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Posts posted by Benmart

  1. Park in a 'Tuk Tuk' place at your own peril - risk all flat tyres or worse.

    Fear is the thugs best weapon. It costs nothing and carries to the four corners. Once in Pattaya I got blocked in by the Baht Bus Boys who had and still claim areas as "Theirs". I managed without damage to myself or the insured car to come through unscathed.

    Carefully take their photo with your camera, as well as pictures of their trucks and have witnesses to their threats. You safety is paramount and consider getting the local copper to come over so there is an official present.

    Yes, I know what the nay sayers have in their magical tool box. "All the cops are all corrupt" and they won't risk loosing tea money. Heard it all before and since I have not met each and every cop in Thailand, I venture to say neither has anyone else.

    Times are changing, slowly perhaps, but changing. The bottom feeders will continue to intimidate and sew fear until the Sheeples fight back.

    Think, think, think.

    • Like 1
  2. While I agree with the sentiment of your post it seems to be mostly conjecture.

    totster smile.png

    What proof do I need? The medical report says it all, or apparently so.

    What more sufficient evidence is needed. Performance and behavior, all documented prior to this in many circumstances and issues draws a fairly straight line, in my view. This is my luxury to do at this point simply because the medical report brings a swift end to the girl's suffering, whereas I emphatically believe that it could have ended much sooner than this.

    Conjecturing about how this could have gone on for many years and hundreds of times, I would infer, makes it extremely difficult for anyone who had contact with this girl to slip out of my cross-hairs.

    Interesting post. Now let the man have his day in court and not the Court of Public Opinion.

  3. Everyone has their own opinions on suicide....I think it's such a personal decision

    and no one can be sure if the person felt they had another way out of a difficult

    situation, or they were just tired of fighting and struggling every day. Perhaps,

    this life isn't for everyone. As for all the "loved ones" left behind...They really

    weren't any comfort to the person who took his life....were they?

    I have been very fortunate and always have seen life as an adventure filled with

    fun and family, and good things. Wish everyone was so lucky........

    I think you hit the nail on the head here: "As for the loved one's left behind...They really weren't any comfort to the person who took his life....were they?"

    We don't want to listen, do we? Have you had a problem and tried to explain it another person. You're not even an 1/8th of the way into speaking when he/she starts back with "Let me tell you about..." No one wants to listen, they just want to use the opportunity of your problem to sprout off their own stories. We have 2 ears and 1 mouth but we use these disproportionately.

    RIP, young fellow.

    Interesting post and true to a degree. The fellowship I belong to is unique in that we share our life's ups and downs with no one butting in while the speaker has his say. Many of my personal pains have been eased by sharing and by listening as well.

    The spirit of healing is often found in the company of strangers who have a common goal and focus. Back in January I had ideations of self destruction and the support i found gave me a new perspective and hope.

    Rest in Peace Mike.

  4. The only exception to the law will be cases where the gun owner can prove that he had a good reason for carrying the gun, Lt Col Akanit explained.

    If someone has to carry a lot of money or is being threatened by someone, than carrying a gun may be permissible, Col Akanit said.

    There my friends is the get out of jail card.

    Q Why did you have your gun?

    A Because I wanted to kill a rival who looked sideways at me.

    Carry on, nothing to see here

    Okay, so you are anti-gun. Your analogy makes no sense.

    I won't judge if the OP is anti-gun based soley on his post. I am, however, a bit puzzled with his post in general terms.

  5. Don't insult people's intelligence talking about fines and jail terms. We know what we see from the judicial system. Even Thai people are laughing at you and the judicial system. Any expat with close relations to a Thai knows what the Thai community thinks about Thai justice.

    The question might better be asked to those in Thai prisons and not those that know it only from the media or second hand reports. The Chonburi Prison has a waiting list for empty bed space on the floor.

  6. The only exception to the law will be cases where the gun owner can prove that he had a good reason for carrying the gun, Lt Col Akanit explained.

    If someone has to carry a lot of money or is being threatened by someone, than carrying a gun may be permissible, Col Akanit said.

    There my friends is the get out of jail card.

    Q Why did you have your gun?

    A Because I wanted to kill a rival who looked sideways at me.

    Carry on, nothing to see here

    Glad you clarified this for me since I am very much a novice in such matters. Can you give me a specific example where this "Get out of jail card" has has been presented? Just the date and name of the venue where it took place would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  7. Absolutely right !!! No matter whether you are Thai or a foreigner , or whether you were on the scene at the time of the accident . Accidents can be staged with the intent to rob whoever stops . My thai wife recently stopped for an accident that happened some distance behind her , a drunk man on a motor

    cycle carrying a guitar . My wife stopped thinking she could help and was promptly accused of causing the accident , though there was no impact or evidence to support that . It cost her BT4000 in reparations to his motor cycle . If you are a foreigner it will cost you a huge amount more , even though you had no involvement at all . A foreign man stationary in his car a red traffic light , was run into by a motor cyclist from an adjacent direction , a pillion rider was killed and the car driver was accused of dangerous driving .

    Concerning the accident involving a foreign driver sitting stationary in his car, etc. Do you recollect where I can research this? The media name and approximate date would be useful. Thanks in advance.

  8. I was sitting in my house once. Watching tv. Heard a loud bang outside and some drunken cretin in a motocy - local taxi man- had hit opposite neighbors klong jars and shattered it and had a big cut.

    My dad stopped him from trying to start his bike as there was blood everywhere and it spurted out when he tried.

    We got attention of other motocy and they got the wife / gf and they went to hospital and my dad gave them money for taxi.

    Later they turned up and blamed us for his accident.


    Similar in the USA. My wife was involved in an accident, the other driver admitted guilt. A day later her husband called my wife and said it the wife's fault.

    Dishonesty and the lack of ethics is worldwide from my experience traveling the Big Blue Marble.

  9. I have been held responsible for an accident that was not my fault and had to pay for it in the past.

    I'm not saying I would or would not stop and help if I came upon an accident.

    I would need to decide that on the spot 'considering the circumstances at hand

    I too fear being unjustly blamed.

    I know I would have the natural impulse to stop and assist.

    As a fire fighter, I was a "first responder "and responded to many accidents ( some rather horrific) over the years.

    I can understand not stopping for fear of being blamed.

    I can not understand anyone who asks " why should you care about someone else?"

    Only a sick, self absorbed, monster could see something like this and not care!

    Unless you are inhuman and have no feelings.........

    You could not stop, but still care.

    I agree with you, but one one point. Calling another person a sick, self-absorbed monster plays into their court. I would perhaps describe them as uncaring and self centered on this particular subject only. The posters statement alone speaks volumes about his character and his value of human life, much better than I can in my own words.

    I've responded to a report of "A man down", only to find it was an animal that had been hit. I gave a degree of compassion to an animal, so why wouldn't I do the same and more for a human?

    My cell phone has a camera and video recorder, both of which would come in handy should things turn south.

    Stay safe All.

  10. love cooking but hated cooking sweets. maybe I should get some advise on this .

    I hate eating sweet things, but I would love to make perfect cakes, if I would have the time.

    Did a double choc cake today, its only 20 mins prep 40 minutes cooking job done ! No time at all really.


    Did a couple of cakes in my rice cooker following recipes on line. They turned out great and were gone in days.

  11. Saw someone go down on a motorbike in CM right there while walking on sidewalk. I got into the street and helped pick up the bike and keep traffic away in time.

    No thank you or anything, just acted like I was invisible. Then she went over and had words with the other bike involved (who remained on her bike like it was no big deal).

    Some Thai guy standing there watching not doing anything. Seemed weird so I just walked off.

    People that are traumatized often act oddly. I have responded to many accidents in the US and the actions of passerbys, participants and others is perplexing at times. Some people are in denial that they have been in an accident and are injured, some are embarrassed, some are confused and scared. Some withouth licenses, lie or run off. Others babble non-stop and some won't utter a peep.

    Bystanders sometimes are helpful and some stand there like zombies, unable to move if their life were depended on it. Some won't or can't get involved due to language, ethical or legal reasons.

    Some gush with thanks and others walk off as if they were alone on the planet. I took it in stride and did what needed doing. The sun came up the next day and life went on.

    • Like 1
  12. That sounds harsh - if they are going to search your belongings they should do so before letting you leave otherwise your belongings could easily disappear in some warehouse where all this stuff ends up.

    I was once stopped at Heathrow for a cigarette check, asked where I came from and I showed them my e-cigarette. They were still interested in looking in my bag so I went to unlock it but they saw someone else they liked the look of (another solo passenger) and just told me to clear the area. Must be paid commission per bust or something...

    "...paid a commission per bust...". Can you elaborate please?

  13. Thailand is an awesome place to live. If you haven't figured out that yet, there is probally no helping you.

    Don't worry, the second day of your holiday will be great too. Enjoy!

    Perhaps try the Grand Palace and Wat Arun.

    Doccalamity's positive and optimistic outlook is refreshing. Quite a difference from the pessimistic and negative comments that overflow with unhappiness.

    Doc, keep the faith and don't let the negative nabobs of negativism change your bright outlook.

    • Like 1
  14. Thailand is an awesome place to live. If you haven't figured out that yet, there is probally no helping you.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I've been coming to Thailand for the last 20 years and now live here. While not perfect (whatever that means), I accept the LOS for what it is and live life on life's terms.

    Some may never find happiness regardless if it is the LOS, Europe, the USA or elsewhere. Their unhappiness, pain and anguish is best viewed from a distance. Peace All.

  15. If they are paid like many expats whereby there is no income tax and you are on a full expatriate deal, the place is heaven.

    Exactly, that's probably the type of people they surveyed. Not foreigners struggling with their own small business, or people doing like hotel jobs for a local 30.000 Baht salary.

    Who they interviewed is unknown. All else is speculation.

  16. Tops for what? Thailand is a wonderful place to visit, and maybe even retire (for some.)

    But if I was a young man with a $250,000 salary (as mentioned) and a relocation package the only thing that would interest me about Thailand is same same - Thai birds. Otherwise I would far rather be sent to a developed country.

    To each his own. Live and let live.

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