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  1. Thanks for all the reply's even the very stupid one, thanks all
  2. I have a lady that wants to fly From Phatthalung to Pattaya, Utapao, is it possible, or do you have to fly to another city and change flights thanks
  3. And get shot or Kidnaped by the drug mob .
  4. Retirment visa , (it is not a visa, ) is for over 50 year old not one of the Arab would be over 50 and would not have an extension stay for retirement, so the retirement is not the way to go. learn about the system of visa in Thailand and stop posting stupid things.
  5. You must have something really wrong with you if can not meet a nice lady in Thailand, I am 85 have ladies come from BKK , Korat, Khon Kaen, all over the place to visit me, I am a pensioner not a lot of money, not good looking, some times I look at myself and scare myself and think what happen, meet many ladies that do not want money or only a little money and some look really good, I can meet them in Super Markets, or just walking down the Soi, meet most on line , the biggest problem I have is getting rid if them, all this is true, you must have something really wrong with you.
  6. I have been in Thailand for 16 years, when I first came I was surprised to see how many people wore masks, I think the number of people wearing masks now is about the same as 16 years ago, Asian people like to wear masks, the only people that go on about it is Farangs never Thais, Farangs should suck it up and not get there nickers in KNOT
  7. I have a Honda Accord for sale in one weeks time, it is a three owner, first owner was Thai, second owner from Australia and I am from Australia, have all the log books and recites, nothing to be done could dive it to anywhere in Thailand and back with no problem, inside is in great condition so it the outside, must be seen to appreciate it, will take 110.000 Baht for it, it maybe the best car for sale in Thailand for under 120,000 Baht contact me.
  8. I think you maybe a Farang that pronounces Pat ta ya , Pie tire ya or Paytireya like many many Farangs, never hear a Thai pronounce it like many Farangs do. you can buy a song in the music shops that Thai Lady boys sing you can learn how it should be pronounced . just saying
  9. Can buy N95 Masks at the Pharmacy inside Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, not the Hospital Pharmacy the private own Pharmacy, go in the front door turn left it is on the left side not far down,
  10. Do not get any stress ever, do not eat or drink sweet things, sugar levels are normal. sex makes you live longer and have a better life, live alone so no problems with any lady, many is the spice of life and not expensive.
  11. I was 85 last month, very fit and healthy nothing wrong with me, have regular check ups, everything still works very well, walk like a normal person, no fat on me, do not drink alcohol ever, do not smoke anything, eat only healthy food that I make and cook myself, still have a great life, enjoy the ladies very much, drive the car and ride my motor bike better than most people at any age, would not be dead for anything, no drink and smokes are the reason, both will kill you.
  12. How long have you been in Thailand, just a few days ? , if you are an older bloke and you have sex with a Thai lady you must give her money or you will never see her again, it matters not what work she does, the going rate is 1,000 Baht,
  13. I live in North Pattaya for 10 years, , have lived in Thailand for 15 years, 5 in Bangkok liked BKK , 10 in Pattaya, I live alone, get 45,000 Baht each month and save money most months, have a car and motor bike , pay 10,000 Baht rent for a house, very nice big house, make all my own meals cook most nights, , do not go to restaurants very much, never go to bars or go out at night much. do not drink or smoke, live a nice quite life, do not have a lack of ladies, not ladies bars or freelance, I find Thailand cheap to live, The only reason most men come to Thailand is for the ladies and the cheap living. have been to Kuala Lumpur many times hate it, like up country in Thailand to visit, Thai ladies are great. would like to know how the guys that think it is bad here live, they never say.
  14. Not a fan of tattoo , every one has their own right to have one or not, I find it very sad that some Thai ladies have tattoos , Thai ladies have very beautiful skin mostly unmarked smooth skin, and a beautiful color , it is sad to see some with very large Tattoo on them legs arms and worst of all the chest above the breasts, big wings things , to me it is disfiguring one self, all of the ladies I have spoken to that are over 40 seriously regret having Tattoo , every lady I see that is over 50 with tattoo look really bad , it is a sham they get them when young to regret them when older, just my opinion, many will have a very different opinion to me, that is their right, to each their own. Hate Tattoo just me, only about ten % of men like women with Tattoo , can be google so they make them self less attractive, no tattoo ever make a lady more beautiful. again my opinion .
  15. I will continue to wear an Mask , Have lived in Thailand for 15 years , before wearing an Mask I would get 3 or more Colds each year only for three to five days when Covid come I would wear an Mask when ever I went out side, I have never had an Cold since I have done nothing else only wear the Mask I think they work, maybe only for me but will not stop wearing an Mask, do not care what anyone thinks I am sure they protect me. I wear an KN95 Mask.
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