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Everything posted by ozz1

  1. Looks like he's run out of steroids maybe he's gone on a diet or age has cought up with him anyway who cares
  2. Thailand the Riviera of Asia it will never be while this lot is in power how about cleaning the place up and placing a few rubbish bins around instead of letting it blow around on the streets these people have no idea and fixing the pavements up but all they can do is dream about it idiots
  3. Where is he RTP corruption ranking probably don't ask
  4. Here comes the belt and roads that's ruined a few countries already be very careful but they won't because they want a big brown envelope and don't care about anything else
  5. The terminal list very good very entertaining
  6. A friend of mine got fleeced and interigated by the police in Patong for a small amount for 100k baht a few months ago wonder if they will get his money back haha
  7. I wish they would make up their minds yesterday they were worried about the baht now the economy is fantastic crystal ball syndrome
  8. That's why Malaysians ( Muslims mainly) are coming over to see how the other half live
  9. A friend of mine from ozz legitimately got his gold necklace stolen and the insurance company said as it was stolen in a public place so they wouldn't payout even though he had reciepts I guess Indian insurance companies are more forgiving and in Australia like all insurance companies they don't like paying out
  10. Will this meen no more money from the government I bet not they will be there with their handout I garrantee
  11. If he is getting the pension from Australia he can get a letter from Centrelink stating that how much he gets ever month which is above the 40k baht required and 12 months bank statement to back it up I did it took a bit of running around but worth it. Don't forget every immigration is different so ask what they want locally then you know
  12. Wh the large capital reserves why did they borrow money from Japan something is not right here
  13. Yes I can't see the police giving their cash cow awayin a hurry how are they going to buy a New car now boo hoo
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