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Posts posted by Vegemite

  1. Come to Wang Chai village!

    Its somewhere between Roi-Et and Mahasarakham and a bit south. Wapipathum district.

    There are NO farang there.

    I am allways the only farang there when we visit. As far as food goes it is all Issan.

    Tin shack shop as well. I spend plenty of time there watching the world go by while sipping a bia Leo with ice.

    Just the odd motorbike or Kubota going past to give the chickens something to worry about.

    Nobody speaks English and they talk in Issan (Lao) unless they have to speak Thai.

    I have even been to a funeral where the body was burned out on the rice field.

    It has its good side though. We are allways well respected by the people and they have never asked me for money. Not once.

    I think these places can grow on you but I could never live there. The odd holiday is fine.

    Each to there own.

    PS: was trying to reply to post from "Puchooy- Lets face it, Issan is no longer out in the sticks.

    So you dont live there then, only visit.

    Is that right?

    Try reading it slowly.

    The answer lies within.facepalm.gif

  2. Come to Wang Chai village!

    Its somewhere between Roi-Et and Mahasarakham and a bit south. Wapipathum district.

    There are NO farang there.

    I am allways the only farang there when we visit. As far as food goes it is all Issan.

    Tin shack shop as well. I spend plenty of time there watching the world go by while sipping a bia Leo with ice.

    Just the odd motorbike or Kubota going past to give the chickens something to worry about.

    Nobody speaks English and they talk in Issan (Lao) unless they have to speak Thai.

    I have even been to a funeral where the body was burned out on the rice field.

    It has its good side though. We are allways well respected by the people and they have never asked me for money. Not once.

    I think these places can grow on you but I could never live there. The odd holiday is fine.

    Each to there own.

    PS: was trying to reply to post from "Puchooy- Lets face it, Issan is no longer out in the sticks.

  3. This is the point really, its none of our business.

    I agree it's up to individuals and not really our business. My curiosity is not so much about the actual costs taken on board, or whether or not the farang undertakes to build, buy land or whatever in Thailand. Rather, it's about how many girls are actually happy to live abroad. Several friends I've met here in Isaan who are about to or have recently taken their new wives back to live in their own countries all express concern about whether their new partners will settle contentedly in a foreign environment. They worry that after a year or so, the lady will miss her home and family too much. Obviously being able to send money home helps in that area but it's the longer term and financial requirements that cause my friends to fret from the outset. I note from a couple of replies that not all Thai girls want to come back very often.

    My Thai wife came here to New Zealand around 10 years ago.

    She has never stopped working since her feet hit the ground and takes good care of her 94 year old father back in upcountry Thailand.

    We can get everything that she needs as far as food goes right here.

    Also there are other Thai people here to eat with.

    We have a Thai lady friend that went to England but cant get the food that she would like.

    What I am trying to say is that for the Thai people that we know, food and eating is really important.

    It is a social thing and something that they have to do.

    I would say for anyone taking one of these people out of Thailand give this some thought.

    As far as travel to Thailand goes we/she try to go once a year but only really only because she has to and when her father passes away, I doubt it will be that often.

    We have a better holiday when we visit another country where there are few or no Thais.

    No face, no family, no presure ect..

    The Thais that we have met seem to be very adaptable people and integrate well most of the time.

    • Like 1
  4. I meet the most interesting people in little corner bars around Sukhumvit.

    I only really go out for a beer in the afternoon or early evening.

    I love to watch the world go by in this area and we usually stay in soi 11.

    I just mind my own business and enjoy the place for what it is.

    Often there will be a farang doing the same thing and we get talking.

    I have met the most interesting people like this and can spend several hours enjoying the tales that they have.

    They come from all walks of life and countries and are in Thailand for many different reasons.

    I am twice your age and maybe they just feel sorry for me but I have met some 100% nice people like this.

    Cheap Charlies still has the same Charlie there and is a great place but it opens about 5PM and one time I had a camera bag stolen by a French man that I was talking to.

  5. Without the internet isolation will set in...

    Luckily, internet, unless there is a storm, won't be a problem ... so that's one saving grace ... smile.png

    We arn't married, but I'll use the term Mother-In-Law (MIL)

    The MIL and I get on fine ... but how did you cope with the food served when you first went there?

    In the past, my lady always made sure there were some Thai Fish Cakes around.

    So some spicy is OK ... a lot of spice is a problem ... sick.gif

    I do wish to look like I fit in ... but also want to some palatable food.

    My wife and I were at " THE VILLAGE " a couple of weeks ago.

    It is about 2.5 hours east and a little south of Khon Kean and around 1.5 hours westish of Roi-Et.

    It is very primative and very messy but also very friendly in its own way.

    I have found it very hard going in the past so havent been for a few years.

    Usually my wife who speaks quite good English, begins to have trouble putting 2 words together.

    There are no other people in the village that speak English.

    Food is my biggest problem.

    If you can eat what they eat good luck to you ( I do know some who can ).

    We have a freezer up there now so I get some loaves of bread,ham, cheese, cans of baked beans/spag and anything else that I can cook on a 1 element stove. No Thai food where I go only Issan.

    One thing that allways seems to get to me is sitting on hard surfaces.

    I am thin and need some padding under my bum. At the village they only sit on hard cane platforms or the floor.

    It may be a good idea to take one of those fold out camp seats at least you can leanback on something.

    1 week is the longest I can stand there but to stave off the boredom I brought a motorbike and this helps.

    At least you can get out and look around a bit. Maybe you can borrow one it really helps.

    Good luck.

    • Like 2
  6. Most of my farang friends here in Rayong Province are living a family lifestyle. Married or living with a Thai lady, sometimes children, choosing Rayong Province as the province has excellent Thai and International schools, adequate shopping and services, good transportation network and doesn't receive flood runoff from the north. Beach living if desired, moderate rent or home purchase cost and for the most part single pricing rather than a double standard. Most friends go about their daily lives seeking only a good quality of life for themselves and family.

    What's not to like? Perhaps the heavy industrial areas incorporated into the province, well traveled truck traffic on barely adequate roads leading north towards Pattaya as well as littered beach area's that lack a display of pride. Certainly there's more that you can pick apart, but for the most part Rayong Province holds a pleasant lifestyle.

    Excellent post.


  7. At Bluegecko and vegemite. Rayong is a great little city once you get to know it.

    Regarding bars, clubs and restaurants. There is a road parallel to the sukhumvit on the opposite side to Laemtong shopping mall with many entertainment venues and people are pretty friendly after a couple of drinks.

    Close to Ko Samet and Pattaya. Probably one of the best smaller citys in Thailand imho.

    I agree with you that the area is one of the best areas in Thailand.

    I really like the place and it is why I started this post.

    Its great to see some informative posts.


  8. I think some of us English speaking people living in Rayong would just like to have a small informal social club where we get to gether at times and discuss things related to living in Rayong in English. I have a lot of Thai friends and family and can converse in Thai (somewhat). I also have been around here often enough to know where a lot of things are. I just think it would be nice to set around and speak English sometime with someone other than my wife. I believe that most farangs are here because they want to be, work or otherwise and that they like living / working in Rayong.

    You make some good points.

    I as a visitor would love to have somewhere to go.

    When we are there the wife is so busy with her sister and co that I spend much of my time alone.

    Rayong is quite difficult to get around if you dont have transport and the road signs are in Thai.

    Yes got a map.

    But it is not a user friendly city.

  9. I've been in Rayong for 6 weeks just off Suhkimvit. The apartment is really nice and people seem nice but geeez I'm bored. See the odd farang walking around Big C but thats about it. Found a really nice restaurant/bar that plays live acoustic music close by, but its completely empty. Walked by on a Sturday night and there were only 2 customers. Everywhere I have been to in Thailand I've gotten smile and hellos from the ladies (no I'm not talking about bar girls). Here theres nothing but the odd look from the guys sizing me up. Maybe I havent ventured out far enough but I have been to many places in Thailand and Rayong seems to be a completely different animal. Very strange, I'm going back to BK.

    This is exactly the reason that I asked the Question

  10. Thankyou so much for your reply.

    This is why I asked.

    I to, have seen farang but they just seem to be shopping and then dissapearing like ghosts.

    The Thais seem more friendly. Do they just hate thier jobs or regret being there?

    In Rayong city I mean.

    We seem to end up there on most visits to Thailand and we are visiting again in October.

    Will definately check out Ban Chang this time.

    and what would you expect the resident working farangs to so, walk up to you and welcome you like a long lost brother just because you have a white skin ?....blink.png

    Further how do you get to "they must hate their jobs or living there" just becasue they go shopping and disappear like "ghosts" has it occured to you that the vast majority of resident working farlangs in the area have been long enough to know that like Pattaya, the are quite a number of loonies, misfit, and retarded farlangs who live in the greater Rayong, Ban Chang area and they know well enough to stay away from them. ?

    The working falangs in the area are doing just that.... working and living a normal life as they would do in farangland and typically they do not have the need, despiration to associate with their "own" kind all the time

    Having lived/worked in the area for 11 years and I can count the number of farangs I associate with on one hand, I do not have the inclination to associate with a particular farang just because we are all in a foreign country, if I didnt associate this with a various type in farang land, why would I do it here ?

    Thanks for that.

    I hadnt seen any loonies, misfits or retarded farangs there before.

    The farang that I have met have been very pleasant people.

    I must keep my eye open next time. How do you spot them.

    Also, I didnt say that I had white skin and many foriegners in Thailand dont.

  11. Just moved to Muang Rayong 3 months ago. I have been visting Rayong fo 40 + years. I see some farangs but

    have never talked to them. I would lke to know and speak with any english speaking people

    Thankyou so much for your reply.

    This is why I asked.

    I to, have seen farang but they just seem to be shopping and then dissapearing like ghosts.

    The Thais seem more friendly. Do they just hate thier jobs or regret being there?

    In Rayong city I mean.

    We seem to end up there on most visits to Thailand and we are visiting again in October.

    Will definately check out Ban Chang this time.

  12. Strange this has not been reported in the NZ press that I have found. Shame on the NZ press. Could there be more to this story? Unless the Swede was really over it drowned in alcohol, I don't know a sane person that would react this way.

    I found it is quite difficult avoiding aggressive people at times in Thailand, because you do not know the guy you are saying a friendly hello to at the bar, restaurant or the club. Because they come from different cultures, it is harder to "sniff out" Jabba the Hutt, you may believe you are talking with Princess Laya, but infact you are talking with a Wookie..

    It is making the news here in NZL now.

    These things really dont help.

    I have a Thai wife and we would like to semi retire there in the future ( not Pattaya ).

    But this constant bad news from Thailand is making my wife afraid to live there.

    A thai person!

    It is almost weekly.

    I knew one of the people that deceased a couple of years ago in Phuket. He was 100% good guy.

    Bag snatch for gods sake.

  13. Thanks for the info.

    I cant find much on Happy Air website.

    What is the price comparison and do they fly every day.

    We are bouncing our way back to Bangkok during October and I would like to visit Roi Et again.

    Also it is closer to the dreaded village than Khon Kean.

    Thanks again.

  14. I'm in KK and pretty happy with it. 10 thb per kg laundry, 230 thb hotel, grrreat food (cheap). I am very disappointed in the western nightlife scene. Saturday night at 10:30 a farang/thai owned bar could not deliver a cold leo! I'm glad I said ying-ying because she didn't open it and let me check it out. Thanks but no thanks. Found a great thai place with four large for 200, but it is very informal and is lacking on the slut side of things. A couple of the night clubs were way crowded and the music was way too loud. I haven't paid a bar fine in 6 years.....if a girls only skill is sitting at a bar/selling her body, then that really doesn't turn me on. I did do some dating on the Beach Rd. a few weeks ago. Cheers.

    Roi Et is a nice little city and very clean.

    There was not much there as far as night life goes last time I was there.

    If you do get there though, check out The White Elephant pub and resturant.

    It really is a top place at least I thought so.

    I have their card around here somewhere if you want the phone number but you can probably Google.

    They can possibly give you some ideas on hotels ect.

    Just a thought.

    KK is a mega city in comparison.

  15. Thanks for the info.

    Ban Chan looks like a good spot c/o Google and I have been through it on the main road.

    I wish I had known about this place because it would be a great way to keep the wife happy as well as me.

    Farang food and a place for a couple of beers in the avo is what I am after.

    Dont do drinking marathons at night and dont use hookers.

    Why do you live there?

    P.S. I dont play golf. Will I be run out of town?

  16. I was thinking mainly about Rayong city but info on other places would be helpful.

    I have driven around the coast. And stayed at Ban Phe.

    What is to offer at Ban Chang? I must have been through it.

    I have inlaws close to Rayong city center.

    Is it mainly Thais working there?

    How many Farang are in Rayong?

  17. Are there many farang in Rayong?

    I ask this because when I visit I see them but the place doesnt seem to be set up in any way to cater to them.

    Sure there is the Tesco?? super market and the standard issue chain food joints,

    But there doesnt seem to be a lot else for farang there.

    I thought that with the industrial estate and all the other industry there would be people from many countries other than Thailand, working there.

    Am I wrong?

    Sure it is not a tourist draw card but it does have a lot to offer as far as beaches and coast goes.

    Please help me with this one. I really want to know.

    How many farang in Rayong?

  18. President Palace.

    Stayed there last year when the floods were on. Not bad for the money.




    does this hotel have balconies?

    Actully, any hotel/apartment/guesthouse with balconies on soi 11.

    Are you thinking of jumping?

    Most people come down to Pattaya for that.

    Is that why you are there?

    Please dont let the internet stop you from taking the final plunge.

    Go for it.

  19. We are heading to Bangkok soon and we have stayed at Bright City and Sook Sawadi on Suk soi 11.

    Can anyone help me with the name of a hotel accross the road from Bright City.

    It is on the other side of the road from The Australian Pub ( if it is still there ).

    The hotel is quite tall and has balconies.

    From memory the name of it started with M.

    Thanks for any info.

  20. What ever happened to the Australian and his bar resturant along the main beach road?

    He used to be an advertiser on Thai Visa.

    I cant rember the name of the place, does anyone know if it is still there?

    They made good burgers.

  21. We are visiting Thailand around October and I am looking at options.

    I like Roi-Et and the wife comes from a village an hour from there.

    The village is a place that I try to avoid so I am looking for a home base IF I get up there.

    I have been to Roi-Et a couple of times and Khon Kean once but Roi-Et does it for me.

    I was wundering if there are any new farang food places there, other than 101 Pizza and White Elephant.?

    Has the place got any more user friendly for farangs?

    What about hotels / guesthouses / apartments? any suggestions?

    Has Roi-Et changed in the last few years?

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