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Everything posted by 10baht

  1. BS, it is NOT not unusual - I have had 1000's of cab rides and know 10's of friends who have also had 100's of cab rides and never has anyone had a cabbie pull a knife. Many time the taxi refuses to use his meter, bad actors but no violence. Your hyperbole is sick.
  2. So says Mr Aviation 🧑‍✈️ 555. please book me on the next flight you pilot.
  3. It is not the 105 baht it is the fact that some taxi drivers are cheaters - in fact on Monday I tried to catch a taxi on Sukhumvit at around 7:45 am. One didn't want to go where I was headed, a second offered 150 baht ( and I had made this trip a lot and if it were raining I might go 60 to 75 baht meterless) but the 3rd guy said " ok meter ". We get there for 45 baht. I gave him a 100 and said make it 60 baht, he didn't have change and gave me 50 back. See some are ok drivers. Of course where he dropped me off mostly has a waiting fare- and it did this time.
  4. This has been in forced on all my flights for the past 10 years.
  5. Sounds like 90% of Americans in Thailand .... Are you just a bigot or a crazy deranged A-whole. I can't believe you can actually read and write if you believe that. I know personally at least 2 dozen Americans here in Thailand and "ZERO" would come close to perverted or have anger issues. Maybe young sex tourists may have some shades of perversion issues as do many horny Western men. But OMG if to are not saying this tongue in cheek then head to the nearest hospital for a brain scan. Oh, forget it, they can’t scan an empty head.
  6. 150k BAHT not euros or US$. That's 150000/35 = $4286 = next to nothing in the land of the Big PX.
  7. Sorry I can't find where Bank Of America is sending information to The Revenue Department of Thailand
  8. What are the penalties if anything is mistakenly reported or forgotten to report by mistake. Also if toy make $40,000.00 - jointly - and it is all Social Security income and only bring $39,000.00 to Thailand to live on, what do you report??? ZERO?
  9. And unless you tell them how will they even know you have a pension?
  10. I don't understand how the Thai government can know what interest a US bank pays you? Or the amount of dividends you may receive from a brokerage account, or the profit you make on the sale of stock? Of the sale of anything? Like a house. If you receive rent ?? how will they know about that?
  11. I wonder how the Thai population keeps increasing? Overstays?
  12. Play baby play, oh don't forget your new TT ! That's short for Thai Taxes
  13. I find your comment more than a bit strange, open eyes, sure there are exceptions , but the facts are the facts.
  14. Was he not from China ? Or not from Thailand? Or both or what?
  15. Doesn't this just show you what kind of people they are?
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