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Everything posted by ozz1

  1. Nothing to see here epstein farrari no camera's nothing will become of this its just thai justice
  2. 9 people in a pick up what can go wrong it's so sad but it won't stop until something is done about it
  3. The authorities really have to do something about these loan sharks money lenders it's getting out of hand
  4. Mental disorder or too much viaragra one or the other
  5. And probably only one immigration line open
  6. Yes buy more american products and put a huge tax on imports great idea that will not help with the trade surplus too late Thailand unfortunately
  7. When will this carnage end three 14 year olds on a Motorbike i see this all the time meanwhile police watch them speeding by so sad for the family
  8. Here we go again how about stopping the burning first
  9. No brown envelopes let's cut down some trees got to love our valiant police force
  10. After living here for a long time I can't believe that the Thais aren't deaf they love their music up so high it distorts I've been to some of the biggest rock concerts in the world coming home with my ears ringing but I would not like this in my neighborhood at 1am maybe I'm getting old
  11. It's not the first and it won't be the last people sending money to girlfriends with out meeting them are really looking to loose it
  12. Luxury ?did it have a Lamborghini motor
  13. Probably too late it will hit the Thai economy pretty hard with the baht being robust it won't help the trade surplus won't go down because the Thai taxation system imposed on imports
  14. I think we all know who they will align themselves with better start learning mandarin
  15. This is going to be interesting let's see how much power taksin has and how much money has changed hands being Thailand I bet she will be back home soon
  16. Are Russians becoming the new cheap Charlies you wanted them in Thailand now so good luck
  17. Watch this space sorry I was asleep did I miss something
  18. Yes wellness walk around Bangkok breathing in toxic fumes while being hassled great for my wellness anything to bring in money
  19. Unfortunately these lorries go way too fast and most don't indicate just stay well clear rip
  20. I think they mean a loan a loan shark really money lenders wouldn't do this would they
  21. Nothing to see here I don't believe it me and my dad are the greatest
  22. So sad but 4 on a motorbike no helmets I see this all the time it's about time the police do something but this is Thailand so nothing will happen I know people need to get around but they should be a bit safety conscious
  23. But i guess its ok if they are from China or Russia just have good look around the tourists areas see who's running this country its a pitty really
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