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Posts posted by corkythecat

  1. I d/l (why is this in italics?) an excellent android app, the previews showed everything one might wish for. As we cannot give specifics it has Thai name, I believe the common equivalent to "john"

    It cost about Baht750. and was about 50Mb

    I tried for the next 24 hours to install it..no luck.

    I went to their helpdesk, and have never experienced before the promptness and patience of the guy.

    After about a week he/we deduced that as my tablet was a chinese one, that "they', the chinese would not pay the licensing for genuine Google Play. and had jerrybuilt their own.

    Next step, get the refund, the helpguy was more determined than I was, and eventually I got it.

    I noticed I have a Thai translator (paid for) on a Palm PDA..still does a good job.It is from the same company and I was able to put on a new PDA without any hassle at all.

    I'm sorry I could not load the android version, as it is obviously portable, particularly when I see the 5000 baht pocket translators which seem to have the alphabet printed on the keys..wear off quickly.

  2. Cannot find Thailand on a map...and a girl was incandescent that I only gave her Baht200 for bus from Pattaya to Ekkamai, while I gave another girl Baht1000 BKK-CM. She seemed to have no concept of distances between cities, only that they were bus journeys.

    And of course using a calculator to find the change for Baht100 for 2 x 10 baht purchases.

    In 30 years here I have only experienced one instance where a waitress totalled a simple bill at a glance. I gave her a 500Baht tip.

    Another I find this difficult to believe but her husband swears to it...If you remember ET, his wife was under the impression that these "beings" were real inhabitatants of this planet, like pygmies, Eskimos etc.

    A graduate in English from Chula had no knowledge at all of WWII..I guess we could go on forever.

    I used to give lunchtime "classes" to cad/cam and cnc technicians, in "English with an interest". Concepts of the age of the earth. distance to the moon, age of "man", they could not even make wild guesses.

    Son "Dad how far is it to the moon." ?

    Dad "Don't really know son"

    Son "Dad why is the sky blue" /

    Dad "Don't really know son"

    Son "Dad what is .1 times .1"?

    Dad "Don't really know son"

    Son "Dad, you don't mind me asking all these questions, do you"?

    Dad "If you don't ask you'll never learn"/

  3. "Coleman coolers are available from Thailand Outdoor Shop. They supposedly have a branch in Central Plaza Chonburi."

    I would be surprised if they stock anything like the selection shown, but maybe...

    I have a very big unused cooler, it's in my other condo, never used it. If you are still looking in a week or so I'll take some pix and measure it..I thnk Baht1000 be OK. So pm me if you wish later.

    • Like 1
  4. Quote

    "I have used the "Favorite Channel" selection and I have no idea what it does other than waste your time selecting the ones that you want to keep and they still all come up."

    Clear case of the anti-collaborative macro.

  5. We might wonder what the reaction of the PTB at the hospital.

    For old, very old Brits who may have taken the "Daily Mirror", Does it still exist. ?

    I am reminded of an acerbic columnist "Cassandra", who wrote disparagingly about "Liberace", particularly his gushing femininity.

    Liberace was asked for a comment on the attack.

    His reply.."I cried all the way to the bank":

  6. Kudos to the "old guy" chukd, who posted the listing. Truevisions should give him a job.

    I'm in BKK but also the new system seems to be a shambles of unrelated groupings, blank screens and distorted unviewable channels.

    Fortunately BBC World is OK and the Radio feed is unaffected.

    If I could get a sattellite radio for BBC Radio I'd give up the TV, I use a recorder for what I do watch, can fast forward through the interminable "ads" at high volume by bellowing morons.

    I appreciate that True are not responsible for those annoyances.

    Have not watched CNN for years 'cos of gabbling overweight weather woman, and trying to find BBC today, and chancing on CNN was surprised and alarmed to see she is still there !!

    • Like 2
  7. To clarify..my intention is that she may support her son (see pix on my post "illegal Cobstruction etc". after I shuffle of this mortal coil.

    I have tried to construct a Trust for him, but at the moment cannot find Trustees, although making progress, with excellent advice and encouragement from a ThaiVisa moderator.

  8. quote "I'm 50 years old, and working as an ICT and History teacher at an international school in Pattaya".

    Hardly anonymous unless that job title is an alias. If so, some similar guy will have some explaining to do.

    But to the point..Good on you ! so many guys get hung up with complex relationships and if yours is true..why not ?

    Only problem you LOVE her..not so good.

    Best Regards

  9. For purely charitable reasons (I'm sure this will attract a lot of flak), I wish to place 22 year old Thai Single mother on some sort of Educational/vocational course in the Jomtien/Pattaya Area.Preferably at least 5 days per week.

    She only has minimum Thai education, but is not unintelligent.

    For all those who believe I may as well set fire to my money, I expect little or nothing from this exercise.

    • Like 1
  10. Quote "That is perhaps not surprising given that mass transit planning & implementation in Bangkok is both dysfunctional and poorly managed. The lack of a single co-ordinating body leads to many delays and competing plans"

    As Hopewell of HongKong discovered after building miles of pillars..

  11. Never heard a locksmith making a key anywhere even in UK

    It can be done by inserting the blank (I have two) into the lock, twisting it, removing the blank and using preferably a triangular needle file, to file away the hard marks. Using engineers blue or similar makes it easier. Takes about an hour at most. As children, with no toys we learned lots of stuff like this.

  12. I Imagine the guy has done his homework on this, talking to my marathon walker friend he says predictably that feet are the problem. The road camber contributed to forcing his foot sideways in his shoe and caused great problems.Cutting the shoe was possible.

    He did a 24 hour walk here (laps) and said the sole of one foot was flapping like a detached shoe sole.

    BTW could someone pm me the link to any info..I might pushbike along.Thank You

  13. A few nights ago (Thursday I believe at about 9 pm. I saw what were seemingly silent very well lit objects about a dozen or more heading from the Baan Saray area in a northerly direction. I am not suggesting UFO's but I've never before seen anything like this in 15 years here.

  14. My aged parent will be visiting and is in to this sort of thing. I read somewhere that someone was prosecuted as "a bogus fortune teller".

    Are they licenced here ? Do they have to pass an exam.? Anyone know a good one and cost please?

    Thank You

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