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Posts posted by puukao

  1. maybe you took your christian vows; better or worse, blah blah blah and broke vows to God!!!  Lol.  i don't care about that, but some do.  OK you gave up in a marriage, probably gave up in other things in life, ok ok...it's probably more you than you think.  


    to MARRY (marriage isn't a joke, but serious) someone and you are not super, super, super fluent in their language (or vice versa) is the dumbest thing I ever heard.  impossible to be great friends with lack of communication.  impossible to work if your minds cannot connect.  


    and no good laws here for idiots that buy a house and then lose 100%.  so horrible business decision as well.  


    hopefully no kids are involved.  hopefully families aren't destroyed, and the lady can re-marry (likely difficult, or with another farang, then another divorce).


    farangs are very, very selfish and then it doesn't work.  not surprised.  marrying a girl 20-years younger who doesn't understand English......really just a lack of education on both sides.

  2. i knew a farang that somehow caused an accident a few years ago where it could have been horrible; however, no harm and everyone and everything fine and they just left.  they were speeding and over-reacted to thinking my friend would not turn right but somehow turn left (weird explanation), but i'm sure he would have been to blame even though he was maybe 50 meters away by the time they crashed into the ditch.  I was another 50 meters ahead, but heard the car when it locked its breaks, spun around, and went into the grass ditch.  i was shocked they didn't ask for money.  maybe to wash the car (wasn't dirty) or maybe something..anything...they had kids in the back of the truck and they looked shocked.  i don't remember if i thought if he was drunk, but we knew we would pay if he called the cops.  still not sure why he didn't...

  3. 22 hours ago, ginjag said:

    after near 30 years shopping here, disgusting discrimination

    it took you 30-years go figure this out????


    30- Y          E           A             R              S????????


    Quick test.   Our Planet is called.......  A.  Apple.    B.  BlahBlah     C. Earth 

  4. You talked about only ONE potato.


    Let us know when they have Mashed Potatoes


    I have never had real water.......any idea who has real water?


    or real rice?    anyone?   

    • Confused 1
  5. i actually ask for a big plastic bag for each small spoon.

    I have over 1392294732894723248 tons of plastic in my room, soon to end up in the Pacific Ocean and destroy the world, galaxy, and universe.


    god i love plastic.  


    i'm going to open 9287492384272398423 manufacturing plants and only produce plastic



  6. If this idiot is coming to Thailand and criticizing the government, well, that's just plain stupid.  They need to arrest him, get the US Embassy involved, figure out what he really said....and then deport.  If you do this in America, no worries, different country, different rules.   


    farangs usually drink, bars, drink, bars, jump off roof... ok, ok, no problem


    this guys is crying out for help anyhow....  



  7. How is this even an important question?


    if i die and become a "soul"....well, that seems rather pointless.  i want my body and i want to be mortal.  if there is a God, then there is some dumb hierarchy.  I'm not good with having a boss!!!  i joke, but i'm serious.  i'm not listening to anyone. 


    sickest part is all the rapes by the priests, all the murder by all the religions, from China to the ME to everywhere....really disgusting.  


    and all the rich idiots in church who are literally the worst humans 

  8. farangs here don't fit in anywhere....have you seen all the tattoos and beers drunk before 9 a.m. and the lost look of the old man trying to walk in the middle of the street while an older man stumbles in the market while trying to find his last 20 baht and complain about the heat.  


    but we are who we are ...  put me in brazil and i'll find a way to do the same thing.    no friends here means no friends there, or many friends, whatever....


    the best part of thailand is i don't have to care at all.....the farang can do what he wants and i feel zero compulsion to care.  if my home country, i might feel something.  here, nothing.  not my problem.  let the farang jump from the balcony from his wife and 23 kids .  


    complain all you want.  i don't care if every farang fits in, or none of them do.  lol.  

    • Like 1
  9. santa clause, tooth fairy, a zillion things made up for kids.....


    then things made up for adults.....so they give them a moral compass and gets the cult stronger.


    but we have morals even if no religion.   


    why do we worship a flag of our country......same things.  belief, friendship, bonding.


    believe, don't believe, i don't care.  i can't waste too much time worrying about this.   people think about it and become passive....pacification....another method by the cult for control.  


    an invisible leader that is all-powerful.  lol

    • Like 1
  10. son is here.  wow, you must be soooo happy!!!!  Oh no, you are mad.  you lost like 350 baht and take to TV to complain!!!!!




    i remember once my dad tipped someone 10 euros more than i thought was necessary.  he said, it's only 10 euros and it will make them pretty happy.  so, your son made a Thai happy and they can have a better  life.  


    but oh no..... it's 350 baht too much!!!!!!!!!!   call the World Police!!!!!  I would leave your son right now and go complain until the cows come home

    • Haha 1
  11. Being fat has to be one of the worst things....  once i was maybe 10 kgs overweight, and it took YEARS to somehow lose it for good.  Not eating, eating a little, exercise every day, nothing seemed to work.....i forget how it came off, maybe some Vitamin B something and a mix of other exercises.  my point...i was insecure for about a year, felt bad when someone saw me and i felt fat.  i could run 20 kms but who cares, i felt fat.  it was depressing, because some days i felt strong.  but every time i saw someone skinny i felt horrible.  really a mental disorder.  i would talk about it openly, and nobody cared because i wasn't "fat".  i can only imagine if i was really fat.  


    look, love yourself first.  always work on your brain, get smarter.  always.  always exercise in a way you enjoy.  if you don't love yourself, you are doomed.  then you will doom others.  can't move forward if you aren't happy with you.


    suicide is a common thought.  fat, no money, not smart enough, not successful enough, etc...  so HAVE A GOAL.  Then you have something to live for.  doesn't matter what the goal is.....  lose 10 kg in a year, who cares.  collect stamps, whatever.  something you enjoy and it's who you are.  walk every night, or whatever.  


    of course, i don't really remember what years i was insecure about my weight.  was it 10-years ago?  see....  what was such a big problem before is now forgotten.  not totally, but our mind is good at blocking these things out.  

  12. They were happy until the farangs came and made everything expensive.  farangs drinking beer, doing nothing, really doing nothing, and now they cannot get noodle soup for 3 baht like before.  


    bad farang, bad

  13. i'm not bragging... almost 50 years old and rode my bicycle for over 3 hours.  I left at 11 a.m.  Sometimes it is too much, but today was OK.  


    drink like 4 water bottles per hour if you can in this heat, so that means stopping every hour and taking a 5-minute break to drink.  





  14. who cares if you give her money...


    it's what she thinks of you and what you think of yourself.


    likely she thinks you are a loser, easily replaceable, not special and only money.   and you have zero self-respect and contemplate suicide because life is soo horrible.  paying won't help.


    first love yourself.  if you pay someone, you hate yourself.  



    • Like 1
  15. Listen you super loooooooosers....


    1.  You came to Thailand to appreciate a different culture, then you hate on their celebration 

    2.  You are mad the sex-capital isn't as bad as it used to be, so you actually enjoy a worse Earth and that makes you super evil

    3.  You like youtube videos on people helping the poor, then you exploit women for 1000 baht 

    4.  You really want to get out of your "farang mindset" but then you come back to TV to troll and get mad at your own existence.

    5.  You know it's fun to travel and explore, then hate on the cheap backpackers trying to to experience life.


    Solution:  Send me all your money, and I will send you a letter absolving you of guilt.  


    god bless you.  




    there is no god in pattaya.  maybe in that black hole.  maybe. i'll go look

    • Confused 2
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