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Everything posted by 10baht

  1. No, it is not worth the money to give anything to Thailand that may end up in China's hands to copy.
  2. Living, retiring, in a country and working in a country are two different animals. I worked as an expat in countries like the UK, Colombia, Suriname, Cameroon just to name a few. And even though I didn't speak much Spanish working in S. America was far more enjoyable than putting up with the nanny state BS of Europe. Living here has its ups and downs. I don't know about working here.
  3. Are you kidding? Have you not seen what the US federal reserve has been doing with interest rate?
  4. Great, lowers demand and helps fight inflation, and we will not be exposed to your gems? ????
  5. Then who does he recommend and why? I can say my Som Tum lady should not be the next PM. But in truth she may be a welcome change. ????
  6. "claiming" is the key word. They need to kick the bumbs out - the ones really gaming the system
  7. Now I understand why all the law abiding Thais who are good at following orders have a basket on their motor bike. To hold their helmets in case of a check point. ????
  8. Good for everything, tourism, exports, russians . Oh no, sorry.
  9. It took long enough for someone to point this out. And the Thai police should take motor bikes away from those without a real helmet. There are too many out there not wearing them. That would cut the death rate by more than 50%
  10. When the sun doesn't shine on you "free" solar panals? Yes, governments are money addicts.
  11. Green Green pay the machine. If the world ,not just Thailand , actually mostly the EU and the USA, had not vilified big oil for all the wrong reasons and had created a reasonably workable transition plan we would not be in this high cost for fuel situation. And transition is not my choice of words, it's Green speak. It should have been an enhancement energy plan. And if you don't see it coming like you didn't see this, just wait for when all the EV's have to pay for electricity at the new Green rate + in the USA, no more subsidies and actually having to pay taxes of some sort to replace the taxes not collected because less gas is being sold.
  12. Weed out the bad apples so to speak?????
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