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Everything posted by CLUBBER

  1. Hola , Buenas Dias Mein Fuhror ! 😂
  2. Hope the have to do the time in a Thai prison instead of a UK one
  3. Agree with you but you might ad one more , 6. Don't have relationships with hookers and bar girls , when you pay them , you are paying for them to leave 👍🏼
  4. Agree with you but you might ad one more , 6. Don't have relationships with hookers and bar girls , when you pay them , you are paying for them to leave 👍🏼
  5. Another reason I’m so glad I listened to a wise man’s advice over 20 years ago and never bought any property here ! I will just be a part time resident if even that soon enough 👍🏼
  6. He will get a nice choice the front or straight to black dolphin
  7. I’m sure you’re joking 🤡
  8. 100% agree love it here but would not invest one penny into this country . Just rent and keep my assets and property back inn farangland
  9. Are you the famous architect or Marine biologist 😜
  10. Yes all those golfers are lunatics ! Running around under the hot sun trying to whack a little ball into a hole , insanity 🤣
  11. So this whacked out broad smacks the guard twice instigating the fight and now wants to file charges after he hit her back . It now also sounds like she is looking for a law suit . This isn't the UK or USA where you can sue for BS and get money like a blood sucking leech ! I guess you can say the guard should not have hit her back but she hit him twice she deserved at least a good smack in face ! So many low life and whacked out Farangs in the LOS
  12. So this whacked out broad smacks the guard twice instigating the fight and now wants to file charges after he hit her back . It now also sounds like she is looking for a law suit . This isn't the UK or USA where you can sue for BS and get money like a blood sucking leech ! I guess you can say the guard should not have hit her back but she hit him twice she deserved at least a good smack in face ! So many low life and whacked out Farangs in the LOS
  13. Russians are not wanted anywhere they are the 💩 of Eastern Europe the sooner they start deporting them and making it harder for them to even come here the better ! Let them go to Somalia to draft dodge and get away from the bleak Russian life
  14. I'll be taking myself and my money someplace else GFYS
  15. I don’t know these two just getting pulled over for a traffic infraction and doing this , I can say it does seem there’s more to the story and I only see one of them taking the weapon and clearing it ( making it safe) definitely more to this story . At least no one was hurt .
  16. Well I would bet money I it’s the latter
  17. All these farang in the news lately doing crazy stuff , the American said hold my beer 😜
  18. I enjoy many but for me it’s Vivaldi’s four seasons . Recently listened to it while driving my car through a snowy country setting back in farangland and it was amazing ! Until I reached NYC and it’s traffic and drivers , then I have to switch over to punk rock or death metal to fit in with the other drivers 😜
  19. Wow another useless vague Thai story , what is it with these reporters I learned about how to write a news story and what information to include in I think fifth grade
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