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Posts posted by Benmart

  1. Police are under the microscope worldwide. Rigorous enforcement often gets complaints for being too rigid, harassing the public and being impersonal. Lack of enforcement often results in a torrent of criticism and name calling. There are dedicated, professional police officers in Thailand as well as dishonest, lazy ones.

    I would challenge readers to be objective in their comments and base them on personal experience. Second and third hand "expert opinion" are meaningless and raise doubts about the credibility of the poster.

    Many people have no idea of the dynamics of law enforcement or the goals of police departments. I don't profess to know all about the RTP, but reserve my comments from actual contact and observation. So far it's been limited to seeing them patrolling, directing traffic and issuing citations.

    Just my 2-Bahts worth

  2. He means its safer and less likely he gets whacked being over there, right? And can make connections involving graft easier and on a larger scale abroad? Hope the puppets here don't adhere to documents he signs and wants enforced here; but that could be my wishful thinking!..... I know how he thinks...

    And it is more comfortable.

    Think: You stay in the office and work hard because all these pro-democracy idiots make your life hard.


    You put your sister on the job, who looks lovely and people get less angry and you stay on enjoying life and sometimes call in per cheapo Skype.

    The shocking part is how even the most uneducated of the population here can't see that; its clear as day what is going on. But, then again, few knew, cared or just didn't accept what was brewing when the bolsheviks, nazis, and even what is going on in the USA right now. Diverted by football, Justin Bieber or an i phone I guess.....good propaganda artists are good at providing distractions, huh? N korea for instance.

    You are correct. I fear that many people live a myopic existence. As long as they have a big screenTV, the newest gadget and latest fashions, they are quite content. They slurp up the slop called network news, and believe what Big Brother says. It makes goverming the masses easy when all one needs to do is toss them a free loaf of bread during the games.
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  3. wow great news......i saw a new tow truck yesterday...but not big enough to tow the illegally parked tour bus JACKASSES.....they still do as they please...drive down the small soi's,to avoid the traffic jams that they have created.... .like they are on sukumvit motorway....f n idiots is all they are....idiots....

    Take a deep breath. You sound upset over something that is beyond our control.

  4. Glad to see it. It's up to people to decide if they use them.

    There are always critics for a wide range of topics. Complaining the belts aren't available, complain if they are, complain they arent the right color, complain if the complaints department isn't taking complaints 24 hours a day. I live life on life's terms and try to stay focused in the positive aspects of my short time on the planet. The negative aura that surrounds some life forms is one that I try to avoid.

    "Easy does it".

  5. Why do they need to boost tourism ? I thought and according to the TAT figures that tourism is increasing a lot ....

    Thailand and Bangkok is now the most visited Country/City in the world but considering how much money it brings both the people and the government it makes sense to look at growing it further.

    Of course the other side of the coin is that more tourists means more money, which leads to things being more expensive, which will then reduce tourism because people come here for a cheap holiday.

    My feelings too. Thailand will eventually price itself out of the market and Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam will be the new destinations for cost concious travelers which is already underway.

  6. Imagine if this were an accident involving British tourists. The British Embassy officials wouldn't put down their glass of Cognac and their cigar as they read it, and would carry on to the next article. Such is their reputation for helpfulness and concern. If anything, they would charge each injured person for helping them.

    Really ???.... Or is the Embassy really in place for the interests of the British Economy and business ?... think carefully before answering.

    But, if an accident were to happen and a number of British Tourists injured are the Thai hospitals not well enough equipped ? OR, IF the British Government put on a plane to Medivac the tourists, wouldn't those British Expats with such a high sense of entitlement expect the same when they fall of their honda wave ?

    Really - The only responsibility any foreign government has is to warn its citizens to be careful of various risks including the safety of public transport in Thailand.

    On the other hand, It is the responsibility Thai government to ensure the safety of its visitors - We complain that not enough is being done and agreeably so, but to turn this into a criticism of our own Embassy is just daft... I wonder who's GF was rejected a Visa !...

    On Topic:

    There are way way too many mini-van and bus accidents in Thailand....

    I for one advise anyone I know visiting Thailand not to use Mini-Vans and public busses. Those who still choose to, I advise them that if the driver is erratic or appears dangerous in anyway that they should get off the bus at a convenient point and re-arrange transport (not always an option, but it could make the difference).

    Well its true their visa service is a joke run through VFS. Its true their passport service is a joke since they couldn't be bothered to issue passports in Thailand anymore despite 50,000 expats living here. I hope you never have any problems here that are big enough for you to think you need their assistance because you will just be fed the standard crap excuse for why they can't help and will be left out on your own. They are the lousiest Embassy I ever had the misfortune to need assistance from and they are the opposite of compassionate.

    "Joke, crap"? These words used in this context leaves me wondering what you are trying to express.

  7. the OP seems to be an expert on the Thai sex industry, Pattaya is one of the worlds biggest open air brothels, nothing to be ashamed of if that's the sort of thing that takes you there. Don't try and pretend it's something else though

    There is no pretense that Pattaya is a city that supports working families, has schools, light industry, retail, wholesale, agriculture, entertainment, transportation, and on and on. Aside from the working girls, there is a lot more to the city than the casual visitor sees.

  8. Pattaya is a shit hole.. get over it ! If you like living there, then that's great..live there. The OP sounds like he is trying to convince himself rather than the readers.

    totster cheesy.gif

    Using base language to describe something does not fully explain your position. Use the intelligence you have to elaborate in terms we can all understand. Some people may love the anus. Being ale to explain why is another story.

  9. "To start with, these broad-brush statements always remind me of a certain little Austrian who used similar statements to vilify a race of people and make himself and his supporters feel better about the fact that they were the lowlifes."

    People who hate Patts are Nazis? Come on, the place is a dump.

    One persons dump, is another's paradise. Live and let live.

    • Like 1
  10. Who wants to live the near the ocean , yet have to commute 1 hr each way to the beach ...only to share it with 20,000 Chinese ???

    If the OP believes that only 1% of the population is involved with the sex industry ,then I would query his maths .

    Pattaya is generally cheap and seedy , which is what attracts most of it's patrons ,Russians included .

    Thais like to go there to watch the Farang freak show ...and also shop - I'll concede that .

    Anywhere can be "amazing" if you can afford to live very comfortably and distance yourself from the reality of your surroundings .

    200,000 Chinese. How did you arrive at that number?

  11. To me it seems Pattaya gets a disproportionately higher % of expats that

    either / or

    # indulge in excessive alcohol intake = accident prone during or after intoxication. Alcohol abuse has a higher suicide rate also.

    # advancing age ; maybe poor balance and coordination. also higher suicide rate and compounded if chronic/ debilitating disease is present.

    # associate with low end local society which may lead to facilitated falls. eg: criminality

    Therefore; why wouldn't the death rates be higher.

    This could be true. It would be interesting to see a research paper on it.

  12. I'm sure he's not Norwegian. "Mack London" isn't a Norwegian name at all, and he doesn't even look Scandinavian.

    Have you ever seen a black Scandinavian? Asia Scandinavian? They do exist via adoption, emigration, etc. The name means nothing either in determining where a person is from. It's a homogenous world we live in.

  13. 7 years in Thailand and never got bored. I always have some projects I'm working on, when I'm not actually working. Right now, I'm building a puppet theatre for a nearby school. Next project will probably be buying an old small bike (Suzuki A100) and customize it. Making sculptures is another past time.

    24hours are definitely not enough for my day.

    Great project for the school! I'm sure the kids will appreciate it and have hours of fun. :)
  14. Such a terrible waste of a young life. Whatever happend at home that pushed you over the edge we'll never know. But of course things do happen to our relatives and family when we are away. Those of us that are committed to Thailand for a long time have to be strong when the disturbing news from our home arrive. And then we shall try to be strong. Such is always a problem for us and our families after we are used to living thousands of miles apart. We shall pray for your family, wishing them peace with fond memories of you in their lives as they contemplate their future without you young man.

    Thank you for the kind posting. It is indeed refreshing to read a sane, sensitive post without profanities, name calling and juvenile comments.

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