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Posts posted by chiangmaisurprise

  1. I've had several debates with rabid Bitcoin fanatic friends and for me it always comes down to the viability of an alternative form of currency. The biggest problem you have is that once it grows to a certain size governments are going to start looking at it seriously.

    There's a reason why governments like to track the flow of currency in an economy. Taxation, money laundering (specifically as it relates to illegal activities), and forecasting economic trends.

    Nearly every country has restrictions on how much money you can physically bring into or out of their country. Similarly, they have computerized methods for flagging transactions above a certain level. They obviously take this money tracking stuff seriously. To think they would simply allow another form of moving money that they can't track or control is wishful thinking.

    You can argue until you're blue in the face about it being better or more secure or people's rights to privacy or whatever but when do governments listen to logic when large corporate interests or their own interests fall into conflict with something?

    I've never argued that it's a bad idea. It's simply that the chances of any major government allowing citizens to freely transfer funds without any control over that process is not very realistic.

    But hey, the guys that really invented Facebook put 20m into a Bitcoin Trust. Must mean its good right??

  2. Can someone point me in the right direction to an electronic store that would carry a 12volt cigarette lighter harness kit? I would like to install on my new PCX 150 to charge my iphone etc.

    I've tried Amorn which I was told was the radio shack of Chiang Mai. They didn't have anything close to what I needed.

    I'm not opposed to taking it to a place that can install for me as long as they do good work.

    Any info would be most appreciated.

  3. It's all relative to the needs of the end user IMO. The wonderful thing about prepay is, if you don't like it, don't use it! I look forward to switching from TrueMoveH to DTAC. I'm optimistic that TriNet will be a better DTAC, but time will only tell. I'm also considering giving AIS a go. As crazy as all these telecom companies can be, it sure beats the heck out of being burnt into a Verizon or AT&T contract back home.

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