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Everything posted by Wavel

  1. How pathetic the British judiciary system is, it’s like giving a green light to anyone stupid enough to becoming a drug mule. He should have been given 10yrs, to attempt to set an example. If caught in Thailand he would have got 20
  2. My condolences to the family for the sad loss. I don’t know the circumstances of the young lad’s death, but Unfortunately in Thailand corruption is rife in every single warp of life & wherever a Bhat can be made it will be. I have never dived myself but have met quite a few in the past and have been told that when the bottles are filled perhaps they don’t get filled to 100% so there’s a scim off the top for the price of the bottle. As I say I don’t know the circumstances but this is a practice that goes on.
  3. Being an offshore worker I did the return flight eleven times a year for twenty year's. Not once held up in Bangkok, that’s a lot of money spent needlessly on hotel bookings. You Dumb Plum
  4. This is not true, only the interest is capped. Which all British expatriates were made aware of prior to registering to live in Thailand. Not good when the facts are twisted to make them sound more sensational.
  5. What a daft question. All depends on where you are coming from and going to. Then what time you want to arrive and leave.
  6. One of the most beautiful place you’ll ever visit. But hardly news as these rules have been in place for many years now
  7. This is not all “Doom and Gloom” Many expatriate home countries like the UK have a DTA ( dual tax aggrement) with Thailand. So sort your affairs out in your own country first, and you cannot be liable to pay in Thailand as well.
  8. I have been using Wise for years and the Ex rates are better than the banks with lower fees than the banks also. Have a look nothing ventured nothing gained
  9. Lived in Thailand for 20 yrs, upon returning to the UK. I really felt like a dirty heathen using paper. I had to get a bum gun from Lazada sent here. Now I look at my family and friends strangely knowing full well that they aren’t as clean as me.
  10. It’s an inanimate object that didn’t fall anywhere. It got to where it is because of human interaction
  11. You just can’t help stupid, why on earth would anyone want to grow something that’s very attractive to elephants next to an elephant sanctuary. If we debated the intelligence of the two species, guess after much consideration who’d come out on top.
  12. I wonder how many companies are called “Narac” in Thailand. Quite a popular name is all I’m saying
  13. Everyone likes to have an opinion. So the crane is mobile, therefore it can only be the operator’s fault for sitting the crane in an unsuitable area. The land wouldn’t have subsided if the crane wasn’t there. But trying to get a Thai own up to a mistake is neigh on impossible, they will blame the nearest inanimate object. Ie flip flops under the pedal.
  14. Where does being unable to react quickly when something adverse happens on the road, then braking & lose complete of your own vehicle causing it to spin constitute good driving. The mind boggles. Of course TIT
  15. If you’re going for an upgrade PCX wins on every spec over the Click
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