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Posts posted by Confuscious

  1. A few years ago, I had a discussion with several members about Buddhism.

    They all claimed that Buddhism was a religion which not try to convert or make people switch to Buddhism.

    Unlike other religions such as Christians and others.

    My child is studying at Assumption Nakhon Ratchasima.

    Every morning from 8 am to 9 am she is forced to listen to the chanting of monks in their saffraan outfit brought in with buses and vans.

    After their chanting she is forced to donate something to the monks.

    Most of the kids, are sitting there and playing games on their phones or chatting with their friends.

    Showing their feelings to the whole charade.

    This the TRUE face of Buddhism.

    Don't let anybody fool you about Buddhism or any religion.

    Buddhism is pushed in your throat like any other religion.

    Luckely we have in my country FREEDOM of religion.

    Nobody is forced to embrace a religion.

  2. Android is very much open source, so even if Google dumps it it will still be available for the device manufacturers and they can continue to further develop it.


    Android is Open Source software and as such anybody can keep making phones/tablets based on Android OS.

    Eventually with their modified version of Android like it is done now.

    Fact is that Google is pushing their Chrome OS to the phones/tablets and even to the Notebooks.

    This could hurt a lot of computer OS manufacturers (Microsoft and Apple).

    I have tested Chrome OS on my Notebook and with a little effort from Google and Open Source developers Chrome could become the OS from the next generation.

  3. Desperate people can do desperate things.

    All over the world.

    I go 2 times per week to the fruit and vegetable market.

    In one of the stalls, there is a young couple selling vegetables.

    At the best in their late 20's.

    But they have already 2 children.

    1 baby is 8 months and the other is now 2 year old.

    They are lying the whole day on the floor while the parents are selling vegetables.

    A few months ago, they talked to me and said that they were not able to feed their children and offer them a good shelter.

    They asked me if I would like to have 1 or both of their children.

    I refused and gave them 1,000 bath to buy milk and some other things for the babies.

    Believe it or not, but this is still a third world country.

  4. a Rolls Royce and a Ferrari - and a large amount of cash stashed in 41 separate bank accounts; as many as seven lovers and to have fathered a number of children with them. the monk's alleged assets include two luxury homes - one in Ubon Ratchathani and the other in Si Sa Ket; 13 vehicles, including a Rolls Royce, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Hummer, Toyota Camry, four pick-up trucks and four motorcycles.

    that is a wonder life of anyone, but monk ?

    If any independent person(s) would investigate the life of the monks in Thailand, he would make more incredible findings ...

    You can read and see pictures almost every week about monks who are caught having sex with a woman or with a child.

    And this is only the top of the iceberg.

    • Like 2
  5. I remember many years ago when I was doing Visa runs that on a Visa run to Cambodia I was required to buy a "Health Insurance" in order to get a stamp.

    Just crossing the border in and back out in a few hours but nonetheless required to buy a Health Insurance which was about 500 Baht.

    I guess the same thing could be introduced in Thailand to get an extra income for the government (to fund the billions of baht spending).

  6. My computer started to behave strange today.

    I run Windows 7 and Microsoft Office.

    But I can not open an Office document anymore.

    If I try to open an Office document, I get an error message telling me that the file cannot be found,

    But the file is there.

    Any tips about this problem?



  7. Reply to all:

    1. The requirement that the child needs to have the same address as me comes from Immigration.

    It should be common knowledge to everybody living in Thailand that every official can (and mostly have) their own interpretation of the laws.

    Sure, I can move to another City or province where the rules (read: Interpretation) of Immigration officials are different.

    But If I need to move every time I encounter a situation with an Official I can as well hire a Caravan or a Mobilhome.

    2. The requirements from the Embassy are based on requirements from several Offices in my country.

    Every Office in my country ONLY accepts a copy of the ID-Card as proof of residence.

    Apart from these problems with the Blue Housebook, a lot of other problems are looming:

    - My child can not get a 30 Baht medical card from the city where she lives as her ID-Card shows that she is living in another city miles away.

    - My child can not get an Id-Card from the city where she lives as according to the Blue Housebook she is living in another city.

    - Etc.

    As a Thai ID card holder who sponsors my wife's visa, I say you are worring a little too much.

    As said, we've never had any problems showing that our place of residences is different to the one on my ID card. We rent as well, and I am registered at a relatives house. It is not an unusual thing. You will likely have to show a few things, including photo's of you and your daughter at, in and out the front of your actual residence, plus draw a map to it, should immigration want to visit you. Bring your rental lease, electricity bills etc. This proves you live together, not some house registration.

    I promise you, doing the honest thing in this case won't penalise you. It is not unusual.

    Furthermore, getting your child a house registration at a friends house is not unusual. If you can get a friend who lives near you, then the 30 baht health care etc will still be available to you.

    This would maybe work for the Thai formalities.

    Although, I still doubt that the Immigration officer would change his mind.

    But more important are the formalities of my country.

    After all, I am talking here about the sum of about 500 Euro benefits per month.

    The only way to have 500 Euro/month or not have 500 Euro/month is an Id-Card of my child with the same address as me.

    If the addresses match I get 500 Euro/month.

    If the addresses doesn't match I lose 500 Euro/month.

    A different address on the ID-Card is NOT ACCEPTED in my country.

  8. Reply to all:

    1. The requirement that the child needs to have the same address as me comes from Immigration.

    It should be common knowledge to everybody living in Thailand that every official can (and mostly have) their own interpretation of the laws.

    Sure, I can move to another City or province where the rules (read: Interpretation) of Immigration officials are different.

    But If I need to move every time I encounter a situation with an Official I can as well hire a Caravan or a Mobilhome.

    2. The requirements from the Embassy are based on requirements from several Offices in my country.

    Every Office in my country ONLY accepts a copy of the ID-Card as proof of residence.

    Apart from these problems with the Blue Housebook, a lot of other problems are looming:

    - My child can not get a 30 Baht medical card from the city where she lives as her ID-Card shows that she is living in another city miles away.

    - My child can not get an Id-Card from the city where she lives as according to the Blue Housebook she is living in another city.

    - Etc.

  9. Last year I divorced from my wife and I got the full custody of our child.

    I informed at Immigration about the legal requirements in order to have a Visa based on "Taking custody of a Thai national" and the answer was that the main requirement was that my child needed to have the address (residence) as me.

    I informed also at the local Embassy about the legal requirements in order to be able to have 1 person in charge and thus benefit tax cuts and additional financial benefits and the answer was that my child needed to have the address (residence) as me.

    Informed at several places how to let my child have the same address as me, and the answer was everywhere the same:

    I needed to transfer my child from the Blue Housebook of the mother to the Blue Housebook of my landlord.

    And here started my Crusade.

    Apparently, the only way for Thai nationals to have a legal address is to be noted in the Blue Housebook where he/she resides.

    I went with my wife to the Amphur where she was living and we asked to delete my child from the Blue Housebook of my wife and put my child in the Blue Housebook of my landlord.

    The answer was that they could not do this.

    The only way to delete a person from the Blue housebook was at the Ampur where that person would be transferred to.

    The legal way was to go with the Blue Housebook of my landlord to the local Amphur where I live and they would handle the transfer of my child.

    I went to my landlord to ask my landlord to go with me to the local Amphur in order to write my child in the same address as where I live.

    The answer of my landlord was: "no way she would add my daughter, a stranger, to her Blue housebook."

    I went to the Tourist Police and asked for their help.

    They tried to help me in several ways, but they (and nobody) can force my landlord to add a person who is not a family member in her Blue Housebook.

    So, now after more than 6 months, I am taking care of my child but I am still not able to move my child to the address where she really lives and I am losing a lot of benefits and the right to obtain a Visa based on taking care of a Thai national.

    Big thanks to the whole "Blue Housebook" s..t.

  10. Requirements for a Yellow House book in N. Ratchasima:

    Documents needed

    1. Passport of foreigner plus translation in Thai stamped by MFA
    2. Blue House book of wife
    3. Marriage Certificate
    4. Photo of foreigner with wife and children (snapshot size)
    5. Passport photo of foreigner
    People needed
    1. Foreigner for interview
    2. Translator (wife can do)
    3. Elected village boss (poo yai baan)
    4. Owner of house
    5. Two government employee referees (policeman, teacher, government official, etc)
    6. Two neighbours
  11. A few years ago, I bought for my child a HTC Wildfire.

    I read in the HTC website that it is possible to make this phone "Routed" and upgraded to Android 4.0.

    I am not familiar with the "routing" and I know that if I would do something wrong I could destroy the phone.

    Is there anybody here who has experience with this or knows somebody who is experienced with this?

    OK to PM me.


  12. Terrible.

    Were these people not aware of what happened to the little girl a month ago.

    RIP little man.

    Sadly enough, your answer shows how much you know about Thai people and their way of life.

    Thai people don't like to be bothered with what happened yesterday.

    Yesterday is the past.

    You can not change it anymore.

    Looking backwards will hinder you in progressing forward.

    Thai people are not concerned about what happen to anybody.

    If anybody get sick or die, it is only because carry have a bad Karma from their present or their previous life.

    Sharing your feelings with the sick or the dead will bring bad Karma over you as well.

    It is not your fault.

    So stay away from it

    you got it right.

    seriously... how people think that they are poor because of Karma?

    they are poor because they want to stay poor, that's all.

    this Karma thing is worse than religion

    Are they really poor?

    I see every day many Thai people passing my house.

    Drink water sellers, street food sellers, teachers, factory workers, etc.

    Every one of them has 1 thing in common.


    I also see many foreigners and a few "rich" Thais walking or driving in my street.

    Every one of them has 1 thing in common.




    Foreigners who earn in a month what the common Thai people earn in a year.

    Yet, they are not happy.

    Rich or poor is not only the money you have but it is also the joy of life in your heart.

    Living "Sanook".

    Try to life the "sanook" way and you will live a lot longer than chilling every day about what happened yesterday.

    Just my two cents answer ...

    Edited for grammar errors

  13. Although what you say may be true, one only has to look at the difference in the justice systems. People who are responsible for this type of thing in the US are held accountable.

    Has that happened here? Will that happen here? When it does, you let me know, ok......thumbsup.gif

    In the case last month, the people responsible have been charged. Who knows where it will get to, but at least they were charged.

    AFAIK, the teacher who was in the bus committed suicide a few days later,

    • Like 1
  14. I've tried to live on 300 baht a day and to say it is living modestly is an understatementblink.png . She must live with a couple other women to keep her costs down.

    Living on 300 Baht a day is nearly impossible for a foreigner.

    Somebody said this already in this thread.

    The Thais are already adapted to eat and drink things and live in a situation where we could barely survive.

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