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Posts posted by Benmart

  1. Meaningless survey. It doesn't reflect on the English proficiency within the country - only the proficiency of people who choose to take the test. People who know they're useless at English won't even bother. One possible interpretation of the results would be "people in Thailand think they're much better at English than they really are; people from Malaysia know they're not very good, so only the most able bothered to take the test".

    I regard surveys as tools to help me arrive at my own conclusion.

  2. Meaningless survey. It doesn't reflect on the English proficiency within the country - only the proficiency of people who choose to take the test. People who know they're useless at English won't even bother. One possible interpretation of the results would be "people in Thailand think they're much better at English than they really are; people from Malaysia know they're not very good, so only the most able bothered to take the test".

    I regard surveys as tools ro help me arrive at my own conclusion.

  3. When they arrive in USA there will FAT lady singing for them. Hope they bring a lot of Vaseline with them, because the folks in American prisons are a lot bigger then thai prisoners

    Always fascinating to observe the obsession many TV members has in the gay sexual practises in prisons around the world laugh.png !!!
    You may be confusing cosentual male to male sex (Gay?) with male to male sexual assault, such as frequently happens in prisons. Gay is a lifestyle decision in which a person identifies with. In prison, male to male sex is often a survival necessity and the victim can still identify themselves as being heterosexual.

    I too am fascinated by all fascination.

    Just my opinion and experience.

  4. This is strange. I say pics of Joseph Manuel Hunter getting escorted onto a plane to the U.S.A. over a month ago. If I remember correctly Thaivisa posted an article stating the "fact".

    But then again TIT and TITV.

    This is not unique to Thailand. The world is full of contradictions and I gave up hoping for perfection or accuracy years ago. I read, I digest and I discard the chaf as best as I can determine.

  5. I am sure that the new US Embassy employee is so happy about having her discourse about a private meeting so widely blabbed around the press.

    Well, "goody, goody gum drops!" about time the Yankees got a bit of their own medicine, with folks blabbing about their "confidential" discussions.

    Seems it is okay for Uncle SAM to spy on everyone else around the world, so it is only fair that people let the cat out of the bag on "confidential" American business.

    My suggestion would be, save the gum drops for later. Yes, we as a country need to have our hands slapped when we are caught doing what others most likely are doing as well.

    Spying is a necessary evil in today's world as not everyone loves everyone else. I don't know what country you hail from, but I doubt your country's naval fleet was ever bombed into oblivion due to poor "spying", or an attack was launched on one of your major cities downtown with catastrophic results.

    I take no satisfaction in knowing my country engages in espionage, but neither do I shrug off attacks on our embassies in Benghazi, Kenya or attacks on our citizens around the world. Our foreign policy invites violence, but as they saying goes, "Their are those that wish you evil regardless of your best intentions".

    Before one criticizes or throws stones, I would suggest that they have their own national house in order.

  6. And the only country in the world that is prostitute free

    and counterfeit free

    and corruption free

    As an American, I wonder why the US Government deems it as their responsibility to police the world? The US has immense internal issues but is not included on its own watch list. The US Government feels quite comfortable scolding other countries for human trafficking, human right abuses when it's house is in disorder.

    It's about time China, Russia or some other country stepped up and started its own watch list with my country on it.

    Just my 2-US Cents

    • Like 1
  7. Friend here from New Zealand many years with Thai wife and children. One of his boys has some problems and needs constant affection and attention.

    When out alone with his son on the train system in Bangkok or elsewhere foreigners, foreign tourists, call him a phedophile or pervert, because he is hugging his son. He is nealry 70 years old, his son about 13 now.

    Thai people know better and do not comment.

    I feel sorry for your friend, but more sorry for the well intentioned, but misguided foreigners. I believe the media hysteria fuels the fires of bigotry and certain elements of society are more than willing to add afew more firebrands for good measure.

    I try never to assume from first appearances but rather opt for a second look instead. If I were to see your friend and his son, I most likely would feel good in seeing a dad/grandfather sharing affection for one another.

    I miss my grandkids and would hug the heck out of them.

  8. SUSPENDED 18 months sentence for fooling with 11 year olds w00t.gif . Has the world gone MAD. sad.png

    I'd like to know the facts of the case before being appaled by the news story. There is often more to it than a short blurb.

    "Fooling" with 11 year olds hardly describes a crime. Sodomy, rape, oral copulation, etc. is what puts people away for these hideous crimes against children. Too bad the news story doesn't provide more factual information so we can all be appaled together.

  9. Good to see. As someone who works in this industry, on the other side, its good to see a big player like this guy get what's coming. I just hope there isn't a lot of plea bargaining, and they all get put away for a long time, as the dealers never really get to see the damage they do to customers and their families.

    Don't forget the damage done to the customers is self inflicted and it is they who damage their families. You'd have to have been living under a rock to not know that if you start using hard drugs you've got a very good chance of your life falling apart. Each sale of meth, heroin etc should come with a big rubber stamp so that the word "STUPID" can be stamped on the person's forehead.

    Addiction to either drugs or alcohol (the most widely abused I may add) is sentence enough without the "Scarlet Letter" being affixed to the poor soul. If we were to "stamp" a description of our life's transgressions, I think most of us would have one message or another on our foreheads. My stamp would read like a novel.
    • Like 2
  10. This will play out over many months, if not years. Lawyers in the US are lined up, salivating at the chance to defend Mr. Hunter, just to get all that face time in the mass media.

    Indeed, it will take time and the sharks (lawyers) are circling as we type. I'm no great fan of trial hype and the Hollywood circus that attends it, but at the end of the game I hope the defendants get their fair trial, whatever the outcome.

    • Like 1
  11. Well are they international drug dealers, international hitmen, both, or just some greedy muscle patsies that got set up in a sting by the US gov't? By all the various accounts/stories I've read, they could be any or all of the above.

    Good point. It's up to the reader to decide based on the available information. In any event, they are gone from the LOS and they can cool their heels in a Federal pen back in the USA.

  12. the guy talking about good tourist is one of the greatest <deleted> ever.does he remind the farang guy who had his leg cut because he had no credit card and the doctors refused to operate him in time to save the leg.when a bunch of leeches get power to make laws...

    Please use a different word to describe the official. "Ass***e" is much too kind and does a disservice to those tight and tiny wonders of humankind.

    My sphincter is much more efficient and I know what to expect when it dilates, much unlike various officials.

  13. I don't think the 500 Baht "Entrance fee", "Insurance Fee" or, whatever they want to call it, will be a determining factor for "Good" tourists coming to the LOS (Whatver "Good" means). What may change their minds are knowing:

    A. They have a better than good chance of being involved in an accident, either by bus, car, motorcycle or boat.

    B. That the emergency response system is archaic, fragmented and unreliable.

    C. That corruption from the top down is rife.

    D. That unscrupulous merchants, taxi drivers and other "Business people" see the tourist as an instant source of revenue.

    E. That the justice system and police are often times not responsive and/or uninterested in assisting tourists.

    F. That xenophobia is a practiced belief here beginning with the anti-honorific Farang moniker.

    The list continues, but I'll spare you in the name of brevity.

    I'd like to know if there is a refund if the good tourist doesn't access the Thai health care system while on holiday.

    Living here full-time, I am able to navigate around the peculiarities of life. The tourist, on the other hand, is at the mercy of the society which is not all laughs and smiles.

    Note to Thailand - "Greed - one of the Three Poisons that lead to Evil and Sufferingl". - Teachings of Buddhism

    Just follow the practice of Farangland by calling in airport tax, and have it included into the price of tickets. Case close.

    No case is closed my Dear Chap until we take our last breath.

  14. 13 years living here and this is the first govt. proposal that makes perfect sense.

    Thais should not have to pay for an idiot falang who drives around without a helmet, never driven a scooter in their own country and decide to be "local".

    Apparently in 99% of cases they don't.


    However, is it a good question if Farangs are to be paying into a scheme that lacks transparency, the proceeds of which may not go for their intended purpose?

    There are a lot of details not yet made public such as:

    Are expats included?

    Are foreign workers included in the numbers of unreimbursed hospital treatments?

    Confirmed data by an outside, non-governmental source that provides detailed cost breakdown? Demographs detailing who the "non-payers" are and country of origin?

    Collection attempt data for "non-payers" .

    The Thai government, much like my own, has a good record of ineptness and inefficiency dealing with such matters. OC is the most recent.

    As for the poster having lived here for 13 years. What would the response be if this government were decide that "premiums" or "fees" for this emergency health coverage would be determined on a daily basis for those of us living here full-time? Not as bizarre as one would think.

    I believe that this is just the first in a series of attempts to extract additional revenue from any and all sources. The bank account is running low, so they have to think Outside-the-box to fill the coffers?

  15. I don't think the 500 Baht "Entrance fee", "Insurance Fee" or, whatever they want to call it, will be a determining factor for "Good" tourists coming to the LOS (Whatver "Good" means). What may change their minds are knowing:

    A. They have a better than good chance of being involved in an accident, either by bus, car, motorcycle or boat.

    B. That the emergency response system is archaic, fragmented and unreliable.

    C. That corruption from the top down is rife.

    D. That unscrupulous merchants, taxi drivers and other "Business people" see the tourist as an instant source of revenue.

    E. That the justice system and police are often times not responsive and/or uninterested in assisting tourists.

    F. That xenophobia is a practiced belief here beginning with the anti-honorific Farang moniker.

    The list continues, but I'll spare you in the name of brevity.

    I'd like to know if there is a refund if the good tourist doesn't access the Thai health care system while on holiday.

    Living here full-time, I am able to navigate around the peculiarities of life. The tourist, on the other hand, is at the mercy of the society which is not all laughs and smiles.

    Note to Thailand - "Greed - one of the Three Poisons that lead to Evil and Sufferingl". - Teachings of Buddhism

  16. "Each year Thailand gets a lot of revenue from the tourism industry - but the government has never used money from this industry to develop and support tourism," she said.

    Well, I've got to admit that it's good on her, Tourism Council of Thailand president Piyaman Tejapaibul, to admit this. That's a rather reveal.

    As if we had any doubts regarding who truly benefits from foreign money. Surely not the tourists. Funny how TV can be so accurate sometimes.

    I do notice over the last months that the Thai apologist brigade have gone almost completely dark silent. Interesting.

    Your posting was interesting and spot on...up to the point concerning the "Thai apologist brigade". I don't remember seeing a member list and indeed, putting a label on posters with opposing views may be inaccurate. The guidelines used to put someone in that imaginary camp is vague and unknown, and is confusing to me.

    I try not find the right hole for each peg, lest I have to hammer the peg in to fit the hole. Love the Maple Leaf by the way.

  17. you dont know who he knows or what his relatives will do if you make a serious problem for him, you wont sleep at night in that property

    LOS? Is Thailand really as bad as TV suggests it is / might be?

    ...Boys in brown...

    Who are these then? A quick google didn't enlighten me.

    Organised criminals.... AKA the police (who wear tight brown uniforms).

    True, there are some corrupt police, as there are in every country. I've met some very honest ones, but I don't know nor have I met them all.

    I have not done indepth rsearch or studied a reputable paper on crimes commited by or the corruption of the Royal Thai Police. Therefore, I am not qualified to make a generalized statement about the police criminality/organization factor. If I did so, it would at best, be speculation and heresay.

  18. As sad as the dog situation is, there seems to be more pressing issues that face the Thai people. Here in Pattaya, the dogs run amok, in and out of traffic, snapping and fighting one another for mere existence. This moment, I sit here on my balcony, and watch a pathetic pooch hunkered down, outside the bar next door.

    It is one of about 10 that call the bar home. They are fortunate in that the Thai owner and workers feed and provide shelter for them. I doubt that any sort of medical care is provided, as the dogs are in a very bad state.

    My resources only allow me to donate to help humans. Never the less, my heart does go out to the dogs, particularly those in obvious distress from mange, tumors and other conditions.

  19. It sure stresses me out when some brain donor does it while Im trying to park my car.

    I agree. One would think the guards would use hand and arm signals to guide you back and the whistle to warn you to stop in order to prevent hitting something or someone. With all the racket, I mostly ignore them and rely on mirrors, head turning and backup cameras.

    From my observation at the local store, none of the guards have cars. They all seem to drive motorbikes and may not have any experience backing a car or any training as a ground guide, etc. I don't feel safe replying on them.

  20. Another DOGS! thread

    Do a search. Everything that can possibly be said has been said.

    Repetition is part of life. Sports, religion, politics, the weather and on and on. Lots of topics get talked about, analyzed, news featured, written about etc.

    It's all food for thought...even the repeats. The alternative is only a key click away.

  21. A young life taken before the full blossoming. Rest in Peace Dear Lady.

    May she not hear the acidic and venomous remarks that accompany her passing.

    Always a great shame when anyone loses their life but you're being a little over-dramatic, not to say imaginative, there, don't you think? Perhaps you could point out just one "acidic and venomous" remark that has been posted prior to your post.

    Yes, you are correct. I was a bit over-dramatic and for that I beg pardon of the readers of this forum. The comment concerning "acidic and venomous" remarks was a bit premature. It was intended as a reference for postings not yet made, for which I also beg pardon.

    Thank you for the kind reminder. :)

  22. Theres another popular kind of scam in which you receive a call from a total stranger claiming to be some kind of government officer telling you to go immediately to an ATM and transfer money to a certain account, because you have to pay a fine of some kind.

    Do not make any transfer! This scam works because people panic when they received this kind of call.

    Oh no bozo, this scam works because of the deeply ingrained, unquestioning obedience to authority so prevalent in Thai culture.

    Name calling is often due to a limited vocabulary or the inability to express oneself in more civil terms.

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