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Posts posted by EBlair48

  1. I actually found myself regretting my wishing for this to happen. It's really looked like a war zone and that is exactly what it is plus a lot of jobs lost and it really will take away from the beach experience. Will every single beach on Phuket , what about 15 or so ...really be just mile after mile of sand and nothing else?

    I really think it was a mistake to do this in such a drastic fashion. Tourism will plummet- further. I have read the arguments," Thailand cannot police itself to allow some vendors..." and yes I have to agree and it why I have always had difficulty respecting a culture that has little civil ethos

    I also feel a war coming on, a class war.

    A lot of scammers and opportunists in tourist areas -- a common phenomenon in many countries -- does not equate to an entire culture having little civil ethos.

    When you find a lot of scammers in San Francisco, Las Vegas, or Miami Beach do you make the same sweeping generalization about American culture?

    I base my opinion on lack of enforcement across the board, from traffic police to forest encroachment and visa rules, not just beach vendors.

    I'd like to put forth a scenario to explain the sympathy I feel for these vendors and how I think this draconian action is unfair.

    Prostitution is legal in Thailand but third party profit ( pimping) is not and I find that to be a sensible law. But it isn't enforced except sporadically in order to extort, (another example of the lack of civil ethos... )

    Therefore the bar fine" and pimping situation going on in bars all over the country - hundreds of thousands times per day is illegal.

    What if a bar was raided and the foreigners were rounded up arrested and had to spend time in jail, and then were deported where a number of them would have to register with their govt as sexual criminals for their " crime..". That's the law !!

    Now they all knew it was illegal, but it went on for decades so they thought it was sanctioned. It wasn't " wrong" because everyone did it.

    Would they deserve their punishment? I say no.

  2. I actually found myself regretting my wishing for this to happen. It's really looked like a war zone and that is exactly what it is plus a lot of jobs lost and it really will take away from the beach experience. Will every single beach on Phuket , what about 15 or so ...really be just mile after mile of sand and nothing else?

    I really think it was a mistake to do this in such a drastic fashion. Tourism will plummet- further. I have read the arguments," Thailand cannot police itself to allow some vendors..." and yes I have to agree and it why I have always had difficulty respecting a culture that has little civil ethos

    I also feel a war coming on, a class war.

    "I have always had difficulty respecting a culture that has little civil ethos."

    A tad pompous if you can only see what's happening in Thailand in isolation from the rest of the world. Claiming it's happening because of some lack of civility or ethics is undoubtedly a conveniently condescending way to label the local situation, but it's a somewhat simplistic, self-serving way to dismiss the situation here as if it were a primitive outpost just discovered by colonialists.

    Since this is a problem you've faced often ..."I have always had difficulty..."... How many other cultures have you written off for this reason?

    " I also feel a war coming on, a class war."

    You mean like economic immigrants trying to flood into Europe, the US and Australia? What about in Ferguson, Missouri, in the American heartland? Not to mention much of the rhetoric in the last presedential campaign.Class warfare indeed.

    The haves and the have-nots everywhere are increasingly in conflict with words and much more.


    Missouri, USA.

    You're right my statement was unclear, I'll correct it ;

    I've always had a problem respecting THIS culture....

    It really isn't even a problem for me as you claim, simply an observation.

    There seems to be a consensus, even on this thread that Thais are incapable of following rule of law, I call that a lack of civil ethos. Please tell us how civic minded you find Thais to be if you truly disagree.

    As for a class war, since we are speaking of Thailand and the recent actions on Bang Tao particularly, it is unfair for you expect me to enter an argument to include the rest of the world's problems re immigration and elections.

    And not sure how bringing up the hyper- militarized US police absolves the newly militarized Bangkok elite? I'm against militarization all over the globe, especially when it is used to evict the working class from jobs such as being done here.

  3. I quite understand what you say, and from a personal point of view I'm inclined to agree. I'm sure you'd like nothing better than for the tourism aspect of Phuket to be scaled right down, as it would enhance your lifestyle there. And I'm sure I'd feel the same if I was living there, too. However, neither you or I rely on that tourism to support our way of life, so it's departure would have no economic impact on our lives. But for the locals, it would be disastrous, and I think their ability to survive trumps your desire for the aesthetic of bar-free beaches.

    "But for the locals, it would be disastrous, and I think their ability to survive trumps your desire for the aesthetic of bar-free beaches."

    For the most part those who "work" here in Phuket on the beach are NOT locals! If they were they would not be working on the beach, they would own land and rent it to people who aren't locals. The Or Bor Tors here have been illegally renting public land to private enterprise, why don't you understand that?

    So, if I come to your country, if it has a beach or a national park, I could pay some cash to the local corrupt government officials and open a restaurant and put out loungers and sell beer? No problem? Wake up… They don't allow any vendors on the beaches in California where I grew up or allow restaurants and loungers all over the beach. Do they allow that on the beaches where you grew up? I rather doubt it.

    I think we all understand the criminality aspects and how it simply wasn't regulated as the culture is deficient in that regard. I simply think this will bring trouble, we are talking about thousands of jobs that will not be replaced. The upcoming season will already be lean from political fallout- which means a rise in crime. Yes sure plenty of jobs, minimum wage jobs. Who wants to go from 1000 baht a day to minimum wage? A 60% + decrease in wage is unreasonable to ask anyone to take

    I think it may well impact our lives here, negatively and for many reasons but particularly if resentment festers and that's what I mean about a class war. I can't think of a better way to stir up trouble than to do what has happened here the last few months.

    When is the last time you went to the beach? When is the last time you rented a lounger? For me it was about two years ago on Kata when I met a friend visiting and he rented the lounger for me. I won't, I refuse and just sit on a towel or beach mat. The beach boy who was serving us was from Burma. He said the Thais are too lazy to do the work, plus they can't speak English. Very true! So your false pretense that the Thais do any work, other than collect ill gotten gains from public lands and most likely illegal aliens working for them won't fly with me. Again, do you know any Thais that were directly affect by the tear downs? I do, they haven't complained a bit.

    I was at the beach today, Jimi. [smiley smiley]

    The place I go, er went to once or twice a week for lunch gave me a lounger with my meal. He's Thai and very, very upset His place has been there almost 10 years. He had no concrete and had a business license.

    I talked to about five others today, all expressed what I have been posting, this was not a smart thing to do and will have negative consequences.

    hey have had thier livelihoods ripped out from under them. They were acting with permission from local govt. Yes Local govt was acting illegally, apparently but that doesn't make it OK to now just nuke the working class like what has been done


    • Like 1
  4. Yes, I understand some like their lounger, umbrella and beer service, but it's time to get over it.

    I quite understand what you say, and from a personal point of view I'm inclined to agree. I'm sure you'd like nothing better than for the tourism aspect of Phuket to be scaled right down, as it would enhance your lifestyle there. And I'm sure I'd feel the same if I was living there, too. However, neither you or I rely on that tourism to support our way of life, so it's departure would have no economic impact on our lives. But for the locals, it would be disastrous, and I think their ability to survive trumps your desire for the aesthetic of bar-free beaches.

    "But for the locals, it would be disastrous, and I think their ability to survive trumps your desire for the aesthetic of bar-free beaches."

    For the most part those who "work" here in Phuket on the beach are NOT locals! If they were they would not be working on the beach, they would own land and rent it to people who aren't locals. The Or Bor Tors here have been illegally renting public land to private enterprise, why don't you understand that?

    So, if I come to your country, if it has a beach or a national park, I could pay some cash to the local corrupt government officials and open a restaurant and put out loungers and sell beer? No problem? Wake up… They don't allow any vendors on the beaches in California where I grew up or allow restaurants and loungers all over the beach. Do they allow that on the beaches where you grew up? I rather doubt it.

    I think we all understand the criminality aspects and how it wasn't regulated sufficiently as the culture is deficient in that regard. I simply think this will bring trouble, we are talking about thousands of jobs that will not be replaced. The upcoming season will already be lean from political fallout- which means a rise in crime. Yes, sure plenty of jobs, minimum wage jobs. Who wants to go from 1000 baht a day to minimum wage? A 60% + decrease in wage is unreasonable to ask anyone to take. Why are they now expected to " go back home"? They have a right to live where they choose, too.

    I think it may well impact our lives here, negatively and for many reasons but particularly if resentment festers and that's what I mean about a class war. I can't think of a better way to stir up trouble than to do what has happened here the last few months.

  5. I actually found myself regretting my wishing for this to happen. It's really looked like a war zone and that is exactly what it is plus a lot of jobs lost and it really will take away from the beach experience. Will every single beach on Phuket , what about 15 or so ...really be just mile after mile of sand and nothing else?

    I really think it was a mistake to do this in such a drastic fashion. Tourism will plummet- further. I have read the arguments," Thailand cannot police itself to allow some vendors..." and yes I have to agree and it why I have always had difficulty respecting a culture that has little civil ethos

    I also feel a war coming on, a class war.

  6. Are you sure the building at the south end of Naithon is illegal? I think you will find it is totally legal and well within the 80 metre height limit by at least 50 metres.


    Perhaps I am wrong about height, but the location is within the park, is it not? And the grade is too steep. Has that law been rescinded, or just ignored?


     BTW just posted pics of Lotus demolish on Phuket forum

  7. Meanwhile about 1 kilometer north of Lotus at the brand new places where they;

    Cut trees to put up lights post-179390-0-81652000-1408101386_thumb.

    and lay massive concreting post-179390-0-38159500-1408101725_thumb.

    However, no more Mr Reggae Bar post-179390-0-89843100-1408101398_thumb.

    Mayor to be demolished next? post-179390-0-88082800-1408101392_thumb.

    Watch out the next year or two.. lots of debris post-179390-0-08871200-1408101391_thumb.

    What ya gonna do when they come fer you.... ( Cherng Telay Mayor ) post-179390-0-84831200-1408101396_thumb.

    Bad Boyz Bad Boyz post-179390-0-07634600-1408101395_thumb.


  8. ^ And the brand new  construction on the south end of Nai Thon, not only encroaching but in violation of height and grade  restrictions



    So who was complaining about this place not coming down, was it Eblair, Bulldozer dawn, or both?  Good to see rules are applying equally to grass shacks and mega restaurants.


    I am eating my hat as promised. If I go take pics can I be forgiven?

    • Like 2

     I want any reader who is contemplating a move to Thailand  to be able to read my opinion and then have an alternative view to make an informed choice.

    I understand what you have written and might even applaud it if you will answer one question.  Why do you want people to read your opinion about Thailand?  90% of what anyone reads in the newspapers or hears in the international news media about Thailand is negative why do you want them to read your negative opinion too? 




    Because I am a writer.


    If I  am dissuaded by censorious  actions,  I have failed.

    • Like 1


    So what part of Steve Fong's  post is,  " false ...overly negative"? Seems to be an honest well written  opinion of why the member  does not particularly think Thailand is as great a place as it is made out to be. It brings something to my table.

    +1.  I don't understand the hate against the guy.  Maybe some people need a look at themselves before launching an attack against others.


    I agree with most of the points he brings up.  Thailand is a country of extremes.  Some things are great, others awful.  Every place has its good and bad points, but I don't know any other country (having lived and worked as a management consultant in probably 15) where this takes such an extreme shape.  Some people can take the annoying things in their stride, others reach boiling point and want to get out.   The ideal situation is having enough money to divide your time between the West and Thailand (and/or other tropical countries).  



    I'd like to explain I can be happy in my situation, my job, my home is perfection  I love aspects such as the farmer's market, cheap vegetables and fruits ( pesticide laden, too, perhaps?) but when I have to deal with Thais, like not knowing if that tomato is  hazardous because the laws are not enforced- no one respects the law - it gets very unpleasant.

    And also  because I am viewed as  not equal to them. I am 4th tier as explained earlier.


    Along with no respect for rules,  there is the  lying which seems to be perfectly acceptable within the culture.

    I know it is a western more, and I cannot  fairly apply  my expectations of  honesty to Thai culture but I also really cannot live with that.

     It is a compromise I cannot make. And there's the dismal work ethic, again a western more but makes life in Thailand unpleasant. The sidewalks are dangerous because of it. The pollution,mangy dogs and all other nasty aspects  are all symptoms of this Thainess which I find to really be intellectual laziness. We could get into the class system  that I think is a basis for this lack of caring, but to remain on topic..



    And yes the safety issues are very very real and have me planning ventures out to minimize my time on the road because it is carnage and police simply cannot enforce laws Oh I could go on and on and I do, in a book I've written as a hobby ( tentatively called Lie- land because I honestly feel the entire culture is really based on a ....well I need to censor those thoughts for now


     I want any reader who is contemplating a move to Thailand  to be able to read my opinion and then have an alternative view to make an informed choice.

    • Like 2


    So what part of Steve Fong's  post is,  " false ...overly negative"? Seems to be an honest well written  opinion of why the member  does not particularly think Thailand is as great a place as it is made out to be. It brings something to my table.


    Safety and pollution  considerations are certainly valid points.


    I'd like to address your posts on this subject in every thread that do nothing but denigrate in transparent attempts to simply invalidate contrary opinion through  personal  psychoanalysis which is actually against forum rules if you want to be fair. "no one likes you here.... without a  friend...." is an example of just such  inflammatory posts.


     If you love Thailand, great.  Others don't, so all it says to me when you  constantly cannot allow others their opinions, insult them and try to censor them, is that you really aren't that secure in your views.


    In fact I would would surmise from your defense methods  that   you may have vested interests that will suffer if foreigners do not come to Thailand.


     My opinion on the topic  is as long as I am not  legally mandated equal member of the culture, I cannot pretend to be happy in it.

    A few examples of his anti Thai attitude that I think is overly negative. 


    Example #1.  I had to wear ear plugs when I walked outside, and I always wore sunglasses due to the real risk of eye damage from flying pollutants and road particles. 


    #2.  I dont care what people say, Thailand, is not a healthy place.


    #3.  where it is ok to  fling someone off a balcony, and as long as they arent thai, no one cares.


    #4.  women in the USA to turn their faces in disgust when you tell them you just spent a few months in Thailand.


    #5.  I will return to Thailand, if and when I forget how horrible it is to live there,


    #6.  there is no way I am going to live like an animal in bangkok, with no grass to walk on anywhere, and the inability to ride a bicycle without inhaling pollution and dodging cars.


    The guy had supposedly had a couple of weeks vacation in Thailand and became obsessed and now is ranting in almost every post with his anti blather. 


    I don't think Thai Visa is an appropriate forum to continually discuss the merits of living in the US as opposed to Thailand.  He was here, failed at living here and went home.  OK good.  The constant negative click baiting anti promotion is getting old.  Negative stereotypes are just that, stereotypes.  If he has something specific to complain about let him start a thread about it instead of polluting every thread with false generalizations. 




    Dismal safety within Thailand  is not a false generalization. You invalidate other's perfectly valid observations  based on nothing but your subjective contrary opinions.


     I find censorship to be a worse pollutant than just about anything.





    So what part of Steve Fong's  post is,  " false ...overly negative"? Seems to be an honest well written  opinion of why the member  does not particularly think Thailand is as great a place as it is made out to be. It brings something to my table.


    Safety and pollution  considerations are certainly valid points.


    I'd like to address your posts on this subject in every thread that do nothing but denigrate in transparent attempts to simply invalidate contrary opinion through  personal  psychoanalysis which is actually against forum rules if you want to be fair. "no one likes you here.... without a  friend...." is an example of just such  inflammatory posts.


     If you love Thailand, great.  Others don't, so all it says to me when you  constantly cannot allow others their opinions, insult them and try to censor them, is that you really aren't that secure in your views.


    In fact I would would surmise from your defense methods  that   you may have vested interests that will suffer if foreigners do not come to Thailand.


     My opinion on the topic  is as long as I am not  legally mandated equal member of the culture, I cannot pretend to be happy in it.

    A few examples of his anti Thai attitude that I think is overly negative. 


    Example #1.  I had to wear ear plugs when I walked outside, and I always wore sunglasses due to the real risk of eye damage from flying pollutants and road particles. 


    #2.  I dont care what people say, Thailand, is not a healthy place.


    #3.  where it is ok to  fling someone off a balcony, and as long as they arent thai, no one cares.


    #4.  women in the USA to turn their faces in disgust when you tell them you just spent a few months in Thailand.


    #5.  I will return to Thailand, if and when I forget how horrible it is to live there,


    #6.  there is no way I am going to live like an animal in bangkok, with no grass to walk on anywhere, and the inability to ride a bicycle without inhaling pollution and dodging cars.


    The guy had supposedly had a couple of weeks vacation in Thailand and became obsessed and now is ranting in almost every post with his anti blather. 


    I don't think Thai Visa is an appropriate forum to continually discuss the merits of living in the US as opposed to Thailand.  He was here, failed at living here and went home.  OK good.  The constant negative click baiting anti promotion is getting old.  Negative stereotypes are just that, stereotypes.  If he has something specific to complain about let him start a thread about it instead of polluting every thread with false generalizations. 




    Whoops sorry duplicate post as below




    not sure who you refer too,


    I went to Thailand for a 7-10 visit and wound up moving in with my soapy and taking her with me to Bali, Ventianne, Chaing Mai, and Chaing Rai, where we had great times,


    and I lived near the Promenade, and ate only in the best restaraunts,


    I left, 


    because my life is better here


    I offered to bring her, but, she cant get a visa,


    thats life


    Thailand in the areas I was in, was not a pleasant place, in any way


    I had to wear ear plugs when I walked outside, and I always wore sunglasses due to the real risk of eye damage from flying pollutants and road particles



    I didnt get to where I am today, both physically and financially, to endure that nonsense and risk my health


    hell, you cant even walk down a street and be safe as motorbikes are on the sidewalks going in both directions


    no thanks,


    I will use Thailand, the way it is meant to be used


    You can tell by the posts that no one likes you here and the women in the west scowl at you in disgust.  I can understand that leaves you without a friend. 


    Most here actually understand Thailand beyond your surface negativism.  It has good and bad like everyplace.  You have nothing to add you bring nothing to the table? 


    The forum has rules about posting untruths and negative statements.  2.  You will not use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false.  11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand.


    You seem to want to vent.  OK, let me recommend http://blahtherapy.com/therapists/



    So what part of Steve Fong's  post is,  " false ...overly negative"? Seems to be an honest well written  opinion of why the member  does not particularly think Thailand is as great a place as it is made out to be. It brings something to my table.


    Safety and pollution  considerations are certainly valid points.


    I'd like to address your posts on this subject in every thread that do nothing but denigrate in transparent attempts to simply invalidate contrary opinion through  personal  psychoanalysis which is actually against forum rules if you want to be fair. "no one likes you here.... without a  friend...." is an example of just such  inflammatory posts.


     If you love Thailand, great.  Others don't, so all it says to me when you  constantly cannot allow others their opinions, insult them and try to censor them, is that you really aren't that secure in your views.


    In fact I would would surmise from your defense methods  that   you may have vested interests that will suffer if foreigners do not come to Thailand.


     My opinion on the topic  is as long as I am not  legally mandated equal member of the culture, I cannot pretend to be happy in it.




    • Like 2

    Looks like another thread set up to bash Thailand. A lot of desperately unhappy people out there at present. 


    If a person is happy, then they certainly aren't settling for second best. 


    Misery loves company and by bashing Thailand the miserable try to pull those living the dream/fantasy or whatever in Thailand down to their level.  Since there are more miscreant's than happy folk it makes sense to have a plethora of topics dealing with all sorts of wrongdoing, evil and other nasty things. 


    Anyone can try it out.  Ask a simple question like how to get from point A to point B and the responses are


    1.  Why do you want to go to B?  2.  B is a trash magnate without proper food, drink or people.  3.  Nothing in B is worth seeing can't hold a candle to ___________.  4.  That is the dumbest post I've read all day long.  I wish all I had to worry about was getting from point A to point B. 




     The OP is asking if others feel disappointed in Thailand, many do.

    This post  above is a great example of  a comment that seeks to discredit  and diminish contrary views for lack of ability to make a persuasive case promoting an opinion.


  15. thais started to call westerners ¨farang¨ since the french vietnamese war around 1950, and nowadays in 2014 they still calling it

    this tells you quite a lot of about evolution capacity of thai people

    There are thousands of English words that goes back centuries. Does that tell you a lot about the evolution capacity of westerners?

    is any of the words you are talking about still being used by locals of a country to reffer only to the westerners or white people who visit this country?

    If your answer is no, then is because you didn't understand what I was talking about

    neither did anyone else. try again

    I believe the post is stating it is bigots who use slang racial terms as a matter of course when referring to others. And that it's the sign of a developed country that this is no longer acceptable, and it's the sign of a culture stuck in the past that it is.

  16. It can be an endearing term, much like the "N" word.

    There was a time not too long ago in the US when n*gg*r [ censored for the software] was used very commonly like farang is. Of course the users were a bit more polite and did not use the term in front of the subject. But they too would deny a slang term denoting race was racist or any way disrespectful.

  17. ^   Which is why I really do not see positive change with the new sheriff in town. It's all just aesthetics  and the roots of the  corruption tree are not being pulled out.


     Indeed, to continue with the metaphor, the canopy  is  drawing up the  fertilizer and showing  renewed growth.

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