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Everything posted by Hikage

  1. ok then... data works, so i guess the 4-5 bars reflects that. 2g or 3g voice signals might be a different story. i'll try an AIS sim, can't hurt.
  2. I have no particular reason to believe AIS will help aside from the fact I've heard they have the best coverage. So if I tried True, I'd just be connecting to the same towers under a different brand name? It's more than delivery drivers. I'm also loath to move to AIS because it's more difficult to keep active when you're out of the country for extended periods. Dtac you just dial a number to increase validity for 30/90/180 days.
  3. On my trips here pre covid, my prepaid dtac plan with a galaxy s3 worked great. Now i come back with the same prepaid plan with a new phone (redmi note) and some calls are not getting through.... often i will see a new sms, eg: "you have 3 unreceived call from 066xxxxxx from 11:59 to 12:00 23/8/23" i suspect the new phone uses 4g lte which may well be weak in my building (i am in Jomtien on the 30th floor) The signal strength bars waver between 4 and 5. I've called dtac who were completely clueless. Is it time for a change to AIS? I'd hate to have to change my number, but so many calls not getting through. Appreciate any advice.
  4. Notwithstanding limits the overseas source bank might impose, do Thai ATMs have a maximum withdrawl limit per day, or per transaction? I seem to recall from many years ago it was 20K per transaction, but I'm not sure. Thanks
  5. For reference, you need to upload (Sydney consulate): - bank statement with at least 1K - drivers license - completed visa form with photo - passport bio page After approval send them hard copies of the above... bank check/money order covering the cost of the visa along with passport. That's all I needed to provide.
  6. I have just received my single entry tourist visa from the consulate here... I am Australian. Anyone know if you're still OK with a one-way ticket to Thailand on this visa? Never had a problem before but wondered if things were still the same. I know I could use an onward ticket service, but if I don't need to, so much the better. Thanks.
  7. Shows how things have changed.... onward travel was never a requirement when entering on a TV. Seems you applied at Canberra which looks to be more strict than Sydney.
  8. Got to step 6... It's only a bank statement with at least A$1,000
  9. Ok, right... I was looking at the Sydney one... looks a fair bit easier than Canberra. The document uploads I think are the visa form, passport and other photo id (step 5). They may email back asking for further documents, but like you I'll just ride that train as far as I'm comfortable. If they start asking for accom, flight etc I'll revert to original plan. edit: I'll attempt to get to step 6 with a "test" run through.
  10. I can't find the second page, can you link me to the document.... thanks
  11. Did you have to pre-book air tickets as part of the application?
  12. Interesting. I recall specifically applying for the 7 day ext knowing a 30 day ext was a no-go.... obviously pre-2014.
  13. From my reading Vientiane requires 2 nights stay, Penang one. Yeah, I get it.... the visa run situation changes frequently, but it's a shame as Penang was easy going back a bit, a simple flight to the airport then cab ride to the consulate, oh well. If 2 border runs a year is allowed, then I'll just do that.
  14. On the debit side, Vientiane requires an extra full day to process the visa.... though the appointment system sounds like a big improvement. Your other option sounds very viable though... 1 extra border crossing in exchange for no visa hassle. Tell me, when was the extension upped from 7 to 30 days?
  15. Hmm, It looks like I don't need to upload a flight e-ticket. Can I actually send an application without having the flight confirmed and just fill in an approximate arr/dep date on the visa form with an appropriate flight number? That would be nice. I hate confirming a flight without having a firm date on the visa processing.
  16. Yeah, saw that but they recommend applying 1-2 months before departure.... that's a bit of an increase from the 2 day turnaround you'd see at the Adel consulate. Don't really want to wait that long. Thus I have to endure the Penang trip.
  17. The consulate in Adelaide closed down and the Canberra Embassy phones are leading me nowhere... press 1, press 3, press 1, beep beep beep... click. Emails have not been answered. Bit of a problem.
  18. Hi, Want to come to Thailand for 5 months. Australian 48 yo I've been seeing here and there that the visa exempt entry extension is 30 days.... is this correct? I recollect from many years ago you could only ever get a 7 day extension. So my plan is: 30 day visa exempt entry = 30 days 30 day extension = 30 days visa run to Penang for tourist visa = 60 days tourist visa extension = 30 days = around 5 months Is this workable? Thanks.
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