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Posts posted by bikerjoy

  1. Go back to true. Even with all the complaints and losing feeds, it's still the best game in town.


    forget True, they don't even write their bills in two languages...

    the whole world speaks Thai attitude!


  2. Tuff call. Maybe you should have just got up and joined the rest people without number tickets and taken your chances. Don't think I would/could have been as patient as you, good job!

    Make a weekend trip every three months!

    I prefer to travel to Mae Sai, do some shopping in Burma and overnight, and have a good time, instead of standiong in line like an idiot!

    "corruption is not an invention of the third world"


  3. I'm interested in any links you have to back up these claims.

    The only links I've found don't agree, (legitimate scientific studies), or they do (websites with a slant on all natural diets/supplements) .

    I take a number of vitamins, so am genuinely interested in your points. Maybe I'm just not hitting lucky with Google.

    Also, the clo claim you make. I used very specific search terms to find information, but came up empty handed, aside from a site that said clo in the old days was not pure, but now the big labs ensure its pure, and health benefits are great.

    Again, I'm not challenging you, I am genuinely interested, and whereas I'm usually Google king, I'm failing to find info supporting these beliefs.


    Thanks for the advice uptheos

    Id like to point out that unless the vitamins are fibre based there is no point in getting them as the fillers they use never break down and the vitamin will just pass. Even the fibre based ones aren't great.

    Vitamin supplements especially multi-vitamins make the tinest weeniest bit of difference to your health, if any. Ask any body-builder or nutritionist, they really are a waste of money. Sorry to put a dampner on the offer guys.

    P.S Don't go near cod liver oil supplements, they really do f..k up yr liver

    Na no worries dude. The first time I learnt about the fillers in multivitamins was from Justin Fortune. Justin Fortune used to be Manny Pacquaio's strength and conditioning-dietician. They use all types of things that don't digest properly but do bulk up the weight hence being cheaper to produce. You can also run the risk of going over your rda (with ones that do digest) Regarding studies vs websites choose carefully when deciding whether legitimate or not. Drug companies pay a hell of a lot of money to people to put studies that support their product. Obviously not all are bribed but always look into the source and I guess that goes for the websites too. I use to take multivits funnily enough from Boots in the Uk and the only thing they use to do to me was make me turn red. (niacin)

    Again I use to take cod liver oil and stopped because I got a pain in my side. I looked it up and even on the back of some of the products they warn that if you have this symptom to stop taking them and consult a doctor. There are different theories but the one that interested me the most and made the most sense on a basic level was that the kidneys and liver are the filters, therefore fish swimming in polluted/contaminated waters would be constantly filtering bad crap like mercury, heavy metals etc. Then to take these organs and produce oil from them, no matter what cleansing they go through, kinda put me off more than anything. I also remember something again about the vitamin levels being too high which can cause the blood not to clot properly resulting in nosebleeds etc

    As for not finding anything on google there seems to be absolutely loads... what are you searching for? The first page of google doesnt always mean its the most relevant, it just means that that website knows how to satisfy google's algorithms a bit more. Always go deeper than the first page. But a website I always use is bodybuilding.com. Im no body builder but there is heaps of info on there aswell as many doctors, nutritionists and obviously athletes. That place really is for me, a great way to find out about nutrients and the best way to get them etc.

    If you're still stuck Im sure I can dig a pdf out from somewhere, Im really into this kinda stuff at the mo so any q's you've got, more than happy to help. The most important thing whatever you choose to believe is a good, well researched balanced diet eliminates all needs for supplements.

    hi get the minerals from dr. wallach;



  4. There are people in Icon Plaza or Computer Plaza that do this too. I forget where exactly the shop is. I think they have moved around the complex a couple of times. Just ask in there and someone will point you in the right direction.

    Icon/Computer Plaza; first fllor, just show you v.d.o. casette tzo some people and they will direct you to the shop owned by a lady.

    she did the transfer to two cds (VCD) for 150 baht.


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