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Posts posted by Thaiquila

  1. And for people who are being booted out of Thailand based on these recent changes...

    Which people ? Please argument.

    My understanding is that lot of people living in Thailand will have to ask for a Tourist Visa

    when they used to make simple Visa Run. Nothing more.

    They can continue to stay (to work ? :o ) in Thailand. Nothing really change for them.


    The somewhat clear intention of this current crackdown is to prevent people to live in Thailand acting as a tourist. Yes, there is this proposal of yet another loophole. But remember only SINGLE ENTRIES are being offered, and there is no evidence whatsoever yet whether even single entries will be offered to those who acquire 3 30 days after Oct. 1. So many people do feel indeed like they are being booted out. Not to mention the English teachers who desperately want a work permit and can't get one. I feel the greatest sympathy for them. Being criminalized for basically almost giving away their services when compared to wages in other Asian countries. This is not a black and white issue. Lots of good people are getting hurt.

  2. If you panic each time the government change the visa regulations, you'd better not come to Thailand.

    Or any developping countries, for that matter... :o

    Interesting you say this, but in my observations, Thailand does indeed change their visa rules more often than other developing countries I know about. And for people who are being booted out of Thailand based on these recent changes, when should they panic exactly?

  3. Well, well, well who is that scum that make the bom blasts, that for sure are not falangs that spend every month 40.000Bath.

    Belief me the land of smile change in the land off tears.


    LOS is so last year.

    I prefer instead the Hub of Crackdowns. Or HOC for short. Patent pending. Check for details at www.thailand-hubofcrackdowns.com (another fine Shinawatra Media Enterprise)

  4. I will believe it when I see it (hear it here). We won't really know for sure until after Oct 1 and after people with 3 30 days after Oct 1 go to Penang and try to get a tourist visa. Then, we will see for sure. With the fickleness of this new change, how could anyone confidently plan their lives based on the comments of this one official?

  5. Next step in the hub of crackdowns: Retirees!

    Be on the lookup for the immigration retirement verifiers:

    Are they really retired or is it fake retirement?

    Are they relaxed? Talk too fast? Suspicious.

    Do they own a Lazy Boy Lounge chair?

    How many times per week do they have a cocktail and stare at the sunset?

    Is their viagra supply well stocked?

    Enough gray hairs to look the part?

    Fat enough?

    Thailand doesn't want FAKE retirees!

  6. I want get a retirement visa. I have rental income in the USA. What do I need to present to the USA embassy to get verification to minimize the cash I need in the bank in Thailand for a retirement visa?

    Comments from anyone who has done this?

    Thank you.

    Just go to the Embassy, give them your passport and ask for a 'Notarial" or 'Affadavit' for a retirement visa. Fill it out putting the amount you receive every month, (at least $2,000 per month) and pay the $30 fee or Thai Baht equivalent and Bob's your uncle.



    Why did you say AT LEAST 2,000 dollars per month?

    Alot of people receive pensions way under that?

    Surely you can put in any figure that is accurate.

    If you mean the 2,000 would cover the 800K baht, well, yes it would.

  7. Isn't the flaw in this logic the uncertainty about whether consulates/embassies in neighboring countries will issue even the single entry tourist visa to people with passports chock full 'o stamps?????

    I don't see how anyone can be certain they will. Didn't we already have a report from Penang from someone in a similar case who was denied?

  8. I don't get it.

    Thai used cars seem to hold their resale value much better than in the US (not sure about other countries).

    There seems to be some real paradoxes about this --

    -- Thais culturally seem to not like USED things

    -- I have heard time and time again Thais don't maintain their used cars as well as farangs, is this really true?

    So why would a commodity that is not well maintained and not valued so much hold its value so well. Please "splane" it me. The only thing I can think of is plain greed and stubbornness. The mentality that well I paid a million baht for this, no matter the thing is five years old and 150 kilometers, I want most of my money back! You should be glad I ain't charging interest.

  9. Regarding a farang riot, of course thats silly.

    The Mexicans in the US tried a "day without Mexicans" political action where illegal workers were encouraged to take a fake sick day. It flopped big time, because they are actually illegals with no visas, so they are understandably afraid of being fired.

    It is a fun fantasy to imagine a "day without farangs" in Thailand. Farangs could hide in their hotels or condos and not teach English, not run important businesses, not spend money in so many ways ...

    I don't advise this. The Thais might like that day too much and get some more bright ideas.

  10. If you live here and are not on a proper Visa, you are breaking the law.

    If you have any kind of valid stamp or visa in your passport (not on overstay) please name the law you are breaking?

    That would be if you are here without having a visa. :o

    I think we all understood madi`s point.

    Correct. Illegal without a valid visa or stamp. Legal with any kind of visa or stamp. Madi was stating living in Thailand was illegal without a specific kind of visa, but I seriously doubt there is any such law. So, if there is, can someone state it?

  11. LivinLOS,

    while your suggestion would certainly enable more foreigners to stay in Thailand, you are buying into the Thai government's argument that more financial security=better quality foreigner. This is sometimes the case - eg in the case of those farangs whose sole aim in being here is to live dirt cheap and drink or f-ck themselves to death, or those who maintain themselves via working illegally without seeking work permits.

    However, in the last few days I have met 3 single/divorced people who don't have the required 800,000 available at call for a retirement visa, and whose o/s funds fall shy of the monthly income requirement. These are decent men and women who live frugally and work as volunteers in orphanages, and give free English lessons. Respectful and giving people, who would like the chance to stay but cannot. I feel sorry that these people are discriminated against by a government that equates "quality" with the size of a foreigner's bank balance.

    Well these lovely people could still qualify for the retirement visa. If their pension is 500K, they would only need to show a 300K bank account. If they can't raise that amount of savings, they are kind of living on the edge.

    I totally agree that some of the most wonderful people on earth are poor people. However, realistically, Thailand and any country is acting understandably in its best interest to not invite retirees with no resources. Why should they? They have enough Thais without resources, why invite foreign ones?

    I am not aware of any retirement visa program in the world where showing some minimum amount of resources is not required. Some require much less than Thailand, some much more. I personally think the 800K is actually somewhat higher than is really needed to retire in Thailand for many people, but these fine points are of course, up to them. And of course, retirees are not compelled to spend the 800K each year.

  12. Being in Thailand on a 30 day stamp is LEGAL. Why are people calling such people ILLEGAL?

    That seems to be your interpretation. Three 30 day stamps back to back are now considered legal. Four 30 day stamps will be considered illegal and will not be granted.... within the parameters of the new enforcement.

    OK, this is semantic.

    If someone has three 30 day chops in their passport, and an official stamps them a fourth time, they are still LEGAL. Any valid stamp, any valid visa means you are legally staying in Thailand.

    It is annoying to have people refer to long stayers using whatever method, friendly consulates, multi entry tourist visas, and 30 day stamps as ILLEGAL. If they got (or get in the future) the stamp or visa, they are 100 percent legal.

    Illegal activities are SEPERATE from visa status and it is just not fair to criminalize a person's visa status.

  13. Thailand isn't the only country with retirement visa programs. There are such all over the world in countries at a similar stage of development as Thailand. It is a hot ticket for many countries, and Thailand is competing with these countries for quality retirees. Some of these countries have come to the solution of the earlier retirement issue by having a TWO TIERED system of financial requirements. The younger retirees are asked to show MORE money.


    There is logic behind this. If you are 35 and claiming to be wealthy enough to retire, you certainly need more money to see you through an average life span than the 60 year old. Thailand could consider this, and attract a nice class of young playboys. Oops. Guess that's not what they want? Oh, jeez, who really knows what they want?

  14. If you give up your US citizenship, the IRS will still go after you and legally can go after you, especially if they suspect you gave up your American citizenship to evade taxes.

    I think there are some Caribbean countries where you can buy citizenship/passport: Grenada and Dominica for example.

    Leaving the US because of bush is kind of silly. He is on his way out. Hallelujah!


    It used to be pretty easy to get a passport from Belize ...Probaby still is!

    Yes, USED to be.

    Belize has CANCELLED this program. Too late.

  15. at least it will reduce the exposure of others to the immensely sad and degrading sight of a busload of unshaven , sleepy , baggy eyed , scruffy falangs tumbling out of a bus in a cloud of tobacco smoke and beer fumes with their plastic carrier bags , to be herded like humiliated lemmings by some impatient driver/agent to the immigration sheds of a neighbouring country in order to fill out endless forms so as to qualify for the dubious priveledge of being able to do it all over again a month or two later.

    it is no way for a country to run an immigration policy , nor should visitors be stripped of their dignity by being made to go through this pathetic charade.

    i hope a better way will be found to allow visitors to remain in this country for extended periods.

    Agreed! But that is not what is happening. Stuff is being taken away with nothing to replace it.

    Simple solution, lower the retirement visa age, offer 30 day renewals on stamps in Thailand (similar to Philippines and Belize) and make it much easier for teachers to get work permits. But that isn't the intention of these changes. The intention is to keep a class of people out, but in the process, alot of very decent people are also getting kicked out. Also, it seems quite clear that Thailand government right now does not want people under 50 being in Thailand without working. That of course is their right and no amount of whining is going to change that.

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