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Posts posted by sweatalot

  1. A defence lawyer had earlier made a request to the court, asking for extra statements from more than 15 Myanmar workers on the tourist island included as defence witnesses. It said they earlier had fears for their lives if they gave statements to the Thai police while in Thailand.

    But this request was turned down by the court, on grounds that all existing witnesses were already on the lists, including 60 people on the public prosecutors' list who are local police, forensic police personnel and footage from surveillance cameras, a court source said.

    Can this be true? They were denied because police had enough witness that willing to collaborate with their version and will not allow others to discredit them? And the court allowed this to happen? It just doesn't sound fair. And what is the prospect of more witnesses coming out to give testimony during the trial, will the defense be able to use them?

    I wonder sometimes if I can ever rely on the news media to report the news properly.

    "I wonder sometimes if I can ever rely on the news media to report the news properly."

    It's not the fault of the media if it's about Thai police and Thai courts

    • Like 1
  2. No surprise here.

    Get a threat, pretend to take it so seriously that you withdraw, then relent after a week or two with a dignified stance.

    Doubles the demand from viewers for what is probably a 2nd rate comedy.

    I cannot proove that you are wrong - but I feel sorry for those poor guys whose misled phantasy allows them only to see negativity and conspiration everywhere (never needing proof of course)

  3. Who knows what to believe,,, There's 3 slightly different, "versions" quoted,,, 1 "A rescue team, with emergency medical services personnel, rushed to the scene of accident but could not save her life."... 2 "She died while the authorities were trying to send her a hospital on Koh Samui.", and 3 "She was struck by the rotor when she floated to the surface after diving",,,

    So,, "floated to the surface",,, did she run out of air, die, float to the surface, get struck?",,,,,, jeez,,, we make, "jokes" about how terrible the reporting is here,,, yet who knows?,,,, maybe all the confusion is purposeful,,, it tends to,, "muddy the water",,, maybe done semi on purpose?..... With 3 slightly different version,, but different enough to really make a difference,,, WHAT family of the victim would EVER get a straight story unless actually COMING here?... and in an accident, where the ID of the person is confirmed,, how many families actually do that?.. now a murder?,,, uncomfirmed identity?... then Ya,, a family member/close friend, is gonna make the trip,,,

    " maybe all the confusion is purposeful,"

    Would not be the first time on this death island

    • Like 2
  4. Yes, and so does SanSaiExPat's waste of our internet bandwidth and screen real estate.

    After SSEP castigated Sweatalot's English, I was pointing out that SSEP has his own English issues. Stones and glass houses.

    Indeed my posts can also be deleted, they add very little.

    I see. Forgetting a simple letter can make your post being quoted many times. Interesting that nobody cares about the content - which has not been understood by the first orthography police guy.

    • Like 1
  5. 200 hundred witnesses ?

    Even the most ardent CTs are going to have trouble defending this one.

    I'm sorry but the defence is doing their clients no favours with some of their tactics and statements.

    AFAK they did not say 200 witnesses that can confirm the B2 did not do the crime.

    But a lot of witnesses who can make public the extortion practice of the BIB in KT

    and that the Burmese had to fear the BIB - or if they could report about the KT mafia

    they would be also defense witnesses wouldn't they?

    In that case it would be 200 witnesses for a different case, alleged abuse by the police and mafia in Koh Tao.

    No it would be part of the case, explaining many things

  6. Sadly the more one reads and hears concerning KohTao the more one gets the feeling that something is not right.Strange deaths that are passed off as, or regarded as accidental.Murder investigations that are totally flawed etc etc

    Why does there seem to be an ongoing cover up ?

    There seems to be no regard for the rule of law and order on the island or is it the fact there is no law and order on the island which seems to be in a state of anarchy.

    There appears to be total silence from the islands political team, council and the police and business and medical community who all seem to be somewhat inept ,corrupt.

    Lies and deceit seem to be the norm, why are there no comments from the residents both Thai and foreign.It would seem a possibility that a solo killer, a psychopath or the possibility a group of violent characters roaming around the island bent on violence and subsequent death, again not necessarily 100% Thai in its make up either.

    The island seems to be a snake pit of violence corruption lies and deceit, yet we still see posters spring to the defense of the island .Indeed one is left to speculate why there is such support ans ongoing denials of the truth on this island.

    Perhaps a clean out of the administration team and what passes as the police farce force on this island may well be in order if in fact not long overdue.

    Or maybe this death was an accident; drunk person falls of a cliff is not exactly a far fetched scenario, is it?

    It is an unclear death and as such it has to be considered a murder until this can ecluded beyond reasonable doubt.

    It does not look like the rtp did that, nor even like they tried to.

  7. The Brit coroner will probably try to get out of it any way he can, if called as a witness. The Brits haven't declared anything thus far publicly, and appear to be siding with the RTP because the Brits didn't find any independent data (they weren't allowed to look) on the island, so it's less hassle to simply go along with the globby goop the RTP dished out to them. Perhaps the Brits found interesting DNA evidence from the victims independently, but again, it would be more diplomat to simple be vague, than to mention things which could bust a hole in the Thaitanic. Plus, Thai officials have already stated they aren't sharing DNA findings with the Brits. The official Thai reason: "The Brits trust everything we're doing, so there's no need to share DNA findings with them."

    " things which could bust a hole in the Thaitanic "

    thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7KD27thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7KD27 thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7KD27

  8. Not a chance,

    Dear Leader has put his friend and ally as Head of the RTP.

    Dear Leader has very publicly backed the investigation.

    Dear Leader has insulted the female victim and western women in general, and made a token apology.

    Dear Leader can't loose face, hence the Burmese will be found guilty.

    I'm wondering if the PM is now gonna stop defending the RTP in public (other than the usual bland comments) and let the RTP get hammered on this one in Court as part of the cleaning up process he has in mind ...

    But what would happen if they were found guilty?

    Probably a massive shitstorm that can blow away not only the RTPclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

  9. Some of those interviewed were "strong witnesses" who might provide evidence to exonerate the accused, said Kyaw Thaung, who heads the committee, but they were reluctant to testify and had returned to Myanmar for fear of being implicated in the crime.

    "If they go to court and speak as witnesses, they’ll have problems with the Thai police and Thai bosses," Kyaw Thaung told reporters in Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city.

    Doesn't make sense, if they are back in Myanmar why would they have problems with the Thai police and Thai bosses?

    may be they would like to come back because they need money?

  10. LM112 is the highest and most important law of the land. This is the land of the father. He provided love, peace and hope for all his children living under his protection. Anyone who do not love the father do not deserve to live here and should be jailed until they do.

    There is no law in Thailand. The military coup illegally took control of the country and abolished the constitution. There are no legally elected officials in Thailand.

    These "not legally elected officials" are doing a better job than those pretended to be legally elected officials before who performed illegally

    Really ? They have tarnished Thailand's reputation in the business and political world, They have introduced propaganda and muzzled free speach. Asking other countries to extradite based on Thai law is just a silly and delusional exercise and a waste of time.

    You forgot the earlier government. They did not leave much to tarnish. Forgot the rice scum?

  11. When they will start governing and try to build on a stable nation in stead of hunting !

    Governing is what one would expect from a government , but this Junta are military on a hunt , not more, not less.

    Your question (meant to be rethoric) is just ridiculous.

    They are governing. Don't forget to compare them with what happened before.

    The earlier "governments" still have their corrupt criminal base widespread like virus.

    They have been in power for too long and had more than enough money to create an evil network

    So of course eliminating them (by legal means) has to be a top priority.

    Otherwise the mistakes of the past will repeat again and again.

    And the country will go down.

    • Like 1
  12. There will be no democracy for Thailand in the near future I fear, his Junta will make sure of that. I hope all you that supported this coup are pleased with yourselves, Thailand is going down the Myanmar road. There will be a crackdown on Expats soon, mark my words.

    I am not so sure. I hope there will be real democracy, not that hidden robbery feudalism they had before that they called democracy

    I still believe this Prayuth government can make a change - even if asking other countries to extradit people because of alleged LM is outright ridiculous

  13. March all you want my German friends, too late now, the die is cast, you have infuriated by millions

    of Muslim who's alliance only to other Muslims, but do not worry friends, you're in good company,

    half of Europe is in the same crappy situation as you are, namely, all the Scandinavian countries,

    Holland and Belgium... good luck to you guys, now rip what your foolish hearted leaders have sawn...

    Germany wanted Juden Free and look what you got in their replacement, Do you think God did this to you?

    Anyway to bad Germany shall be a Muslim Country

    I have to live to pray for the German Souls that stated this

    England and France and other European coutries did not want "Juden free" but they got the same.

    Why is that?

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