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Posts posted by Junkyarddog

  1. I have one very big problem with all these small cars. Have you ever seen one after a accident. I'm not telling about bumping into someone in a parking lot. I'm talking about road accidents. Not much left. They end up in so many pieces sometimes you can't tell what kind of a car it was. They are cute and fun to drive. They are just to dangerous for me.

  2. I had a stepson just like this kid. He was eventually the cause of his mother and I getting a divorce. I was having all sorts of problems when this kid was only eleven as well. Nothing I tried over a period of ten years helped. Finally one day I knew that him and his mother had joined against me and it was time for me to move on with my life without them. That is what I did and I hope I never see this kid again. The problem is there are hundreds of thousands of these worthless phuchais in this country. No one would believe at what an early age their and behavior starts. My stepson was kicked out of four schools and one temple we put him in.

  3. Here on the homefront the biggest con artist in Thailand are The Christian so called misionaries and NGO'S in Chiang Mai. And there is a slew of them. They do nothing for the locals. They live high on the hog and send their kids to private international schools at a cost of about 1,000 Dollars per month per kid. They have found the perfect scam. All paid for by the folks back home.

  4. I remember some years back we were short on water as well. We still had ten days of Songkran. When it was over my condo in south Pattaya had no water for days. We had to truck water in and pay for it. People were using buckets to get water from the pool to take to their rooms to flush toilets. I figure this year will be a repeat.

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