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Posts posted by Benmart

  1. Another sad commentary about drinking and driving in Thailand. Lax enforcement, weak education on the dangers and scofflaws that go unpunished.

    Walk by the taxi stand on 2nd Road in front of the Avenue Shopping complex in the afternoon. Lots of drivers sitting around with empty beer bottles around. They are brazen and drink openly as do the motorcycle taxi drivers. The cops appear to be busy with other matters.

  2. Not risk whatsoever. Zero....nada...zip...

    Civil war requires planning and management skills.

    You may want to read up on the dynamics of civil war.

    One only has to take a look at the history of civil war across the globe. Radical zealots, armed with nothing more than machetes and clubs, fueled by hate, bigotry and alcohol, can leave a trail of misery and carnage most of us cannot imagine.

    These acts are seldom carried out by those who plan the scenario. The planners sit behind solid walls and rely on the Corporals in the field to fan the fires of blood lust. Vendettas, feuds and political rivalries are settled under the guise of the issue at hand.

    To believe Thais are incapable of civil war, with the added benefit of automatic firearms and explosives, is short sighted in my opinion.

    "War means fighting, and fighting means killing.

    ― Nathan Bedford Forrest -

  3. Clean toilets are the least worry that Thailand has at present.

    If the facts were that a majority of public toilets met some imaginary standard, that a majority of public toilet users washed their hands after use and that very few squatted on the seats instead of sitting, I doubt it would have any affect on the stability of the country.

    A country is not judged by its toilets, but by the ethical behavior of it servants coming from a different end.

  4. Amazing. Fifteen years ago airline security was almost non-existant and it was not an issue. Just shows the influence of propaganda and false flags.

    Amazing that Wikipedia has an interesting list starting with the 1930s on, of hijackings and other related "...propaganda and false flags".

    I don't know what your interpretation is of "not an issue", but history seems to indicate that it has been and is an "issue".

    History is there for those that look past their assumptions.

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  5. When I fly international on so called top rated airlines, I usually have to show my passport 5 times and my ticket 3 or 4 times between my arrival at the airport and getting on the plane. In each case the check is cursory. It is really annoying. I'd much prefer to have the security check done once thoroughly.

    I can understand the frustration having to show documents numerous times. However, the multi-layered checkes have some validity. One security person may be overwhelmed and miss a check, only to have it caught by another person doing checks further on.

    The few minutes of inconvenience and "annoyance" going through these checks pales in comparison to the inconvenience and "annoyance" of an inflight incident due to a security lapse.

    I am not in charge and the world does not revolve around me. When I get to the point where I think i am in charge or the world revolves around me, then maybe it's time to take a personal inventory.

  6. Kerryd, I'll limit my post to thanking you for the warning about these predatory creatures. Others have taken the opportunity to expand as to "You could have, should have, would have". I think you did the prudent thing based on the circumstances.

    "Sometimes crying wolf results in a nasty bite".

  7. So what does the police officer say to these people.

    So you stole a kid



    We liked him...

    Where does the conversation go from there?


    Did you have the parents permission to take the child?

    What was your intention in taking the child?

    Did you know that doing so was breaking the law and could be considered kidnapping?

    Have you done this before?

    What were you going to do once you had the child?

    And on and on...hopefully.

    In "normal" circumstances elsewhere, the police need to build the case, submit it to the prosecutor who will review it and hopefully it goes to trial. Here in Thailand, one can only observe and hope justice served.




  8. "Unfortunately, he could not make the jump and fell down into the street.

    Not sure about the "unfortunately" part.

    I'll assume the space in the picture is between the apartments? Can't be more than 60cm. Who can't jump 60cm?

    I can't make the same assumption based on a closeup photograph and limited information. The mechanics of the fall are curious, but I am more focused on the crime, the victim(s) and the injuries.
  9. How about creating a good airport first?

    It might be helpful expand on what qualifies as good.

    I must say that Savarnabhumi Airport is a vast improvement over Don Muang, which has a history dating back to 1914. I believe the present DM terminal was built in the 1960s and the facilities expanded during the Vietnam War era.

    Those that have flown into DM, when it was the Bangkok airport, might agree things have improve a bit when flying into Thailand.

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  10. As an ex Para I have to admit a sense of bemusement when I see so many police officers wearing airborne wings.

    Can not ever remember reading over the past 30 years that following a robbery on Tesco's that a detachment of police officers were dropped in to investigate.

    Furthermore, regardless of the static line failure they should have deployed their reserves. That is the rudimentary purpose of a reserve chute.

    This story has all the attributes that come together to show that this country continues to talk a far better game than they are able to play.

    Check out Wikipedia - Royal Thai Police. It provides some interesting information concerning the various divisions, including the special units that employ airborne operations. They seem to provide airborne training for counter-insurgency units and the like.

    I try not to compare the RTP to my western military and police service. Their makeup, training, mission statement (If it exists) and tactics are quite different in some regards.

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