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Posts posted by CLUBBER

  1. This practice of taxi drivers with attitude problems, picking and choosing what passengers and which journeys to take has been going on in New York and London for as far back as I can remember.

    Many of the black cab drivers that operate at the airports in the UK and the Yellow cab drivers of New York, prefer the naive tourists that want to travel long distances and will often refuse to do the short runs. I would not describe these taxi drivers as being part of a mafia gang, but they have definitely formed some sort of unofficial syndicates that consider themselves above the law and above any public transport regularity organisations. It now seems that this practice has caught on in Bangkok.

    As for doing your part, I have no idea what one can do to stop a practice that has been going on for decades, but it seemed no problem for this fella in the video below:

  2. Interesting to note so far both MAS and the International media are reluctant to weigh into the possibility that two-imposters boarded the aircraft on false passports alternatively preferring to point fingers at two-oil slicks while circling in a plane. What has been so disappointing with MAS search & rescue plan is that they have been so slow to react which can only be a reflection upon they had no or verry little plan to begin with. Plenty of talk: no action.

    I just heard on BBC that the US navy and Singapore navy were sending ships into the area to join the search maybe this will help MAS speed things up . Such a horrible story I cant imagine what the families are going through . I just hope its not what everyone is suspecting was the cause , prayers to all involved :(

  3. Centipede & Millipede Primer for noobs & old timers.

    Millipedes are harmless and eat nothing but vegetables or decaying vegetation.

    They'll even eat the moss that grows on the sides of cement structures...that's

    why one can see those squiggly lines on the moss & wonder..."Gee...what did that?"

    Now you know....millipedes did it. One species of millipede emits hydrogen cyanide

    gas if handled or "disturbed"....it's the most common millipede in LOS save for the

    red millipede and named the yellow spotted millipede...and it has no natural enemies.

    I wonder why?! Millipedes are also slow movers....they crawl around slowly & fill their

    tummies with vegies.

    Millipede pictures....


    attachicon.gifGiant millipede2.JPG

    Centipedes are plain old nasty critters that bite anything they happen not to like

    which usually means everything and anything that may or may not disturb them

    anytime and anywhere. Centipedes are carnivorous....they be meat eaters

    maties! And centipedes are very fast movers....surprisingly fast at that.

    I can vouch that the bite from a centipede is extremely painful (read agonizing akin

    to a severe toothache), which can last for days, will cause a huge amount of swelling,

    may cause necrosis of the skin in the bite area (may turn black & rot but will eventually

    heal....maybe), will bring extreme discomfort (HAH!) to the entire body and also...may

    be fatal if you have a allergic reaction to the bastards venom. The only supposedly

    centipede bite death happened in the Philippines to a young girl who was bitten on

    the head and died 29 hours after the bite. However...be warned...you may end up

    in hospital anyway if you get bitten so the best advice is to not get bitten.

    Centipede Pictures...

    attachicon.gifAsian House Centipede.jpg...bite is akin to a bee sting.

    attachicon.gifSoutheast Asian Centipede.jpg...Nasty Bastard

    attachicon.gifSoutheast Asian Red Centipede.jpg...Nasty bastard again but different.

    A link to a lad who was bitten China...describes the ordeal pretty acurately too!


    Best way to avoid centipede bites....Keep your home clean, don't go poking around

    in old wooden crap or under long standing cans, logs etc outside & in dark cupboards.

    And if you do get zapped....you'll most likely live to tell the tale...I did.

    Best way to kill a centipede...my size 12 foot; with a shoe on it I should add.

    Happy & Safe Holidays Y'all!

    NB...edit to add stuff about speed of movement of the bugs.

    That first picture captioned bite is akin to a bee sting is actually a silverfish bug , although quite ugly they are harmless and don't bite I have alot of experience with them . One interesting thing about them is if they cant find food they will eat there own skin to survive , YUCCKKKKK !

  4. Do you think it could be this guy, Bill Leyshon? Scroll down to see a photo of him from a few years back. Looks very similar, the age is about right, and this 'other' Bill has only daughters as well: http://www.bbc.co.uk/somerset/content/articles/2008/05/22/bill_leyshon_profile_feature.shtml

    If so, we have a Brit who pretended to be French to save his country the embarrassment and to stick one to the continentals. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    YES you got it ! Great work he is really a Brit :)

  5. Please stop posting these stories , its getting harder and harder to get friends and family to visit me in LOS My condo has a beautiful huge roof top pool with a great view of BKK . I spend my late nights up there . I used to walk everywhere in BKK at anytime never had a problem , ofcourse it might also be cuz I look like an axe murderer wink.png but reading all these stories I just take a taxi to be safe , and ........I am always very polite and nice to the taxi man especially samurai sword wielding ones :)

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  6. I am in New York City , Brooklyn to be exact and the price is about the same here except my gym cost me about 450 $ for an annual membership (Golds) I am only a part time resident of Thailand but may soon be full time . There are great things about both places and I love NYC , but with that said I go out and do a lot more stuff in Thailand , one because the cost is so much cheaper and two I believe , because going out in Thailand just seems to be so much more stress free and easy . Real estate is the big number a decent condo in a decent area of Brooklyn is about 700,000 for a 1 br to sky is the limit ! Forget about Manhattan you can spend 2 million and only have 2 br and no view . The ROI is actually better in Bangkok because property much cheaper and maintenance so cheap also , some people here pay almost 2000 per month for maintenance fees and not even have a pool or car park ( rare in NYC) I can only live here because I bought my place sometime ago . The great thing is when I really decide to pack it in and retire or at least semi retire , I will be able to buy a great place in BKK or Hua Hin and have plenty of money left over for the bank , or maybe a boat ;)

  7. Post removed.

    I guess a reminder is needed.

    Gentlemen. This is the ladies forum and as such we have stricter rules regarding what is allowed here. This forum is a place for women to feel comfortable posting without being attacked or denigrated. So, I would suggest you think before posting and understand that a public warning has been issued in regards to the kind of behavior that will be tolerated here. There is a very low tolerance policy for rude and disrespectful behavior here. Best remember the manners your mother taught you before posting.

    Mistress Whiplash I will obey ! wai.gif

  8. Same thing happened to me up at Bang Tao , I helped a lifeguard bring in a big Ukrainian guy who was told twice not to swim . He said spaciba and Here is the best part 5 minutes after we got him in the guy goes a little farther down the beach and , right back in ! He floundered around a little until the lifeguard made him get out and he was angry he couldnt swim . I bet we saved his life that day twice !

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