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Posts posted by brummiebob

  1. Found an overclockers board in Thai with a thread from 2007


    They said they managed to get 3 litre from a supplier in Bangkok called "Thonburi Oxygen" [email protected] 024579391-2,024670178,

    70 Baht per litre but you need special storage tank to bring home is 20,000 for 3 litre tank and 40,000 for 20 litre tank

    The guy that did it said he manage to run through 40-60 litre per sessions, so driving up and down from Bangkok might not be ideal. (mind you this is a thread from 2007 so note the price)

    So if you have the right storage, the local supplier might sell you some apparently cattle rearer also uses them in small amount to store semen, so try ringing around the local gas supplier

  2. Although there may be rules regarding maritime traffic and such, I think the port authority is pretty lax in enforcing them, you'll probably get harassed more by the boys in brown for towing your boat to the ramp from you home.

    There seems to be many military base beach and shipping channels around here, what's the best to get familiarised though? hanging around Oceans Marina and Varuna Yacht Club is a bit out of my price range.

    I regularly sail Lasers and Hobie cats in a lake in Bangkok and would like to try out something bigger around here since I am in Pattaya more, but last time I enquired about joining these esteemed establishments I had quite shock.

  3. There's an agent that just opened up on Central road on the left as you head out towards Sukhumvit pass Foodland and Powerbuy, looks like they could process loans and such but doesn't look like an actual branch, so I don't know if they will offer full service, I have a payment due in a week time's I'll report back if they do take it

  4. Even in gas form they can be quite lethal in closed room, causing asphyxiation as it drives out the oxygen around you.

    I've seen the big tanks in Bangkok Hospital and the Somdej Something Govenment Hospital in Sriracha, but getting them to sell it to you might be a problem?

    Curious though, do you absolutely needs liquid nitrogen? Dry Ice are more readily available, they only cost 30.- baht for a block of a kilogram,

  5. Happens all the time at the mobile phone shows in Bangkok, get in line from when the door opens, handed a queue number, wait around half a day for a chance to buy some newfangled thing at a discount, then have to show a receipt of something else bought at the show.

    if the hassle is worth it to you, go ahead, usually at one of these things it's the only time you'll get discounts from the manufacturers' set price while it's still the current model.

  6. Beggars are obvious enough, but the not so obvious ones like rose seller in wheelchair seems to be in a grey area, does the proceeds goes to their own pocket or do they have minders or mafia that they have to pay off?

  7. I seem to see a lot of 'aspirational' Thai girls cruising Coffee shops like Starbuck's on beach road during the daylight hours, as whether or not they are 'professionals' I can't really tell, but they seem to target the younger tourists, the type that would hire a jetskis/motorbikes

  8. I don't recall ever being in a multi-story shopping mall in Thailand that is obviously more of a fire trap than TukCom. I can't think of another place that allows vendors to operate on the stairs!

    MBK in Bangkok used to be pretty bad, and I'm sure there are some second rate malls in Pratu Nam or near the Victory Monument that would give Tuk Com a run for your money in that regard, who knows what the upcountry Tuk Com in Isan or Rayong would be like though?

  9. I don't think depreciation works the way they do here like in Europe/UK/Australia/US 'back home'

    In the UK, you could go to auctions and get 5-10 years old for under a grand, say 50,000 baht, probably an MOT failure, could even be a Mercedes or BMW, but even you could coax a few years of life from it, that's good value

    but cars in Thailand never seem to get that cheap, even though they can repair a lot of what the west would consider 'written off' there never seem to be any market for cars below six figures here. do they just rust away or turns to scrap?

    I've been to the big car junkyard market in Samutprakarn and all the scraps there seems to be imported in and breakdown for parts, so what happens to old Thai cars? do they get scrap for metal only? or passed down the foodchain to other countries?

  10. Maybe the Pattaya haters has to live here by necessities like finances, not by choice as opposed to people who aren't inclined towards Bangkok or Phuket or even Chiangmai, most would not choose to live there or can move out.

    People that has to live in Pattaya for the cheap accommodation probably can't move anywhere else cheaper, cause that would means loss of cheap entertainment/western foods and let's face it, ego massage given by the ladies of Pattaya

  11. The second hand car lots used to be under a tent, even though they have moved to semi-permanent roof, the term 'tent' is still used and reflects the nature that they could fold up and disappear at any minute

  12. Bangkok bank is a bit anal about making you go back to your original branch to do stuff like replace bank book or cards.

    From my experience the purple bank SCB does allow making new card and new bank book in branches other than the one that you open the account in. The green K bank too I think.

  13. K bank is the best for online stuff

    K bank has a virtual credit card for people that can't get/wont use proper credit card called "K-Web Shopping Card" that you can use for online shops that doesn't accept debit cards, with added protection of delayed deduction of funds from your account, allowing things like disputing the charge or putting a hold on suspect charge, which is better protection than if you were to use debit card to shop online

    Only bad thing is that their mobile 'app' is a bit iffy, using phone number in header for security, but you can always use the web

  14. there's a guy with a goat farm that makes goats cheese, cream chesse and stuff in the dark side opposite Naklua goes by the name of 'Lulu and Daisy"

    seen some of his products in local supermarkets

  15. The computer stalls I understand, sometime you might need a personalized service, like building a computer and the small mom and pop store can have an advantage here, but as more and more people are buying notebooks, the avenues for these shops to keep making money can only be decreasing,

    the only thing a whole building full of IT shop is good for for me is buying parts, usually these are taken up by chain stores like hardware house or banana, close locations and competition makes price comparison quite easy,

    or stuff like RAM, harddrive and motherboards, but too bad about higher end stuff like quality case, power supply or water cooling or even SSDs, I'd have to go to the IT malls of Bangkok to get that, and even then only a few shops carry the stuff.

    And with online shopping starting to takeoff in Thailand now, I don't even bother getting into my car commodity stuff anymore.

    It used to be that I could go in the place walk around and browse and be delighted and might ended up spending money on things I didn't know I wanted, in that regard Tukkom on south rd has failed; five or six years ago I would go in to the dvd shops and spend about 3-4 grand on tv shows from back home, and porn, but now that broadband is pretty much everywhere, I don't even need that too.

    I hope they'd get it back at the new one next to Foodland.

    Another thing I can't quite comprehend is all the mobile phone stalls though? for second hand phones or accessories like cases and all it makes sense, but some stalls are selling brand new phone for the same price if you were to buy in big shops with flashy salespeople?

    what kind of punters would prefer to buy it of some random stall that could disappear at any moment? how does that work?

    sometime even Tukkom advertise a price for certain phone too? do they just act as a front for TukKom when they are selling new phone? I have seen the girls in the stall run around and fetch or 'borrow' from the next stall a new phone to sell to customers??

  16. AIS has put up a few ads with instruction to sign up for the 'new' 3g in Thai papers is that you dial *988*and your national ID number then# and you'll be enrolled and wait your turn to move to the new service,

    For those of us that don't have thai ID number, I suppose we'll have to go in to the local AIS shop and tell them in person.

    The reason being that the new frequency is bought under a subsidiary company, so technically they just can't move people to the new service automatically, you'll have to explicitly tell them.

  17. even though the traffic has gotten worse and more Bangkok-like, most of the things you need, hospital, bank, supermarket, cinema is quite concentrated together, unlike Bangkok where you might need something 30-50 Km away, but on the flipside, in Bangkok you are spoilt for choice.

    And the choice of authentic western foods at reasonable price, only gripe being that the waitstaff aren't as well trained as in Bangkok, but again we're not charged Bangkok price so no complaint there.

    5-6 years ago the availability of English speaking staff in shops in Bangkok is not as good as Pattaya, and if you go to non-tourist shopping mall some shopassistant might freakout a bit, but now most shops in Bangkok seem to have staff with rudimentary English everywhere now so the advantage for Pattaya is not so clear cut

  18. DHL is more reliable in this parts of the world but on the issue of tax and duties, they will pay the government according to what's declared on the airwaybill everytime, unlike EMS or standard mail where the odd shipment might slip through

  19. The issue is probably more about doggy bad food that has touched the customer's plate and saliva/bacteria in the air that is bound to go off sooner than say, a take away food that's put in the container right away after cooking.

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