It doesn't matter what they say really he has the army and what have they got paper even if the people are behind them they have to speak up or they will be run over by them again
Typical Thai thoughts if you have money we don't care how you got it but as long as we can have some you can stay maybe stay with cha-cha give him some tips
Yes motorbikes no helmets, on the phone,3 or more on the bike, children in their arms , but police see nothing it's a shame if they can't get money out of it they don't care
And don't forget RTP are missing out on their cash crop now what are they going to shake down farang for now except on the road rules they may have to do some real police work
Hoping and praying will not increase tourist numbers despite what tat thinks the world economy is not going good at the moment and places like Vietnam are the in places to go not Thailand unfortunately
Of all the wealthy people I know none of them would put their money in a country which could change their minds at at any time they are wealthy but not stupid
I live on that up here in issan no problem depends on your life style we have a beautiful house 2 motorbikes and a new car what else do you want if you are happy I'll have beer when I want and cook our own grown food and buy farang food couldn't do that in Australia on the pension and we travel around Thailand resorts are cheap if your wife negotiates a price stayed at Chiang khan and it was 500bht a night in a new resort you couldn't get that in Australia