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Posts posted by puukao

  1. first use your smartphone......


    then really confuse them by saying, "So I should go 150 or 165 meters straight but a little bit northwest before turning East or right if it's not a one-way street and what marker will i see."


    using lots of words will really help in the fun....

  2. Just work a few more years...work SMART...save another 4 million baht...easily.


    then just own a business back home, make another 100 million baht


    then invest wisely, make another 1000000 zillion baht


    i really never understand these threads........is this guy fit or fat?  healthy or not?  smart or dumb?  there are a million more metrics than money....no matter what we say, it won't matter...


    i'm sure nobody asks, "Will you be happy?"

  3. OK, OK.... I am sure all of our situations are slightly "complex."  Like my last trip I wasn't sure if i wanted to stay long enough and get ED visa....and/or stay to teach English or simply go to Laos or Cambodia or Vietnam...


    I will look into getting a visa soon, or simply get an onward flight for $50 and avoid the potential headache....


    Let's say I honestly think I will head to Laos in 30-days, do I have to buy an airline ticket or can you show a bus ticket (i've done those crazy overnight bus rides, they are insane).  I'm sure the answer is no on the bus, but I might as well ask to consider all options...

  4. A number of years ago, you could easily (in my case) enter Thailand on a one-way ticket OR a ticket with return trip 4 months away and no visa.....


    have things changed so much that you really need a flight out within 30 days???


    if so, which flight is the cheapest to purchase just to show???


    last time i got an ED visa but not after i got to Thailand and made sure this is what i wanted.  

    this time i think i will end up going to Laos within 30-days and just not sure if i must prove it.




    flying out of LAX

  5. YES, The MOST!!!!! I am currently in Nigeria and they treat me like a King!!! I bring food to Venezuela and they treat me like a King!!! i am women in India and they give me many kisses!!!! I am Pakistan, so maybe that helps!!! Haiti is also on my list......

    2nd most dangerous......Canada. Then Finland, Sweden, and Norway!!!!!!!!!!

    what on earth are you talking about, man?

    It's call Sarca........oh, forget it......55555

    if you think about the countries I mentioned......oh, forget it....

    Like if I said I sleep outside in Detroit and live in a fortress in North Dakota......oh, forget it!!!!! lol

  6. i remember seeing A LOT of these "visa services" and always wondered about them. they seemed too good to be true, BUT, now that I think about it.....I used one in Vietnam and it worked fine. I scared the guy by taking his picture, smiling as I said, "Just in case I never see you again." But I know the visa runs to Laos and Myanmar so I wouldn't use one...

    There are thousands of scams...it's funny, I left my glasses at an agent's place and hours later I went back and the 150 USD sunglasses were there. so i used them for cambodia and i got scammed at the border for about 50 bucks (on cambodia border, but i blame everyone). actually, i only blame myself. idiot. it was money exchange. looked so fake and i fell for it....idiot, again.

  7. I heard a girl AP reporter today complain she couldn't find ingredients to bake a cake. I'm not sure what to think about this....

    I just spent all my retirement on a loaf of bread, and there was mold.

    i got kidnapped at noon and gave them a rolex i bought in BKK....they didn't know it was fake

    i have just promised 100 women to take them to Britain, just in time for BREXIT.....

    i could be more doomed.....hold on, is that an asteroid???

  8. I am sorry but i must NAME AND SHAME....

    1986, August 12th 10:45 a.m. Breakfast. Billie Bob only ate one egg and left 2 eggs on his plate!!!!!

    1995 September 23rd, 12:32 p.m. Lunch . Cindy Loo didn't finish 54% of her drink and left 48% of her hamburger on her plate!!!!

    2003 January 9th, 5:44 p.m. Dinner Mikie Mike left 3 Full scoops of rice untouched!!! I'll never talk to him again!!!!

    and the worst was Daniel Davie on March 12th, 2009 who ordered an entire pizza, three glasses of cola, and after his phone rang he ran out and never returned!!!! Food thrown away!!!! Davie, why Davie???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    these humans are monsters!!!!!

  9. Of course it can be worse. Bangkok is a pretty safe place. You can make yourself scared of anywhere if you fixate on the bad news.

    I was more fearful in London than ever I was in Bkk.

    sometimes in BKK i like to just act like a tourist, not see the obvious, smile, and know that i'm out of there in a few days anyhow...and forget about the environment. i was in NYC and it was as safe as anywhere, and sometimes i worried a lot more than i needed. 90% of the time you use common sense, do you own thing, don't bother anyone, don't act aggressive, no eye contact unless saying "hi" and don't flash valuable.

    the other 10%, unfortunately, is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. there is nothing you can do, things will be bad. and you really never know.....

  10. few rules if you have money

    NEVER tell them where you live

    NEVER tell them about your real finances, but say stuff like, "i have a house back home that has to get fixed all the time, so expensive!!"

    LIE......say stuff about losing money in investments, markets, whatever.....never brag about money, lie about not having much

    if they ever find out you do have 100 million baht, say it's all relative. "oh, all my neighbors have 400 million baht and i feel so poor!!!"


    sure, you can help....but for how long? i like when people ask for "only" 10,000 baht. for what, i ask? how can you pay me back? why not go home? you have 10,000 facebook "friends" and none of them can help, huh?

    i give away coats, shorts, shirts, shoes, used stuff.......

  11. if you seek the truth and only find lies, you will never know peace

    those that lie will always tell the truth in lies

    you see only lies then you also see only truth

    numbers are only numbers that lie if you seek truth

    the truth in numbers are that they lie

    if they lie then you know what they say

    that is the truth

    if still reading, you are crazy. lol

  12. i would blow it all IF...IF...I was under 40 years old. 100% under 30, maybe 50% under 40. BUT over 40, zero percent chance of just blowing it.

    but i made good money in my 20's and spent it.....so i got it out of my system. and that is a big factor.

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