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Posts posted by PalMan

  1. I have no argument at all with anything you've said. I perhaps look at Buddhism in a very simple way.

    5 laws

    1 don't lie

    2 don't kill

    3 don't steal

    4 if you're married don't screw around

    5 don't get drunk.

    I manage the first 4 quite well but admit to falling by the wayside at times on number 5.

    I don't see it so much as a religion, more a set of guide lines for life.wai2.gif


    Little more nuanced than that - #4 includes all "sexual misconduct", and #5 includes all intoxicants.

    And as you point out there isn't so much the idea of "sin", up to you what you want to do, follow your own conscience, but be prepared to wear the consequences of your actions, being attached to the world or letting cravings for material things dominate your life will just prolong your suffering, both within this lifetime and with more and more cycles of death and rebirth.

  2. Boeing says that data is garbage, that retiring at 65 does not decrease your live expectancy on average. Nice try thought smile.png



    They're only talking about Boeing employees, a very narrow group.

    The original study sited was a much wider epidemiological study across the spectrum of occupations, income, race education etc.

    I'm sure deep-sea divers that retire earlier have longer life-spans. Orchestra conductors that retire earlier probably die sooner.

    Not just occupation but I'm sure personality types vary in their correlation as well, but of course much harder to establish statistical "certainty".

    Just like studies about diet and other lifestyle choices' effect on health, up to each of us to interpret and adjust to our own situation and make our own decisions.

    The fact remains more and more people will simply be unable to retire at all in coming years, and those private and public agencies will have to continue to roll back their unaffordable promises.

  3. Helmets will be worn for the police's sake, not for safety.

    Wearing a helmet may save money, but will not save lives.

    Carrying a baby on a motorbike without proper protection is just a matter of babies being exempted from the helmet-rule and has nothing to do with "not caring for them"


    You sir are nuts.

    And in civilized countries of course anyone carrying kids around like this will have their children immediately taken away from them by the government and put into foster care. Many child-custody suits have been won on this basis.

    Of course helmets save lives. That doesn't (to me) justify laws requiring their use, but there is no doubt they do save lives.

  4. Just1Voice, on 21 May 2013 - 11:39, said:

    I don't buy the line that they don't have enough to buy helmets, but somehow always manage to have the money to make sure the old man has his whiskey or beer every night.

    I remember an article in the paper a couple of years ago and some Thai Minister of Something or other, was talking to a western journalist, and the subject of helmets came up. This man actually stated that it really wasn't important if Thai wore helmets, as they were naturally born with harder heads that other people, and that protected them. This same guy also stated that Thai were perfectly capable of talking and texting on the phone while driving cars and motorbikes, because their brains were developed in such a way that it allowed them to do this, while other people could not.

    samran, on 21 May 2013 - 12:13, said:

    PalMan, on 21 May 2013 - 11:20, said:
    samran, on 21 May 2013 - 07:58, said:
    Stradavarius37, on 21 May 2013 - 07:55, said:

    No there hasn't...not even a little bit.

    Oh, let him dream. Probably happened up in an isolated cabin in Idaho where they were also protesting the UN Black helicopters.


    Maybe google before scoffing?






    http://www.seizeliberty.com/Seat Belt.htm


    I continue to scoff at anything that comes out of the same mob which subcribes to 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' view of the world.

    I await your response on how the holocaust could have been prevented if only Hitler didn't make everyone where seatbelts.

    Sorry if I wasn't clear, or if I misunderstood.

    I thought the fact that these protests occurred or the fact that people were killed while protesting was the issue.

    As far as the laws themselves go I don't think they're worth arguing about myself.

    And I completely agree that America is the source of much more idiocy than Thailand, but then I don't judge a logical proposition based on my opinions about its source myself.

    • Like 1
  5. I don't have an opinion on moderation or being a moderator beyond it being a pretty thankless task... but someone has to do it. As in life, I reckon the lady mods are sweethearts whereas the blokes, well... that's testosterone for you.

    I reckon that TV probably loses some tiny bit of its revenue stream each time a gobshite is suspended. Maybe they can't post but that doesn't stop the average punter logging in and browsing anyway, counting the minutes till the suspension expires and they can post again. Well, that's how I handled my last... sabbatical. I reckon those that can post probably create more revenue than the 'just looking' or lurkers by making other people respond and contribute to threads.

    I reckon that instead of suspensions, TV should consider a sin-bin, a sub forum where suspended members can still grandstand, pontificate, relentlessly call troll (ya hearing this oak?) and otherwise wallow in their own pit of self-important mediocrity with as much wailing and gnashing of teeth that their ISP bandwidth allows. They could call the forum Hades, Hogwarts, Purgatory, Pentonville, Pattaya.... no, scratch that last one (it's been done already) Area 51, The Abyss, M25, etc.. The topics would be auto-generated with such pithy subjects as "Help! My Nasturtiums have died!" or "Do You Remember the Daily 5PM Carrefour Staff Singalong?" Since it would still need moderation, it should have an automatic but random and totally arbitrary purge so anyone bitter and twisted with a hankering for doing some serious mischief to the forum doesn't have much opportunity.

    That way, the mods may possibly get an easier tour of duty and the TV cash register keeps going ka-ching!


    I thought that's what General was all about?

    • Like 1
  6. C'mon guys, let's try to exchange information here, no need to impugn motives here, I don't like the banksters either but they're a necessary evil. . .

    The main OP is avoiding the 150B fee - could someone maybe summarize the consensus on that issue, for VISA vs regular ATM cards?

    The exchange rate is relevant but a different issue, so let's discuss that separately.

  7. There have been public uprisings in the US against these safety laws, demanding the right to drive a car without seat belts, ride a moto without a helmet.

    And I completely agree, nanny state nonsense, we completely overvalue human life in the west.

    Some have lost their lives in such protests, due to accidents where they would have survived if they'd been obeying the laws they were protesting. Darwin's law at work, the way it should be. . .

    No there hasn't...not even a little bit.
    Oh, let him dream. Probably happened up in an isolated cabin in Idaho where they were also protesting the UN Black helicopters.

    Maybe google before scoffing?








  8. I did a fair bit of shopping around for Canon gear in Bangkok, and by far the best shop I found is FotoFile located in MBK.

    They have a small shop on the first floor, and a larger one on the third (I think).

    Excellent guarantee and service, and very very competitive on pricing, but you can only negotiate with the main manager guy, he runs a pretty tight ship and is very successful, so softly softly don't treat him as if he's sidewalk scammer.

  9. Why do people here have to assume the worst? Life isn't always THAT complicated here, postal services have been around long enough for even the Thais to get it right most of the time whistling.gif

    Yes that address will work, as of course will the one in the OP, same thing. You can always Poste Restante to a specific smaller post office if you like, but this is the main one recommended for travelers that don't know their way around.

    Even if a given entrance/section/building is closed, there will be an indication of where they are continuing to do business, many postal service buildings in that area.

  10. The world would be a better place if everyone was judged on their actions and the content of their character and not by what race, sex, or color of skin they have. Someone else said it much better.

    "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by their character."

    Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech, August 28, 1963


    But being able to accurately judge people's character - by their "fruit", observing the results of their actions, consistent patterns over time, the quality of their relationships with other - requires living with them together in a relatively small community and being at least some extent part of that community over a period of time.

    Modern urban life even within a single language and culture allows people to "re-invent" themselves, every year or even every month if they like, ensuring they never come in contact with people that really know them to that extent.

    This is even more so the life of international travelers and people from different languages and cultures working in industries servicing them.

    So truly "getting to know real Thai people" requires a major compromise, a change in lifestyle and commitment to place, learning the language, that 90% of even long-term visitors to the LoS are never going to be willing to make.

    We make our beds and then we have to lie in them.

  11. I started reading this last night coundn't wait to finish it.SOME background( ihave been visiting LOS a few times.I am retiring there Jan,Feb. ) NOW i am 62 be 63 in Jan 14. The girl i met is spectacular she is funny down to earth and just as genuine as the day is long Her family is poor rice farmers,she loves farming,chickens,cooking and helping others. When we are together we are laughing and have the best time.SHE may not be HI SO in some eyes but for me she is a million bucks. I will ride this "relationship" for as long as it lasts .IF all i end up with is a couple months that will be more happiness than i had in my other two marriages ( yes i am divorced twice so i am damaged goods) But for some strange reason when i am with her all my short commings don't seem to matter. Now as far as the age difference yes it is a factor but no more than the large difference between cultures .I am glad and proud to be with what some call "a girl no thai would want" she was married and had a child and is poor she don't have a degree (but she is smart) she has dark skin and probably more Lao than thai(don't know) NOW BEFORE I TELL ALL YOU sharks how young she is I really don't give a **** what you think of me.I quit living my life for what others think a while ago:) But i just couldn't resist adding my two cents(you know us yanks) smile.png SHE will be 23 when i am 63 smile.png I LOVE IT. now sorta what i said above i am not concerned about what tommorow brings today is the only day i have. I have survived cancer two exwives the loss of one son,my parents two sisters and i imagine before it is over i will out live my other siblings and my youngest son and my other exwife . But my GF and possible wife will still be putting a smile on my face even if she has already left me well there is more on my mind but that is the gist JRV


    I will also add my congratulations and hopes for your continued happiness.

    If you've been reading here for a while and/or research enough past threads you will have enough warnings and advice to help you protect your heart and make sure you happiness - and financial security - will continue whether you stay with this one or move on to others, we don't have to repeat all the same old same old cynical warnings.

    In the meantime, enjoy. . .

  12. look guys I know thailand. i just want run my little business. I know I won't be rich. i run already some business but i didn't open any company. many guys open companies even if they don't make any money. they can buy land and house. I m not going to buy anything, just use my company name on line to advertise...

    so how to do that?


    Really, it seems to me that you're either trolling or very unlikely to succeed asking questions like that here.

    Either you just go ahead and wing it, do what you like a make a little money without following the laws and take your chances on getting in trouble.

    Or you do it seriously putting in the capital to set it up properly to be completely legal - in which case you better be serious about making good money or you will lose a lot.

    The first path people here won't help you, this forum is all about doing things the proper legal high-cost investment way.

    In which case the first step is to identify a trustworthy and competent law firm to help you and answer all your questions.

    Or you do the research yourself as much as you can and then come back and ask very specific questions and likely people will help you out a little bit here and there but you have to do 90% of the work yourself.

    You can't just expect people to spell out every step like a cookbook for free when they are in the exact business of making money from newbies like you.

  13. Who cares what they "get", what's important is the rates they "give".

    I didn't have that experience with Citibank ATMs when I tried them but it's been a few years now, next time I'm around Sathorn & Naratiwat I'll give it a try, thanks.

  14. How far out of the village are any Thai people?


    Sorry I don't understand, maybe try re-phrasing that?

    Maybe you mean something like:

    Are many Thais still "village people", that is, rural?

    To which the answer is yes, most, even if they live and work in the city much of the year, most are within a generation of subsistence peasant farmers and consider their village "home" and mostly keep to that culture not that of the city.

    • Like 1
  15. My question is why are you being her poodle?

    Tell her all of the above if that's what you want or she can take a hike! Or is she the one paying for everything?

    And personally I'd recommend a good mutt any day over a purebred. Not too big, and short-haired for the heat.

  16. I'm sure you will know that what is needed for a golf course, anywhere in the world, is pretty much exactly the same. They all need certain things for the upkeep of the course and the club house. Nothing is different.

    The only thing different is that it costs less, comparitively to run than it does in western countries where the costs of EVERYTHING is higher.

    So I have no issue with the staff being paid what they get paid. The issue I have is that the owners of the courses are just taking the piss by charging the same as what it costs in western countries when the overheads are definitely not the same.


    You missed the point completely about how business works under capitalism.

    Businesses are in business to maximize their profit, and will charge whatever they like, regardless of their cost structures. The only reason they would ever charge a lower price is to attract more customers, get a higher volume and hence more profits, never to be "nice" or "fair" or anything like that, that would be idiotic except as a PR strategy for a while, loss leader and make the profits on drinks or something. Fundamentally UP TO THEM and as the customer in a competitive market if you don't like it you take your business elsewhere.

    Same with education in Thailand, if you want to go to one of the <12 good international schools in Thailand you have to pay at least $20,000 per year per student. This is true even at the one non-profit that I know of. The cheaper schools are all relatively bad, even if they're still expensive much worse than a government school back home.

    So you have three choices - pay the incredibly extortionate tuition, take your kids home, or let their education suffer.

    Coming here and whingeing about it does nothing but bore us and make you look silly.

    And by the way, some golf courses do not try to run at a profit, they do it for their members and try to balance the books very closely to a non profit or very little. Most of the money goes back into improving or maintaining the course.


    Not in Thailand, they are 99% all for-profit privately run unless you qualify for the Navy Officer's course or something.

    That's why golf is unrealistically cheap in Australia, compare to Europe or the States or Japan and both here and Oz are total bargains.

    If you enjoy golf, you should forget your "principles" and get out there and play as much as you can. Life's a bitch and then you die, way too soon, enjoy it while you can.

    Am I the only person on here that knows Thais who aren't poor?

    I'm on a good salary (several times the UK average), yet a majority of the Thai parents at the school I sent my kids to made me look like a pauper.


    You are a pauper. They are in the top 1% of the country, if the tuition is less than THB half a million, maybe 3%.

    And what about it? Sure would be nice if means-testing were practical, it's a rough tool to just have non-residents pay more, but it isn't "unfair".

  17. Plus most Dutch learn to ride a bike real young, we masters at it there are more bikes as people in my country.

    Plus actually encouraging bike usage for commuting, especially designing the urban streetscapes properly for bike safety.

    Most of our communities "back homes" are designed as if they assume the private auto is the only decent mode of transport and will continue to be possible into the far future.

  18. Private hospitals are a profit-making business and IMO should be allowed to do whatever they like.

    Thailand should require a reasonable level of health insurance for all visitors, especially the elderly, and offer insurance policies for third-world levels of treatment in the government system where the foreigners' contributions subsidize the Thai system, but not too much.

    Here's an example of how rates could be charged based on age, perhaps this is too cheap but just an example of what I think would be fair:

    Age THB/month USD/year
    10 1,000 400
    15 1,500 600
    20 2,000 800
    25 2,500 1000
    30 3,000 1200
    35 3,500 1400
    40 4,000 1600
    45 4,500 1800
    50 5,000 2000
    55 5,500 2200
    60 6,000 2400
    65 6,500 2600
    70 7,000 2800
    75 7,500 3000
    80 8,000 3200
    85 8,500 3400
    90 9,000 3600
    95 9,500 3800
    100 10,000 4000 


    Foreigners that want first-world coverage will need to make their own arrangements.

    Everyone should also sign a disclaimer that they realize they're putting their lives at risk by coming here and are willing to have the plug pulled if their treatment is too expensive rather than expecting the Thai taxpayer to subsidize the heroic treatments that aren't even affordable back in our own countries.

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