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Posts posted by Plus

  1. Honda has for past 12 months caught up with and now passed Toyota sales

    That is true, but before the crisis Honda was creeping up very slowly, on the back of new Jazz, Accord, and City while Toyota has done their upgrades earlier, and they were very evolutionary in nature.

    For Honda it was a comeback after Toyota stunned the market with Camry, and way before that with Vios and Altis.

    Good news for Honda is that new City looks nothing like the old, though it's essentially the same car, while Vios and Altis upgrades make them look old.

    Still any kind of growth in these times is a fluke, by default, especially if a company hasn't rolled any really new models.

  2. Just having some shares of a company that makes also business with state enterprises does not makes the holding MP to a corrupt politician. Before he becomes corrupt, a few further steps and misuse of influence and abuse of his position have to be happen to make it to a corruption scandal.

    Letting businessmen/stockholders with their own vested interests to be in the government and hoping that someone will catch them afterward is the stupidest idea I've heard in a while.

    In the past ten years only two have been punished, the rest got away scott free.

    These odds are overwhelmingly in favour of corruption.

  3. Calling your opponent names is just not fraud!

    What he has done IS fraud, and it fell under election rules, not under criminal/livel laws.

    "your fixation with accusing TRT/PPP/et al with fraud, i.e. vote buying"

    And for the umpteenth time - on the second page of this thread I specifically stated that by-elections in Sakhon Nakhon are legitimate and are not questioned by me.

    Why you keep accusing me of bringing in vote buying, again and again?

    For the umpteenth time - I have NEVER said the current by-elections were won unfairly.

    STOP putting your words in my mouth.

  4. Let what freedom ring?

    Will Thaksin finally put dozens of newspaper editors in jail as he tried in 2002?

    Will he shut down ASTV, as he tried in 2005?

    Will Truth today become the only "truth" available to people?

    Will the widow of the missing muslim lawyer finally accept that her husband just run away, as Thaksin personally explained to the public?

    What will red freedom be like? Will it be more like Chinese great leap forward or more Khmer Rouge style?

    What will be their freedom for their current set of enemies - Privy Council, court system, military, PAD leaders, and middle classes?

  5. If there could be internationally recognized elections, (maybe election monitoring groups from countries that won't be swayed by their own hidden agendas? Finland? Sweden?), resulting in a PM that is allowed to stay in power (with international support) for at least a year, there might be a chance. There needs to be a leader in power for a while, so that the idea of coup stops being commonplace (oh, its Monday? Time to topple the government again!), and so that there is a chance for legal and military reform.

    What reform?

    Are you under illusion that those greedy bastards at the top are not supported by the population? Are you under illusion that if there was no vote buying then some real reformists will emerge as leaders?

    This topic is about reds, whose goal is to bring back Thaksin and give him back what he stole from the country, and they believe it will be good for democracy.

    He already had his chance at "reform" - stuffing all the top positions with his cronies and relatives and stealing on an unprecedented scale. At the moment all regional bosses in red party are Thaksin's relatives, as he doesn't trust anyone else.

    The only group that wants a meaningful reform is PAD - they want to completely redraw the political scene and separate politics from big money, but who will listen to them? Certainly not red "democrats".


    In the paper Nation today there's a photo of some red ceremony with a monk holding "We want democracy by non-violence" sign. I don't know if it's the same monk who was trying to kill the Prime Minister back in April.

  6. yeah, it's all so complicated now.

    I got 600 baht "nokia" mp3 player, no fancy stuff, installation CDs, nothing, just drag and drop.

    On a minus side it doesn't do "shuffle" or "loop", just point to a folder with two little keys and click to play.

    I'm tempted to buy a proper mp3 player, but all I listen to is audiobooks and songs ripped from internet radio stream, so no tags, no info, no way to organise them, just file names I give myself - june1.mp3, june2.mp3 and so on.

    When I use the phone, with Windows Media player, it's a real hel_l. The stupid Samsung doesn't have an option of deleting old playlists, even if you erase all the files.

    I guess it has something to do with the new generation of idiots who put up with this crap.

  7. I think it's possible to download English language pack for Nero, I've done it before.

    It's good, easy to use, though you might find that Alcohol120 is better. I use PowerIso for opening .bin/.cue files and other CD images, but it doesn't do file conversion, I use Nero for that.

    Actually I use Linux, it's all covered there already, I mean when I boot into Windows I use PowerIso, and, frankly speaking, I never bother with converting videos to burn them.

  8. So the former Prime Minister during the American hostage crisis is calling for regime overthrow, even if he clearly lost an election.

    That's a parallel, seeing how reds don't accept that the govt has the majority of elected MPs.

    Will it be like Ukranian orange revolution that brought about a thoroughly corrupt, lawless and ineffective government? That's another parallel for you - it was all in the name of democracy there, too, and they overthrown Russian puppets.

    Or Georgian revolution that brought us Nato/US sponsored aggression against some breakaway republic? I don't remember if the current govt there came through elections, but they definitely had their share of "people's revolutions".

    Or how about Philippines - another people revolution that went sour (against Estrada).

    The traditional mantra that regimes are evil and people revolutions are good doesn't seem to work anymore, as madmen and dictators of all sorts learned to manipulate the crowds to perfection.

  9. BLAH like your "jail sentences deserved by offspring of Chalerm (and Thaksin) - ...a common knowledge" comment, that you can't substantiate.

    Their rap sheet goes back to the nineties, probably starting with falsifying conscription papers, and culminates in shooting a policeman in the head in a crowded pub.

    It IS common knowledge in this country, I'm not going to argue just for the sake of it.

    Asking to substantiate this is a red herring, a bait.

    They are connected to this thread via Thaksin's phone calls and Chalerm being de-facto PTP leader and a spokesman.

  10. combined jail sentences deserved by offspring of Chalerm (and Thaksin)

    ... a common knowledge, ...

    facts instead of emotion please. stick with facts.

    that by-election happen because Mr Pongsak was accused by the EC of breaking the election law by making defamatory remarks about the Puea Pandin Party during his campaign..iconexternallink.jpg for that he got red-carded.

    What has photo of Chalerm sons with Thaksin and their deserved jail sentences got to do with Pongsak and Sakhon Nakhon?


    So he was busted for different kind of electoral fraud, not for vote buying - so what? It was one and a half year ago, Sakhon Nakhon elections were on Sunday, and nowhere did I say that his wife bought votes this time around or that her victory was illegitimate as Catmac alleged I did, several times.

    If he meant Animatic, fine, but he explicitly used MY name.

  11. I am in agreement with you that this is at best a risky unproven allegation to be bandied about even on a web forum.

    If you mean combined jail sentences deserved by offspring of Chalerm (and Thaksin) - it's not an "unproven allegation" but a common knowledge, as these people have been manipulating justice for decades now. The scumbags are universally hated in this country, red/yellow gap doesn't exist for them, and it's sickening to hear about "double standards" from their father.

    I hope disagreements over PAD et al. hasn't forced some people to embrace Youbamroongs "righteousness" instead.

  12. The offspring emerge with all the money in the world, and all the education that that money can buy, but with not an ounce of common sense between them...

    Comparing to who? Graduates from UK government schools? Are we, non-UK posters, supposed to believe that UK elite schools are inferior to their government schools?

    What about Oxford degrees? Do those have any value in the UK? 'cos they do in the rest of the world.

  13. "a wife of a guy caught for buying votes wins an election"

    Is nowhere near

    "They weren't elected - they bought their votes!" ?

    Your statement implies that I question legitimacy of her win and accuse her of vote buying, and you brought it up again after my first request for accuracy:

    I'm simply pointing out the total inability of his detractors to accept the democratic will of the electors in Sakon Nakhon.

    Can you point out exactly where people don't accept outcome of Sakhon Nakhon elections?

  14. i don't see where catmac is trolling here, it's more just you alone and scooby do.

    Catmac said:

    How can dear old Plus and Animatic keep on with their hoary old mantra of "They weren't elected - they bought their votes!"

    I never said anything like that, at least in this thread. How am I supposed to reply to statements like that? It provokes nothing but emotionally charged exchanges on off topic subjects - the purpose of trolling.


    And who is scooby do?

  15. I think I mixed up threads, this topic is indeed new, thanks for correcting.

    In todays LOS ,me too. In every segment. Jazz over Yaris. City over Vios. Civic over Corolla Altis. Accord over Camry.

    So would most buyers in LOS. May numbers just out

    I don't think current sales numbers are indicative of any sustainable trends.

    Car sales all around the world are falling, sharply - that's a trend. Local Honda sales are growing - that's an anomaly that needs explanation.

    I think Honda sales are boosted by brand new City, though it would be interesting to see how other models are stacking against each other, too.

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