing I can do to help the country?"


    > "Set an honest and honorable example, just as I did," Washington

    >advises, then fades away.


    > The next night, Bush is astir again, and sees the ghost of Thomas

    >Jefferson moving through the darkened bedroom.


    > Bush calls out, "Tom, please! What is the best thing I could do to help

    >the country?"


    > "Respect the Constitution, like I did," Jefferson advises, and dims




    > The third night sleep is still not in the cards for Bush. He awake to

    >see the ghost of F. D. R. hovering over his bed. Bush whispers, "Franklin,

    >What is the best thing I could do to help the country?"


    > "Help the people, just like I did," FDR replies and fades into the

    > mists.


    > Bush isn't sleeping well the fourth night when he sees another figure

    >moving in the shadows. It is Abraham Lincoln's ghost.


    > "Abe, what is the best thing I can do right now, to help the country?"

    >Bush pleads.


    > Abe replies, "Go to the theater.


    Mr Vietnam :o

  19. Can u imagine the situation we were all able to purchase land here. The value would shoot up overnight and would make our plight even more difficult. In a way it is to our benefit to have things the way it is now as prices are low. thing.

    It's already way way overpriced considering the lack of property rights. Ocean view land on samui, phuket is already higher than in many parts of the US and you "own it" ini the US. Beach land in Costa Rica, Colombia, parts of the British Virgin Islands are a much better buy and that's high in comparison to where it was 10 years ago. ( alas, no Asian women though)

    Unless you're specifically referring to locations where the infrastructure is virtually non existent.....( and STILL you can't own it so it's a mute point)

    A friend of mine just bought an entire island in the Philippines two weeks ago for 80K US. ( near Palawan) No infrastructure. 50 Year lease. Legally able to extend it. 2 small beaches. Even if he has to invest 100K on desal, satellite, etc etc ( out of my realm of knowledge), it seems pretty cheap in comparison to los with the same or similar location and views doesn't it?

    Say you like it and are willing to put up with the visa regs etc, but don't claim it's cheap, or that the lack of property rights are a good thing.

    Your points fall way short.

    Mr Vietnam :o

  20. however the other question is, how would anyone in baggage handling be aware that he had two jars of cream suitable for hiding these tablets? On the other hand, it does seem unlikely that a 19 year old would be bothered to carry cream{of any description} at all!

    Sounds like a very silly young man to me!


    Obviously "pills" look like pills and not "skin cream" when going thru a scanner.

    Should be slapped just for being stupid. But life sentences or death for things like this when child pornographers and other exploitation which is a fact in the LOS runs rampant would indicate there's a lot more money involved in cases like this for governments and that's telling of the culture and direction of the government afterall.

    I suppose there are those who would claim that the latter is a result of the former Ha!


    Mr Vietnam :o

  21. Executions do NOT deter people from crime, instead, they condone killing as an acceptable means of solving problems and conflicts. Just look at the big blob between Canada and South America. Are their crime rates going down???

    Good Point, if Thailands crime figures where as bad as The USA crime figures then i cant see too many people wanting to retire in Thailand. And USA slaughters many of its own people, in the name of the law, so maybe you are right.

    Huh? Yu guys ever been to the US?

    You show your ignorance really.

    Mr Vietnam :o

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