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Posts posted by chiangmaisurprise

  1. Cambodia is a trashy place...garbage everywhere...

    I did not find the Cambodians more accepting of foreigners than the Thais

    Try Vietnam also...has everything plus the people are nicer than either Cambodia or Thailand...and cheap

    Girls are friendly...and not nearly so overt in trying to separate you from your money...

    Lived in Thailand for 2 years...was glad to leave...have no plans to return...

    I know...all you Thai apologist...take your best shot...

    I am not a thai apologist but what gave you the idea that this forum is full of thai apologists? You only need to view any news topic from about 6 months ago to see how much 'apologising' these thai 'apologists' are, before admins started clearing up the house - for a good example look at the topic where a farang lady asked for advice on getting a marriage visa with her thai partner...the topic had twice as many pages before the mods started deleting!

    My sig isn't because I hate this forum: its because this was the reality as recently as 6 months ago when.

    Love the sig. I couldn't agree more. Kudos to you for saying it like it is!!

  2. The Dollar has some problems that cryptocurrencies will solve. 1) It cost a lot to produce compared to the cryptocurrencies. 2) it cost a lot to track and stop counterfeiting, you can not counterfeit Bitcoins. 3) Nothing will speed trade like cryptocurrencies.
    4) Cryptocurrencies intrinsic value is they are a ligitimate Medium of Exchange. 5) they are highly divisible 6) They store the value that the marketplace places upon them. The only downside of currencies is that they are decentralized. When the Fed centralizes its version of cryptocurrencies, its on and the rest of the governments will do likewise.

  3. There are no good reasons to support either party. And you might change your mind about what rights you have in this country. Doesn't matter if you're married or not, rights are not something we have here

    Geeez sounds like you are describing North Korea. Im sorry but I disagree! You do have certain rights in Thailand. I have a right to own a condo, I have a right to marry a beautiful Thai girl, I have a right to have a Thai drivers license and I have the right to the internet (mostly free) that grants me access to these forums. I also have a right to leave Thailand if I feel the government is unsafe. But to clarify, I wasn't referring to those rights. I was referring to the right to have a personal opinion. Everyone has that right.

  4. Notice I asked "Why"

    The better question is WHY farang care so much about Thai politics?

    You obviously saw my picture and know, as you put it, a "Farang"! And, in that picture sits my Fiance who shares a life with me in Chiang Mai a city I love in a country I'm learning to love and understand. Its my right and my duty to know, understand and educate myself about a country I choose to be a part of. Not that I need to vote or even have a say in whats right and whats wrong with Thailand. But I have a right and Im entitled to seek out a personal opinion on Thai Politics, whether you agree or not.

    He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.

  5. This is very complicated topic. Im trying to wrap my head around what the heck is really going on!

    Ive been following Thai politics for a little over a year now. Not long at all. So, I've been drowning in articles and research that has left many unanswered question and a cloud of confusion. Ive been trying to push away all the conflicting arguments and accusations and come to some sort of personal conclusion about who I actually support in all of this.

    The more I read, the more I watch, and the more I hear, only leads me to not particularly liking either party. Having read many posts here on ThaiVisa, Its apparent that we are just as divided as the country itself when it comes to choosing a side.

    So maybe this topic can help by answering 2 simple questions:

    • Why support Suthep/Abhisit and the People Democratic Reform Committee?
    • Why support Yingluck/Thaksin and the Pheu Thai Party?

    Notice I asked "Why"
    I'm not interested in all the negatives. The finger pointing is whats making the water muddy. I'm interested in learning what's the best side for Thailand.
    As it stands, and I know I might be burned alive at the stake for this, I'm leaning towards the Shinawatra side of the house.

    Let the fun begin.

  6. Im happy to report, my TV and my Surround Sound Theatre were sold last week. I used craigslist, thaivisa, and baht and sold to place my ads which gave me plenty of exposure in Chiang Mai. It was easier than I thought. Thanks again for the support. I can always count on the thaivisa community for good advice!!

  7. agree to disagree? sure had that decided many posts ago

    I'm excited what the future holds for Crypto Currency, Bitcoins or others. I do think as others, it has many more ups and downs to come. My initial investments largely is more as an Asic miner, not as investor into purchasing Bitcoins. Currently I'm mining around 2.4BTC a day ($1179.00USD) at a speed of 2.33 TH/s, and have no power or A/C costs of any kind. My hardware investment is 50% returned to date, I have not yet decided if I will take the cost of hardware out and cash that in, probably not.

    Lets hope that in 5 years Bitcoins are common place! thumbsup.gif

    how much did this hardware cost ? can you give us a rough idea of the hardware specifications?

    No A/C cost?? Must be paying another company per TH/s with the cost built in and letting their miners do all the work. Easiest way to mine right now.

  8. I appreciate all the suggestions, ideas, opinions, etc even though we got a little off topic. Per advice, I posted an ad on craigslist and here on ThaiVisa. Good news I already have a prospective buyer for the TV. The hard part is letting go. They were first purchases made by my fiancé and myself so theres a bit of sentimental value.

    Thank you for all the replies and the voice of reasons!

    Here is the living room set if anyone is interested:


  9. That stuff is cheap in the US but expensive in Thailand. Sell it, take that money plus what it would cost to ship, and buy new in the US and you will have everything new and undamaged. You can buy that TV from Amazon for about $2700 and it lists for close to $5k. Free shipping. I didn't shop around, just took one example. LINK

    My model is the F8000 65" and it sells new on amazon for 3300 and I only paid 2700 in Chiang Mai. If I didn't get such a good price, I'd have no problem just selling them and taking a loss. I usually find that Samsung products tend to be cheaper in Thailand vs the States. Or maybe thats just true on certain models.


  10. I'm in the process of moving back to America from Chiang Mai. My fiancé will shortly follow as her K1 Visa is supposed to be approved around Dec/Jan. We don't have a lot of items to move however, we have a 65" Samsung Smart TV, a Samsung Home Theatre with 4 surround sound speakers, a black glass coffee table and a TV stand/entertainment center. I'm looking for advice and experience for the following:
    1) The best and most affordable way to get these items to America
    2) What kind of import taxes if any would be imposed

    I heard that freight forwarders are not that expensive but the items may arrive months later and possibly damaged! Ive also heard that some items such as the TV can be checked as luggage to accompany you on the flight at an additional cost.

    My other option is to sell the stuff locally but I'd probably end up taking a bit of a loss.

    Thanks in advance for any advice or experience offered.

  11. Only fools get fooled. The title is what makes people click and read. I thing you clicked but didn't read. Thanks for proving my title was effective.

    Were you fooled when you purchased ? You said you returned it because it was fake. Did you think it was not fake when you bought it?

    It was my mistake I took him to be honest with the title.

    He now admit's it was just a come on. As one of the previous posters said Like a reporter for the Nation. Write drivel but put on a large print title for sensationalism that has nothing to do with it.

    Lets be fair here. The title is honest. It was a lesson learned at Panthip Plaza.

    • Like 1
  12. Only fools get fooled. The title is what makes people click and read. I thing you clicked but didn't read. Thanks for proving my title was effective.

    Were you fooled when you purchased ? You said you returned it because it was fake. Did you think it was not fake when you bought it?

    Fooled no. Lied to, yes!

  13. For shoddy business practices at one kiosk you are going to condemn the whole mall. I have never had a problem with office depot. Should I say the whole mall is wonderful. Stay away from it and you will also be staying a way from one of the best computer repairmen in Chiang Mai.

    Yes I know there is a lot of other ones who are good but why avoid one because of a badly run kiosk on another floor.

    Where did the OP say stay away from Pantip Plaza? He said the kiosk across from "the book store." And then he goes on to talk about his experience at "this place," and that he will look at buying from larger electronic stores "with return policies." Geez, get a grip.

    And I agree, I always buy my electronics at Siam or the large electronic store at Airport Plaza. Completely legit and western style return policies.

    Northernjohn, I specifically said "some kiosks" and then pointed out a particular one. I shop at Panthip all the time and have bought computers and accesories from the other floors. This experience has reminded me to always look for businesses that offer a return policy and to hopefully remind others to do the same.

    Sorry you misunderstood. It helps if you re-read posts a few times before commenting to avoid embarrassment.

    Thanks for backing me up BuddhaMind smile.png

    You had me fooled to with the Title

    Panthip Plaza. Lesson Learned.

    Maybe you ought to learn to write articles about your titles.

    You aren't by any chance a reporter for the Nation are you?

    Perhaps BuddhaMind ought to learn to read titles.

    Only fools get fooled. The title is what makes people click and read. I thing you clicked but didn't read. Thanks for proving my title was effective.

    • Like 1
  14. For shoddy business practices at one kiosk you are going to condemn the whole mall. I have never had a problem with office depot. Should I say the whole mall is wonderful. Stay away from it and you will also be staying a way from one of the best computer repairmen in Chiang Mai.

    Yes I know there is a lot of other ones who are good but why avoid one because of a badly run kiosk on another floor.

    Where did the OP say stay away from Pantip Plaza? He said the kiosk across from "the book store." And then he goes on to talk about his experience at "this place," and that he will look at buying from larger electronic stores "with return policies." Geez, get a grip.

    And I agree, I always buy my electronics at Siam or the large electronic store at Airport Plaza. Completely legit and western style return policies.

    Northernjohn, I specifically said "some kiosks" and then pointed out a particular one. I shop at Panthip all the time and have bought computers and accesories from the other floors. This experience has reminded me to always look for businesses that offer a return policy and to hopefully remind others to do the same.

    Sorry you misunderstood. It helps if you re-read posts a few times before commenting to avoid embarrassment.

    Thanks for backing me up BuddhaMind :)

    • Like 2
  15. I'm always baffled by the lack of customer service at some of the kiosks in Panthip Plaza. Notably the one directly in front of the book store that sells Phones and Acccesories. How is that these mongrels stay in business? If I purchase something yesterday and today I return it because its a fake and doesn't work the way it's advertised, you would think one should get their money back. Right? No! Not here!! Stay away from this place. I've learned my lesson. I will only buy from large electronic stores with return policies. Just happy I didn't loose much money on this item.

  16. Something fishy about this story, how did BIB's find him so fast and why would he give up without a shootout?

    My bet is he turned himself in and the BIB's want to take all the credit for it. clap2.gif

    Fishy? Just because the police here are corrupt etc. doesn't mean they are not good at doing the jobs they are supposed to do.

    Why give up without a shoot out? hmmmm wasn't a good day to die comes to mind.

    I comment the BIB on catching this bastard and hope they really do hang em high

    I agree, let's give credit where credit is due. Great work to the men involved in apprehending this POS. As I stated earlier, I hope he rots in a roach infested prison cell for the rest of his miserable life!!

  17. Phuket really is an utter dump. When will people learn?

    And where do you live? Isaan nowhere, Bangkok Smog, Polluted Pattaya, Hua Hin golf course, Songkla bomb site?

    Phuket has a reasonable infrastructure, Good hospitals, an International Airport and food from all over the world!!!

    I have lived here for 10 years and don't intend to move in a hurry, it has night life if you want it and beaches second to none. I don't catch tuk tuks (very often) hardly ever go jet skiing and can usually bribe my way out of anything!

    There is a good expat community and a fair choice of way of life. Sure the greed factor needs cleaning up but it starts at the top, it flows down hill. No different to anywhere else in Thailand! Of course if you can't afford to live here or your own country that's a different matter. You probably expect Western service for "Thai" prices too.

    Maybe it is more expensive than other places in Thailand but honestly $30 for an hour cab ride when the driver has to go both ways (to return)? Is it as bad as our homeland(s). The tuk tuk's wouldn't have to extort people (as much) if they weren't being extorted.

    However I don't condone violence and if the (corrupt) BIB attempted to uphold the law this sh1t wouldn't happen (as often).

    "Beaches second to none"

    Dood, you really need to get off that thing you call an island!

  18. My wife's brother has a "wife" who refuses to go back to the area as her old drug dealing bf has said he would kill her the next time he saw her. I had always thought that that didn't make sense- it was a senseless fear. This video shows me she likely is justified in her fears.

    I'm wondering if other persons like this man may actually feel inspired by his actions. There's always some percentage of the population that side with the perpertrator. That's the sickening part

    Your brother in-law's wife is one of the smart ones!

    There's CCTV everywhere and it's almost as if this sicko did the dance for the camera. Thailands biggest mistake is putting these horrific acts on air for the sick pleasure of the killer.

    I hope they dont kill him. Let him rot in a roach infested Thai prison cell!!

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