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Posts posted by ZhouZhou

  1. Ok enough. Defend as you wish but can you please respond to my post about naming the socialist countries where the government decides for its citizens who they can buy products from? I am serious. I want to know this.

    how would you call it if the us government comes up with the protectionist policies and put an ultra high import tax on Chinese honey.

    thats a government control the market and the price of the products.

  2. I'm not familiar with these countries. Can you name them? I'm not winding you up I would simply like to know.

    that is that whole china honey story here about. there is an ultra import tax for it in the USA. so it was smuggled as honey from Mongolia or India or labeled sugar syrup on freight papers.

    the part about unhealthy honey from china is pure bullxxxx.

    "None of the charges allege any instances of illness or other public health consequences attributed to consumption of the honey."


  3. Buy from a 3rd world country and you get what you're asking for. There must be no regulations over there whatsoever.

    In socialist countries the government will decide for you where to buy from.
    Sorry to dissapoint you my friend but the companies in China were under no restriction to buy from the previous company i worked for or any other company. It was the same as in any other country. We went in, displayed our product along with our competition and the Chinese company made the decision. The government was not involved in any way.
    yes in china.

    but there are other countries that don't have that free market but lots of import restrictions for foreign goods and so in a true national socialist spirit preventing their citizen to make a free choice from who and what to buy.

  4. Cheaper because they're keeping their currency rigged and lack of regulations. That's not competition it's cheating. No wonder there economy has done so well.

    lack of regulation as in the true spirit of manchester liberalism vs. protectionist policies and ultra high tariffs on imported goods?

    where is the bad part if you are not a national socialist, xenophobe and opposed global free trade?

  5. Welcome to the cut and thrust of debate. If someone of any nationality contaminates baby food with the aim of bulking the product up to increase revenue even if the bulking agent has known risks for children's health then I don't have a problem with using derogatory terms. In point of fact the Chinese judiciary have no problem in executing them.

    It is to be noted that the whistle-blower on this scandal was murdered in 2012.

    So oddly enough people are inclined to view some Chinese products and the process which produce and manage them with suspicion.

    that has nothing to do with that untrue fake honey story, but okay.

    So in China if you mess up with the food you get the death penalty.

    still some people here will insist that the chinese goverment is behind and responsible.

    do food scandals also exist in the west? yes!

    but forget about it lets rant about anything some chinaman had made wrong and the chinese war machine because i am notxenophobe as long i can quote voltaire.

  6. Just stop dealing with China.. Short run it will hurt, but long run it will feel sooooo gooood.. They'll do whatever they can get away with.. Let them change on their own. Scumbags.

    honey is bee shit you know?
    ZZ.. quit while you have some dignity man...

    Your starting to sink is quicksand

    Feces" - no. That's bee pollen.[/size]

    "Spit" - maybe. Depends on your own interpretation.[/size]

    Simply put, bees actually take the nectar into their honey stomach, where it undergoes a chemical/enzyme process that changes the sugars. The bees put it through an evaporation process to make it thicker and more stable. In a strange sense, I suppose you could even say it is made from bee vomit.[/size]


    okay, honey is bee vomit. thank you for your lesson ajarn.

    and what are these "scumbags" LarryBird was talking about. i didn't learn that word at school.

  7. I agree that the OP is appallingly bad journalism, not sure it deserves that appellation, but like so many things there was an underlying issue in that the US took/takes the view that the honey industry in China was dumping [below cost] the product. To get around that business people tried to claim the honey did not come from China, not for qualitative issues but for duty avoidance ones.

    As the old saying goes follow the money.

    As to why sometimes and in most cases it's laziness, and or pressure of deadlines. Some here have linked to the Daily Mail in the UK which is (in)famous for taking stories with a grain of truth in them and conflating or expanding, usually by implication, the "real story" as they want to present it to sell their product. See line above smile.png

    its all about market competition. the Chinese can produce the same product cheaper, it is not necessary of lesser quality. that scares the producer in other countries. so they come up with high import tax and some horror stories about Chinese products. and at this point the racism somewhere starts.

    And some here have developed an obscure obsession with anything Chinese. i don't play the racist card because i am lacking facts. some of the uglier racist remarks have disappeared from the thread.

    some people think being called a racist is more of a problem then the fact that they are one.

  8. ZhouZhou, maybe you should take a step back. It would appear from your posts that you view any questioning or debating response as inherently sinophobic as opposed to giving the person the benefit of the doubt that they are discussing the OP - Honey and therefore to a degree trade relationships.

    Some may well harbour such feelings and as such will soon be exposed, but may I also note that many here come form a background, summed up by Voltaire, though I paraphrase, "I disagree with you to my dying breath, but I would give that breath for your right to say it.", something that does not, on balance, appear to be viewed as a virtue by some of your fellows.

    the story in the OP is not true.

    why people do make up such false stories?

    and than maybe use voltaire to defend their untrue stories?

    or once they are proven wrong suddenly start to talk about chinese war machine?

    is it because they are genuine worried about honey?

  9. Zhouzhou

    but its often hysteria and some xenophobia added and old yellow peril racism. like this story that is actually about that some honey packing companies imported Chinese honey to the US and with labeling it as honey from Mongolia or importing it as sugar syrup the avoided to pay 180 million dollar import tax. nothing about poising little babies.

    that is only bad for american honey producers because the cannot stand international competition. so some people start to play the racist hate card.

    Hahaha yellow peril racism. Nice one... Wait is that where Asian people take over the world ?? Indeed it is !!!! Looks like China is well on the way..... :-) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_Peril

    "The term has also referred to the irrational xenophobic belief and fear that East Asian societies would invade and attack Western societies, wage wars with and lead to their eventual destruction and eradication."

    Looks like those people from the 19th Century were pretty clever, except they could not foresee current methods of cyber warfare currently being used.

    I personally avoid Chinese products. They are crap to start with, and every dollar spent is money going to help build the Chinese war machine. A taste of the future would be China throwing weight in the South China Sea. Ask countries in that area how peaceful China seems to them.

    So to me it is fundamentally wrong to be basically re-branding Chinese products in America. Whether or not the product is contaminated is a separate issue, feel free to google search on your own...

    what a nonsense.

    Just say you don't like China and Chinese people.

    No matter if the story in the OP is true or not you will always have time for some anti Chinese rant.

    What Chinese war machine? are you kidding? do you know anything about that country the flag you sport as avatar stand for?

  10. and the xenophobes in america are afraid to eat honey from china so it got relabeled as honey from India or Mongolia or somewhere else to avoid that yellow peril scare.

    Take a look at any picture of "American" (or British, or German, or...) politicians, police, military, church congregations and celebrities- in fact just about any group. And then look at any picture of the same "Chinese" groups. Look at their ethnic traits. Look for the variations in skin and hair color.

    Then come back and tell us who are the world's xenophobes.

    take a look a the statement in this topic and look who is afraid of anything Chinese.
  11. I just googled "countries females inmates" and opened the first link which showed a ranking by country using a percentage of female inmates compared to total inmates. Thailand is indeed # 1 (a Hub) at 20.3% , but the U.S. is # 9 at 8.5%. Here's the Link.

    I sure hope the article is not using purely a "total" number of female inmates for comparison to the U.S. since the U.S. has a total population of approx. around 315M compared to Thailand's approx 70M.

    Judging from articles written by the Nation staff, verification of facts is not on the top of their list.
    ... and never has been. rolleyes.gif
    "nationmaster" and "i just googled" is on par with the Nation when it comes to accuracy.
  12. Not sure this program is going well. Thailand seems to be flooded

    with Chinese and Russians on budget tour packages, and then throw in

    the Indians on top of that. Definitely would not make me want to

    open a five star restaurant here.. :-)

    Recently an official from Phuket's tourist authority pointed out that some hotels, resorts etc. were so totally dependant on Chinese tourists that if they ever dried up the places would go out of business. He added that other tourists both Thai and foreigners avoided locations swamped by Chinese as they were seen as loud, uncouth anti-social etc. and in his own quiet way was pointing out the pitfalls of being too dependent on a particular type of visitor. Being Thai though he did emphasise that the Chinese spent more than others
    guess what he would say to the Chinese about the white foreigner.

    that they are all handsome.

    • Like 1
  13. reading the post i think its safe to summarize it that the young, high educated, big money spending back packing white people at TV are not target of that tourist campaign even if their gf come from families with good - very good backgrounds.

    Just to respond to your consistent personal attacks on me, which you attempt to viel as "cheap as a Shinawatra on the run" with teflon, my daily budget in Thailand is 10,000 THB per day. I usually stay for 30-40 days at a time, and take at least two trips per year. I make a point of buying from the Mom and Pop shops, and staying at there hotels too, because you are usually appreciated more than buying from 7 or staying at the Mariott..

    I am spending approx. 300,000-400,000 per year in the Kingdom as a non-resident - I am not a back packer. But then again, I don't follow flags held by people of my own country, speaking my own language, ignorantly trapsing around like I own the place. I do speak Thai, and am learning to write in Thai. I visit the south, where there are no beer bars or back packer guest houses. I do this because I want to make a difference and learn about a culture which is fading away with every passing day.

    what is your problem?

    Thailands wants attract a certain type of tourist to stay 6 days instead of their usual 5. that is the topic about.

    you are obviously not in that group of this kind of tourists, but that does not make you anyhow better, no matter what your race is or the race of other tourists you seems to despise based on their nationality.

  14. I for one wouldnt trust product from China, there are too many horror stories............

    The 2008 Chinese milk scandal was a food safety incident in the People's Republic of China, involving milk and infant formula, and other food materials and components, adulterated with melamine. By November 2008, China reported an estimated 300,000 victims,[1] with six infants dying from kidney stones and other kidney damage, and an estimated 54,000 babies being hospitalised.[2][3] The chemical appeared to have been added to milk to cause it to appear to have a higher protein content. In a separate incident four years before, watered-down milk had resulted in 13 infant deaths from malnutrition. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Chinese_milk_scandal

    In recent weeks, China’s news media have reported sales of pork adulterated with the drug clenbuterol, which can cause heart palpitations; pork sold as beef after it was soaked in borax, a detergent additive; rice contaminated with

    cadmium, a heavy metal discharged by smelters; arsenic-laced soy sauce; popcorn and mushrooms treated with fluorescent bleach; bean sprouts tainted with an animal antibiotic; and wine diluted with sugared water and hemicals.

    Even eggs, seemingly sacrosanct in their shells, have turned out not to be eggs at all but man-made concoctions of chemicals, gelatin and paraffin. Instructions can be purchased online, the Chinese media reported.

    Waza, I can only agree. Having worked in an industry where the supply chain was sacrosanct, I can only scratch my head and wonder what testing these stupid supermarket chains in the EU and US were attempting to implement.
    isn't there a food scandal every month somewhere about questionable quality of industrialized food products, also about products on the shelves in the supermarkets in the west? and how often you can solely blame "greedy Chinese people" for it and is it possible to declared that Australian, US-American or English supermarket products any saver to consume?

    no I don't think they are indicting Chinese people. I think they are just criticizing the policies of the Chinese govt and regulation, labeling accuracy etc.

    Let's face it some dodgy stuff is coming out of there... It's just a product of the whole system. Population stress, history, central planning and a turbulent past.

    but its often hysteria and some xenophobia added and old yellow peril racism. like this story that is actually about that some honey packing companies imported Chinese honey to the US and with labeling it as honey from Mongolia or importing it as sugar syrup the avoided to pay 180 million dollar import tax. nothing about poising little babies.

    that is only bad for american honey producers because the cannot stand international competition. so some people start to play the racist hate card.

  15. The story about this incident in the British paper the Daily Mail implied the men were Thai police. Any other information to back this up ??

    None at all, it's a headline they fabricated based on no evidence other than maybe some random youtube comment. It's just the usually horrible journalism you'd expect from the Daily Mail and their resident bottom feeder in Thailand that will write anything for a headline and a paycheck.

    On Andrew Drummond's site there is now a new article with a translation of the Burmese. The men are fellow Burmese migrant workers, who are angry at the women for working as prostitutes and want them to stop. The men tell the other workers, to call them if they continue whoring and they will come back

    Will we see an article correcting the previous one in the Daily Mail that said the Thai police were beating Burmese prostitutes? Yeah not likely. Everyone has already made their money, on to the next scandal they can exploit.

    but the story sounds much better if it fits the bias and stereotype concepts of some haters and blamers.
  16. "Draws Ire Of Thai Netizens".

    This is a part of Thai culture. Why are Thai "netizens" disturbed? Every Thai understands this. Thais are upset because everyone can see this for real.

    Remember: Thai culture is controlled by Thai guy.

    Psssttt....Chinese guys...
    Chinese guys?
    I will just let someone else respond who perhaps has a stronger grasp of who is running Thailand than you apparently do..... :-)
    it just seems you have an obsession with certain people.
  17. One oilrig worker was worth fifty of these dregs of humanity that are being encouraged to come to Thailand, purely to boost the "number of arrivals" to these fair shores. Yingluck wants to have her cake and eat it, poor deluded woman.

    Maybe there is a nice place in the world with a "vist country X tourist campaign" that targets bricklayers and other working class heroes.

    why complain if thailand doesn't?

  18. I for one wouldnt trust product from China, there are too many horror stories............

    The 2008 Chinese milk scandal was a food safety incident in the People's Republic of China, involving milk and infant formula, and other food materials and components, adulterated with melamine. By November 2008, China reported an estimated 300,000 victims,[1] with six infants dying from kidney stones and other kidney damage, and an estimated 54,000 babies being hospitalised.[2][3] The chemical appeared to have been added to milk to cause it to appear to have a higher protein content. In a separate incident four years before, watered-down milk had resulted in 13 infant deaths from malnutrition. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Chinese_milk_scandal

    In recent weeks, China’s news media have reported sales of pork adulterated with the drug clenbuterol, which can cause heart palpitations; pork sold as beef after it was soaked in borax, a detergent additive; rice contaminated with

    cadmium, a heavy metal discharged by smelters; arsenic-laced soy sauce; popcorn and mushrooms treated with fluorescent bleach; bean sprouts tainted with an animal antibiotic; and wine diluted with sugared water and hemicals.

    Even eggs, seemingly sacrosanct in their shells, have turned out not to be eggs at all but man-made concoctions of chemicals, gelatin and paraffin. Instructions can be purchased online, the Chinese media reported.

    Waza, I can only agree. Having worked in an industry where the supply chain was sacrosanct, I can only scratch my head and wonder what testing these stupid supermarket chains in the EU and US were attempting to implement.
    isn't there a food scandal every month somewhere about questionable quality of industrialized food products, also about products on the shelves in the supermarkets in the west? and how often you can solely blame "greedy Chinese people" for it and is it possible to declared that Australian, US-American or English supermarket products any saver to consume?
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