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Posts posted by Thaiquila

  1. Show me where it is written that Mr. Karr was convicted of any crime, either in California, or anywhere in the world.

    I think he was CHARGED, not convicted.

    Again, we are presuming his guilt.

    My understanding is that he was out on bail, and failed to show for his trial. You can convict someone in absentia? Perhaps, but again, where is it written that he was?

    Also, again, these were not serious legal charges under the law, and he will not be doing serious time. I do hope he gets a judge who orders him to get psychiatric help. Along with the wealth advisor.

  2. Bank of America does not do personal banking in Thailand at all.....They only do commercial banking so they will be of no help to you if you need their help....at least this is the way it was a few years ago and probably still is.....I have never seen any Bank of America Banks in Thailand except for their commercial banking office in Bangkok which will not do any personal banking transactions they told me.

    Has anyone elso out ther seen any BofA banks in Thailand?

    I believe you are correct. Has not changed and probably won't.

  3. You can have all the criminal creepy fantasies you want. Not a crime.

    Not so, you can be jailed for possession of kiddy porn irrespective of whether you assault anyone.

    Yes so.

    I agree the porn charges are real and never said differently. He will answer to those minor misdemeanor charges in California. That is a specific charge. Thinking and fantasizing isn't a crime.

    However, owning kiddie porn is a crime in many countries and he will have to answer to that.

    Nancy Grace just called Thailand again "THE SEX TRADE CAPITAL OF WORLD"

    The madness never stops!

  4. Lets wait and see the final outcome remember they (FBI) were interested in this character in connection with another case. They managed to get him back to USA because of the emotion of the publized case.

    Has anyone seen this in the Thai Newspapers ??????

    Really, what case? I think you are wrong. I also think there is an excellent chance that this man is a pedo in his fantasies only. Now that he is world famous, if there is a real life victim, they will surely come forward. None yet. I bet none ever.

    Hes a talker. Hes a (w)anker. According the the Bloom residence, he never went out after 6 PM. You can have all the criminal creepy fantasies you want. Not a crime.


  5. to be sneering and taunting the authorities with cries of "i told you so" for falling for his delusions is surely missing the point. this country is better off without him .

    as for him making vast amounts of money out of this , well even i would credit the american media with more sense than to promote the story of a pornography addicted paedophile who has also confessed to the murder of a child.

    I personally was talking about the US MEDIA, namely FOX and CNN.

    They have been thoroughly embarassed by this rush to judgement and they deserve to be reviled for their shameless folly. These are truly not news outlets, but rather delivers of propoganda and infotainment.

    As far as crediting the American media with anything, you have really got to be kidding. This guy will write at least one book or have a ghostwriter write it, and the world will eat it up. I would bet the house that within 2 years this guy will either be filthy rich or dead because I also think he is a serious suicide risk. He badly needs a very good psychiatrist and also probably a wealth management advisor.

  6. He may be innocent of the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, but he still faces charges in California.

    True. Misdemeanor charges. It is likely he will serve some time because he skipped the country with open charges. But he might be treated by the law like anyone else, and my guess is he will get minor time, time to work on his book, ala Martha Stewart.

    This guy is not the criminal of the century. Just because he is seriously weird doesn't merit hanging him.

    Could be charged with wasting police time - as he happily confessed to it!

    No chance. He didn't invite the arrest in Thailand. They chased him down, and then he flipped out.

    There also was never a clear confession. Just a bunch of ambiguous, vague statements, clearly the ramblings of a nutter seeking fame. And boy did he get it.

    On the contrary, if I was a lawyer, I would be lining up a list of people he can sue.

  7. He may be innocent of the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, but he still faces charges in California.

    True. Misdemeanor charges. It is likely he will serve some time because he skipped the country with open charges. But he might be treated by the law like anyone else, and my guess is he will get minor time, time to work on his book, ala Martha Stewart.

    This guy is not the criminal of the century. Just because he is seriously weird doesn't merit hanging him.

  8. Don't cry for Mr. Carr.

    He already has a movie deal (I think), not to mention the potential book deals, etc.

    I don't think the case will ever be solved. It is a very cold case.

    Lets get real. Since Mr. Carr was arrested, there were no doubtful scores of heinous crimes against children committed all over the globe.

    Why the absurd obsession on one ten year old case? Its nuts.

    And Mr. Karr has exploited our collective nuttiness and is about to become crazy rich.

    For those considering jumping out of a window in despair, consider the Mr. Karr wealth building plan.

    Only in America?

  9. Ha ha ha ha!

    I told you so.

    This guy is going to become SO RICH now it isn't even funny.

    He will be able to buy his old Bloom residence in Bangkok many times over.

    He might have to face some minor misdemeanor charges in California, but compared to what he will gain, a mere triviality.

    Egg on so many faces. Fox, CNN, etc. etc.

    Just desserts.

  10. I would interpret the above that you can use the card in Thailand if the networks match, but that there will be a fee. Outrageous fees are becoming a lot more common. As a tourist, I don't think this is such a big deal.

    There is another thing I would be concerned about. In my experience, with ATMs in the sticks, even if they have the proper network symbols, I have found a higher incidence of the machine spitting out the card (in different countries). Could be worse. Laos or Vietnam.

  11. You will need to bring in cash to these areas. If you know where your destinations are, check the network symbols on your bank cards, then you can locate the Thai banks that accept these on the web (perhaps). Maybe there are larger towns not so far from your destinations that have ATM machines.

    You should also inform your bank of your trip; otherwise they might possibly freeze your account.

  12. :o Got to be many more foreign criminals in the US than any other country in the world. :D

    In the US who needs foreign criminal gangs when we have Republicans. Why should Thailand go after Toxin when the US lets similar financial crooks like Frank Quattrone go free.

    Why should Thailand care what the US does? Seems they are more interested in what China is doing.

    As far as the case against Mr. Carr. If he is convicted without DNA evidence, I will eat my hat.


    Much ado about a most probably innocent wacko.

    A soon to be VERY RICH innocent wacko. Doesn't he already have a Hollywood movie deal? I doubt he plotted this, but the guy is crazy, crazy like a fox.

  13. I would get a DOUBLE ENTRY tourist visa in the US. That way, you can stay in Thailand the first over 30 day stay, then leave, and come back and use your second entry for that 60 day stay. Be sure to explain your itinerary to the Thai embassy/consulate so that the second entry is still valid for your second stay. The first entry will always be good for 90 days from issuance. The second entry validity can vary. For example, I had a double entry where BOTH the first and second entry were only valid for 90 days from issuance. Not so good, so be sure to be clear about that issue with the embassy/consulate.

    Bon voyage!

  14. Perhaps you are referring to a previous mention of a payment to have the pot of moolah put in your account for the visa qualifying period. Yes, sounds illegal, but if "officials" are involved, I am sure it is Kosher (joking).

    Your title raises a question for me. I realize you need an embassy letter if trying to claim a pension, but if you are qualifying purely on bank account amount, it is my understanding you do NOT need an embassy letter.

    Can a visa guru please confirm?

  15. Wilko, don't you find it ironic that English want to import Indians from England to cook curries in Thailand?

    No more ironic than Yanks banging on about Mexican food in Thailand , ie only USA based Mex food is good , plus India is a ###### sight closer to Los than Yucatan.... :o

    Not the same.

    I don't know if there is decent Mexican food in Europe (I suspect there might be in places like Madrid and Paris), but authentic Mexican style or Mexican/American style is just not generally available in Thailand (with a few possible exceptions I haven't tried yet). And the stuff passed off as Mexican food is mostly vile and an insult to Montezuma. Excellent Indian food on the other hand, Indian style Indian food is available at quite a number of places in Thailand, mostly in Bangkok, some in Pattata, etc. And another funny thing is that Brits sometimes act like they are the only farang nationality that enjoys Indian food.

    There are over one million Asian Indians in the US for example, and alot of them are running great restaurants, usually serving Indian style Indian food to mostly other Indians. There is a kind of USA style Indian food, that is basically just Indian style Indian food toned down in spice (yuck).

    BTW, I tried that Neeroys dive in Pattaya. Do you Brits actually consider that GOOD Brit style Indian food? It was rather awful and I decided not to return. And yes I have tried good Brit style in London, especially like the really spicy baltis.

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