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Posts posted by Plus

  1. I found a genuine bug in the latest Ubuntu - it can't get a list of shares from networked windows machine. There's something wrong with underlying program in Gnome that results in connection time out.

    The solution - type the server address in Firefox, get a list of shares, then open them with file managers written for KDE. In my case Dolphin. Don't think I need to go through Firefox routine every time, the share can be mounted in Dolphin and used like a bookmark.

    Finally I got (almost) trouble free Linux, and my Win7 just started playing up with wifi driver.

  2. Opera ... doesn't allow basic Gui personalization.

    That is a ridiculous statement. I lost trust in whatever you got to say about other browsers right there.


    FYI, in Opera you can put all the toolbars, panels, tabs, buttons etc anywhere you want - left, right, top, bottom, in drag and drop fashion, you can reduce or enlarge icons and change color scheme, and that's right out of the box, before you get to play with hundreds of downloadable skins and custom buttons for every feature imaginable.

    Firefox has still long way to go in that sense.

  3. You might want to look through the previous fifteen pages of the thread. That's what they are there for.

    I even posted a collection of headlines about "hundreds of dead" reported by western media (that's the "and co").

    I'm calling it fiction because after the Rohingya were interviewed in their own language it was discovered that journos only talked to their handlers, the traffickers themselves, the only ones who could speak English, and they told the media all kinds of stories that included man eating sharks and what not.

    From the memory only a couple of people died, guys who attempted to swim to the shore.

  4. Of course he has been charged for that speech and subsequently forced out of office. What exactly pushed FCCT, a legal entity, to distribute copies of that speech is beyond me. Just how dumb you must be to get yourself drawn in a political struggle in a foreign country and caught selling what could be easily classifed as subversive propaganda after Jakrapob called for guerilla war?

    The content of that speech has been all over Internet already, there's no urgency to dissimenate the "news" whatsoever.

  5. No you got it wrong....again.Jakrapob's appearance at the FCCT was long before the events of April this year.

    By that logic earlier sermons against the US by Osama, for example, are ok to sell on DVDs because that was before he actually ordered flying planes into WTC (even if allegedly).

    Certainly he made some rather wild comments earlier this year but they were just that, comments.

    He said the red movement would resort to armed guerilla struggle. You try "comments" like that against any western country and see how long before all law enforcement agencies will be after your sorry ass.

  6. When we have folks like Thaksin setting standards for fairness there's no hope at all. He doesn't feel like stakeholder himself, to begin with, he is a leech. You need statesmen at the top, people who put country's interests above their own, true patriots, and I don't know if any exist outside traditional elites and top military guys like Prem and Sorayud. Every one else just wants to have a good time at the expense of others.

    I doubt guys you mentioned did not reach beyond their army/state salary (quick Google search proves it).

    They probably have, if speaking in absolute terms. The practicality demands relative comparisons and you can't even put Thaksin and Surayud/Prem appetitites on the same scale.

    The danger with unselfish, benevolent statesmen is that they get drunk with power over time, and start to equate themselves with the state. It's not only money that corrupts and makes people bend the rules.

    Surayud resigned as soon as his mission was accomplished and I don't believe in Prem's personal involvment in politics, he's too old and fragile to pull the strings as reds have alleged.

    What makes a true democracy is checks & balances -- it's not so much the ability to *elect* a leader (Hitler and W were both elected), but the ability for voters to kick one out of office when he proves incompetent. Same with corruption -- it will always exist, but elements of the system should keep each other in check. It always takes a fair number of honest and brave people for this, but they are not sufficient -- framework must allow and encourage them to do things right. The survey indicates that in Thailand this is not the case -- corruption-fighters won't get much moral statisfaction or popular approval in Thai society.

    Emphasis mine.

    With red leaders or Thaksin himself you can't expect ANY accountability. No comparison to Surayud/Democrats there.

  7. The govt said he can apply for travelling document at any Thai consulate.

    Red shirts forgot their own sermors about sanctity of constitutions and want the monarchy to be officially involved in a political spat (this is how they see it themselves).

    Three years ago they were ready to crucify Abhisit for even thinking about that.

  8. Let's see if I got this right - Jakrapob Penklair is currenty on the run and he openly advocates military struggle against Thai state, and foreign correspondents distribute DVDs of his speech???? Have they gone nuts???

    There apparently isn't a single brain cell left in there.

    They shouldn't try stuff like that even at home, forget while working as journalists in a foreign country.

  9. test.jpg

    What you see is what to be said an entry level test leaked from Russian army. Here is the translation: “Six questions that help to identify any hidden psychological diseases young soldier might. If the soldier can’t see the number in one of the 6 circles on the test picture, the he likely might having:

    Can’t see circle 1: High agression, proneness to conflict, the recommendation is to add more physical excercise and cold showers.

    Can’t see circle 2: Possible low than average intellectual abilities, can’t serve with sophisticated equipment.

    Can’t see circle 3: Possible debauchery, soldier should get increased daily ration, should get more physical activity tasks, should not be connected to food supplies, etc.

    Can’t see circle 4: Possible inclination to violence, can be assigend as a leader to his unit, as he can preserve discipline.

    Can’t see circle 5: Possible latent homosexuality. Can be light uncontrolled accesses of attraction to the same sex.

    Can’t see circle 6: Possible schizophreanic tendency. Required additional inspection.

  10. The OP asked for a 40k notebook.

    MacbookPro - 13'' screen, 2.2GH processor, 2GB ram, 160GB hard disk - 46k.

    Vaio - 14'' screen 2.4Gh processor, 3GB ram, 320 GB hard disk - 39k.

    There's cheaper MacBook, for 37k, but with specs even lower.


    And you will never hear reasonable explanation why Apple has a tiny market share, only pages of sales pitches about why it's the best in the world.

    I guess suckers will have to find out themselves why nobody else buys Apple.


    BMW has something like 0.6% market share in Thailand, it's mostly for vanity pruposes, as most of their sales come from low spec versions to mia nois and gay executives. Apple at least doesn't offer "asian" specs here, yet...

  11. iPods are obviosly meant to be used with iTunes, but what about the rest? Win media player has its own "syncronisation" feature, doest it work nearly as well as iTunes? Can other players work with iTunes instead of Wimp?

    Can Amarok (linux) use both syncronisation systems?

    I need something with better battery life and one hand use, when I'm driving.

  12. A latest survey reveals that many Thai people would accept a crooked government if it can make the country prosper and raise their standard of living.

    But they had this with Thaksin... Of course he was dodgy as anything but who hasn't been + the country n people did fine while he was running the show. Seemed to do ok for foreign investment as well.

    There are limits on how much they can accept.

    The fact that Thaksin managed to piss off so many people in this country is a testament to the degree of his corruption.

    Another thing is that even though corruption is acceptable, it's something you do in private - take the spoils and be quiet. Thaksin had no shame, in your face and bragging about it, and that was unacceptable, too.

  13. They just realise that the system as it is does not reward politicians/bureaucrats according to their services, so tea money makes it fair.

    And the system, from elections down to cabinet decision making, prevents free and fair competition for those positions, i.e. politicians who can deliver more and steal/get paid less are weeded out on approach.

    Same thing in the offices - relatives get cushy positions without earning them and that reflects on overall productivity, but somehow people think that brown nosing your incompetent boss is better than improving company performance, i.e. people don't feel like stakeholders, only as leeches whose goal is to take away as much as possible.

    Of course not everybody is the same, hence not 100% answers in that survey.

    I also don't think that there will be any change coming from the down up - it's up to the leaders to set better examples and make lower rungs feel included and involved.

    When we have folks like Thaksin setting standards for fairness there's no hope at all. He doesn't feel like stakeholder himself, to begin with, he is a leech. You need statesmen at the top, people who put country's interests above their own, true patriots, and I don't know if any exist outside traditional elites and top military guys like Prem and Sorayud. Every one else just wants to have a good time at the expense of others.

    As for revolutionary movement - they have absolutely no credibility left already and they haven't tasted the power yet. When they felt they were getting some, they tried to burn the country down. No future in these guys, they are like teenagers, lots of anger but zero sense. Maybe they wil mature one day, like those commies from 70s who now advise Thaksin on looting the country. Time does change idealists around.

  14. Thais cannot accept Noppadon's agreement that parts of the site on Thai side of the border don't have historical value and Cambodian explanation for it.

    Unesco shouldn't have accepted the bid without Thai consent, and they were clearly mistaken when they thought photos of disgraced FM signing annuled agreement qualifies as Thai support and "joint" listing.

    Having said that, I won't obstruct your physiological need to rant about pad fascism, go on, most of people have left that emotional wave a year ago.

  15. To ask for pardon he should admit guilt first.

    Sounds simple, but logic is not red's biggest asset (which is thirst for democracy, as we know).


    Also, if they want the house dissolved within month, what happens to the 2007 constitution that they hate so much? Does it mean it's ok to use it if they have a chance of winning the elections?

    Bunch of lunatics.

  16. Put a turbo or supercharger kit on the diesel, and you will be flying

    You mean to say you don't know that Fortuner, as well as any other diesel pickup truck in Thailand, come with turbos already?

    It was either a typo or you should hold back your comments on local auto scene, you might confuse other readers.

  17. Bottom line - Unesco's listing created only more problems with preserving the site. They should definitely reasses their approach.

    It didn't seem to be a problem before the PAD tried forcing the government's hand in the matter, and of course having a PAD supporter in the cabinet doesn't help.

    Previously Thailand wasn't going to object to the UNESCO listing.


    When is previously? Thailand has withdrawn support for joint listing sometimes in 2007. Thai delegation publicly walked out of a meeting in January 2008. Noppadon fired the lead negotiator and took the matter in his own hands. By March-April the proposed listing was changed from "Preah Vihear site" to "Preah Vihear temple", in line with Cambodian demands for splitting the site along border line. In May PAD has brought the matter to the light and the hel_l broke loose. You can blame PAD for bringing it to public attention istead of going along with Noppadon's quiet reversal Thailand's long standing position (wouldn't it be wonderful if they all just shut up for good), but when the matter had become public it was clear that the opposition to Noppadon was spread far and wide and there was little chance of it passing through even PPP controlled parliament.

    Cambodians presented the photos of Noppadon shaking hands and the banners and crap as evidence of Thailand's support and Unesco accepted it, even as Thai court rendered the agreement null and void and Noppadon resigned in disgrace.

    Now the temple is closed, indefinitely, there has been casualties and the site has been shelled, and there are no prospects of Thailand agreeing to join the international commission to manage the site.

    Well done, Unesco!

    Keep the tourists away and let the military be in charge of security to make sure no one bothers the peace at ancient ruins.

    Send "thank you" postcards to Noppadon.

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