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Posts posted by PalMan

  1. However I'm more confused now than I was before... I've got loads of questions for the people involved... and to me most of this mockumenatry just does not add up!?...


    Well there are hundreds here for whom this is an everyday humdrum same-old-same-old story we've heard - any many lived - many times over.

    So feel free to ask away.

    Just realize that most of us are cynical (some even downright nasty) old sexpat barstool warriors, so take it all with a grain of salt.

  2. And only one side of the equation is needed to reproduce the same story in other circumstances, including any country.

    Thailand just happens to have turned into a semi-organized niche industry, so those of us with latent fookwit tendencies just need to be a bit more on our guard if we're playing in that kind of environment.

  3. Is the UK a Budhist country these days?


    Take the Buddhism part out of it and just look at the list on its own.

    I think it's safe to say most people in the world - not least the UK - would agree these are pretty lowest-common-denominator basic rules of morality.

    Don't you? If not, which ones would you teach your kids to break?

    Nothing to do with Buddhism as such.

  4. My advice to you Mike 45 is to sit down and carefully plan what you think you will need, triple it, add 50%, pray a lot and you shjould be OK.

    Or not.



    Or perhaps make sure you're enjoying life as you go, taking breaks between career/business model changes and don't expect to ever retire, if you get to the end of the line and can't work and no one's supporting you nothing for it but the silver bullet, or nembutal if you prefer.

    If you don't enjoy your work then slaving away at it for x decades in the (ever more remote) hope you'll have some money to enjoy the end bit doesn't seem too sensible to me.

  5. Some people resent the fact that even twenty years after you've married a Thai, perhaps support a large community of Thais, even fathered Thai citizen children you don't have any security of residence nor the right to work or conduct business nor the right to own land to build a house etc etc. And can be kicked out if they decide to raise the income eligibility requirements and/or your fixed income no longer qualifies because our home currencies are in the toilet.

    Some people think these kinds of things should be based on reciprocity.

    I don't agree with any of it but that's how I see the issue from others' POV.

    • Like 1
  6. It wasn't aimed at you or anyone in general. I am in the same boat as you fella and even if I was loaded it would still be a family and close friends ceremony.....I have no time or patience for free loaders !!!


    Doubt if we're in the same boat, if so my sincere condolences.

    People talking about spending 20-30K+ on a party, just totally out of my league, maybe if I had some money in the bank and 100K income I'd consider it. . .

    Naah, I don't think so.

    But y'all go ahead, don't forget to be grateful to the universe you're in a position to consider it!

  7. Sure sounded like you were saying stuff like "anyone who pays for it must be a loser".

    If I "pay for it" and don't get fooled, make sure I get good value for my money, if the fact that I'm old and bald and fat and don't have enough money to attract a youngster back home, and no way in heck would consider having sex with a women within thirty years of my age, does that automatically make me a loser in your eyes?

    If yes, then you're being way judgmental and let people be as they are until they start actually harming others. IMO

    No it didn't sound like that at all but take it any way you like.

    I'm surprised you didn't mean it that way, I won't take the time to copy and paste all the many phrases that I took to mean that, if you go back and look at them yourself from my point of view you'll probably see how I came to that mistaken conclusion.

    Also you didn't respond to my very specific question.

  8. The fact that the government refuses to provide us with proper long term assurance to remain in the country despite meeting financial and family obligations does not make a person any less a resident of the country. Im sure at this juncture you can find some old guys who have lived here better part of half century on bloody extensions.


    The term is accurate in that it reflects the above - we are allowed to remain here only by the good graces and mercy of TPTB from one year to the next. Anytime they want to change the rules or even kick us out wholesale they are free to do so, just like you can kick a guest out of your house when they become unwelcome, or your circumstances change.

    Also reflects the fact that the Thais are very consistent in making clear they consider it very rude for us to comment on how the house is run, if we don't like it we're welcome to move on anytime.

  9. Yes that's right let's start slagging her parents off, mum must be a slapper if she's thirty years younger than the father. Really "just curious" can sure turn into a hen pecking pretty quick, why on earth would anyone be interested in this stuff, none of our business is it?

    • Like 2
  10. Not slagging at all, obviously everyone's got their parameters.

    I'm pretty skint, so there are many many things that my SOs' families have insisted are "absolutely basic core essential" but they could never themselves afford in a million years. Then surprise surprise neither can I and they try to make out like I'm a substandard farang ("kee nok") because my wealth doesn't measure up to their (and their community's) expectations.

    I personally don't buy into any of that stuff anymore - I pay the sin sot, tell my SO what her monthly allowance is and what she does with it is her business. I me myself and I make all the decisions about how the rest is spent otherwise we'd be living right under the bridge (or rather I would be alone) in short order.

    If someone else is willing to and can afford to indulge in these niceties more power to 'em, I can't. And to be honest even if I had more I'd rather have long-term security than operate on a different pattern, I'd stick to exactly the same MO and maybe be able to stop working a few years before I die. Maybe.

    • Like 1
  11. I totally agree that min age should be 5y. This what we do in US. But I am having hell of time convincing my Thai wife. Well my daughter is only one and I will do my best to convince her in 2 years


    If you have to "convince" your Thai wife of anything. . .

    On this issue I'd pull out the heavier ammo, this is one area where I'm afraid I'm definitely not "Thai apologist accept their cultural differences" they really have no clue whatsoever about education.

    Seriously, I have taught at one of the top international schools for nearly a decade, and also at a range of the shitty ones, and also at the top Thai-run schools, both "international program" and regular as well as the regular ones, and I am dead serious there are only 8-12 schools in the whole country that are as good or better than an average government school in an NES country (and that's not saying much IMO) and every one is well over half a million baht per child tuition plus plus plus.

    I feel very strongly that any parent choosing to live here because they enjoy Thailand that can't afford the above is being very very selfish and doing their kids a lifelong disservice.

    Lucie's advice is good, don't pay any attention to what Bangkokstick says on this issue if you're at all in sync with what I'm saying.

    • Like 1
  12. I usually offer to contribute 20% for these sorts of events, maybe half for really "necessary" ones like direct family members' funerals.

    Would be less if other family members had more but in my case they're dirt dirt poor.

    You would pay 20% for YOUR Home Blessing and the blessing for YOUR new born child? ... and "maybe" 50% for your wifes/childs funeral??

    That's a new low on TV.


    If you're talking about me personally, I wouldn't sponsor any of this stuff at all zero.

    I'm talking about stuff my SO's family wants to arrange and is looking for me to pay for.

    If I'm the only one contributing then I'd chip in enough for the monks to visit - if I could afford it - but not for all the entertaining and showing off for the neighbors, as we've seen in the thread that can cost a lot more than even well-paid TEFL teachers make in a month.

    And actually I'd never settle down anywhere near my wife's family, exactly for these reasons. I'm saving money to be able to give my kids a decent education, not tossing it around buying face for all her relatives.

  13. These days I take my compliments where I get them - "chalat guen bai" "loo mak guen bai" will do for this stage of my life.

    What do they mean in Thai?

    He knows too much, he's too clever. As in he knows the going rates, knows all the scams already.

    As opposed to newbies fresh off the plane without a clue, easier to get bigger bucks from for less work.



    I think perhaps you're deluded in thinking a satisfying physical relationship needs things "in common", to me compatibility is a completely different issue, it's the things we don't have in common that make them attractive to me, maybe "complementary" is the right world

    And I don't know why you keep insisting that lots of us are deluded, I think most of us know exactly what we're doing and love it thanks.


    I don't remember saying that those engaged in purely physical relationships are losers nor that those types of relationships require things in common. My assertions apply to those who seem to confuse the physical aspects with genuine affection and distribute their wealth accordingly.


    Sure sounded like you were saying stuff like "anyone who pays for it must be a loser".

    If I "pay for it" and don't get fooled, make sure I get good value for my money, if the fact that I'm old and bald and fat and don't have enough money to attract a youngster back home, and no way in heck would consider having sex with a women within thirty years of my age, does that automatically make me a loser in your eyes?

    If yes, then you're being way judgmental and let people be as they are until they start actually harming others. IMO

  14. Nothing wrong with village care at that age, a bit of free-ranging around the village in fact IMO is much better than what rich city kids are stuck with.

    Definitely no broadcast TV, only DVDs or files that you select, micro-control all inputs at that age, in fact I'd say right through until they're earning money to buy their own gear.

    If you make decent money seriously consider a tutor if you don't feel able to provide home-schooling yourself.

    Well-qualified NES teachers here looking for work can be found for well under USD$1000 per month especially if you provide some food and a pleasant work environment with reasonable hours - for most that would mean showing up early and working in to the evening would be OK.

    Obviously have to do background checks as some may be pedobears on the run from the cops (mostly joking but odds are you should take that bit seriously).

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