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Posts posted by H1w4yR1da

  1. Maybe the actual answer is that poor people commit sexual assaults more frequently, and there are just more Muslims who happen to be poor. Maybe the actual answer is that young men commit sexual assaults more frequently, and Muslims are more represented about younger men than older. Maybe the actual answer is, like you say, that Asians are more likely to commit sexual assault regardless of religion, and Muslims are more highly represented among Asians?

    Maybe this, maybe that.

    Just a futile exercise in deflection again.

    '"Once again, you haven't factored in any possible correlating variables, haven't shown the slightest sense that there's a meaningful correlation to this variable and not just a shared correlation to another variable."

    What on earth are you talking about?

    'correlating variables' blah blah. Do you really talk like that?

    As always, trying to take the onus off Islam, when everyone can see that's the main factor in these crimes.

    • Like 1
  2. With your superior knowledge and education. Perhaps you could come up with the common denominator that causes Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs and African Muslim Grooming Gangs.to operate with the same MO ?

    And while you're at it, you should also figure out what their common denominator is with Westminster politicians, Australian Jews, Northern Ireland childcare givers, private school administrations, US Swimming coaches, and Catholic priests. Sure isn't Islam.

    And absolutely nothing to do with this thread and just pure deflection.

    Poor effort!

    • Like 2
  3. 1) Forced marriage is illegal in the UK; arranged marriages are not.

    Arranged marriage was common practice in Europe up to about 100 years ago and is still practiced in many parts of the world and by many cultures and religions.

    But MOSTLY by Muslims re. forced marriage.

    2) FGM has been discussed at length, and I agree the lack of prosecutions is a scandal. But as proven, though you wont accept the fact, FGM is not just a Muslim practice; it is practiced by people from many religions.

    But MOSTLY by Muslims

    3) Yes, it is unfortunate that so called 'honour' killings have taken place in the UK; But as you admit, they are illegal and the perpetrators are brought to justice.

    Again, so called 'honour killings' and 'honour' violence is not just a Muslim thing.

    Not just, but MOSTLY a Muslim thing.

    Just because a few backward tribes in Africa who call themselves Christians follow these barbaric customs doesn't take away from the fact that the common denominator in alll these so-called 'customs' is Islam.

    4) You used close family members marrying to justify your bigoted view of how primitive and inbred Muslims are.

    It's not bigoted to judge people by their actions.

    If people behave in a 'primitive' way (see child sex-grooming, Lee Rigby, 7/7 etc) then it's perfectly legitimate to regard them as such.

    And referring to other posters as bigots just highlights the fact that you wish to silence their opinion. Like 'racist', it's the great debate killer. Just plain facist.

    Any discussion on the multitude of Islamic atrocities is met with cries of "homophobia" by those who wish we should just ignore the dangers of Islamic supremacism in the name of diversity and multiculturalism.

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  4. Things may have changed since I rode down to Sepang MotoGP a few years back but besides a Thai license, you need to get the bike's green book translated into English for the Malaysian side.

    Make sure after passport control you get the bike checked out of Thailand.

    Once into Malaysia, you have to buy insurance for a few weeks and you get a temporary license sticker for the bike, basically something like BKK123.

  5. Supporting blatently racist emails? Referring to Black abortion as crime prevention? Blaming the entire findings of the report on "out-of-control" Black people? Blaming the entire issue of police violence and disparities in the justice system in America on...too many Black people?

    Not 'too many Black people'. You're the only one saying that.

    Too many black criminals.

    If blacks break traffic laws more frequently than whites, maybe that's the reason they're being stopped more often.

    Added to that the aggression and violence often shown by black men and the 'chip on the shoulder' gangsta attitude, it's understandable that they'll tend to be charged more than whites. But lefties ignore black behaviour and just pull out the race card as a defense.

    Instead of trying to find institutionalised racism in everything, it's probably best for some blacks to take a good hard look at themselves and their behaviour.

    The "hands up don't shoot" BS has also been shown to be a complete fallacy.


    And who besides some hand-wringing lefties on a guilt trip would trust any report from Holder's DOJ? Especially after Holder's past support of the Black Panthers.

    • Like 1
  6. From the beginning, what was of far greater concern to the DOJ were the systemic problems in Ferguson, because that matters a hundred times more than one incident with one cop. And that's what they went after.

    But by all means, keep talking about Officer Wilson even though no one else here is.

    And speaking of left wing loonies ..

    The systematic problems in Ferguson is basically out of control black crime.

    And funny now that Officer Wilson has been completely exonerated of any wrongdoing, the left suddenly want to stop talking about him after making themselves look foolish after practically guaranteeing he'd be charged.

    • Like 2
  7. Once water-cooled big bikes reach a certain temperature, usually in traffic, the fans kick in, blowing hot air away from the engine. Not pleasant but in a tropical country, it's something one has to put up with.

    You have to choose. If you find it unbearable, stick to smaller capacity bikes.

    Like wearing full perforated leathers here it's not ideal heat-wise but one can get used to it.

    Some will put up with a certain level of discomfort in order to ride these bikes. After a while, the discomfort becomes minimal.

  8. Be honest. Were you wearing flip-flops or crocs and no socks or even shorts instead of jeans or kevlar pants? Other than this I have nothing postive to add to this thread since I have never ridden either bike.

    You show me how to shift with flip-flops biggrin.png

    I wore long cargo pants (no jeans), with sneakers and short socks. Still crazy amount of heat around my ankles / calfs

    You wore cargo pants with sneakers and short socks while riding a big bike in Bangkok? facepalm.gif

    And you're complaining about the heat?

    Try wearing proper gear and get back to us and then maybe your question will be taken seriously.


    Ferguson is MAJORITY BLACK TOWN so it makes total sense that the majority of arrests are black

    Well, by that fantastic logic, it also makes sense that 95% of the officers are Black.

    No. It doesn't. Last time I looked, qualifications for applying to join the police dept and getting arrested weren't at all similar.

    Killed for shoplifting

    He was killed for attacking a police officer and trying to take his weapon.

    • Like 1
  10. Interpretations can be very useful to convince young disaffected minds and show them that the IS way is real Islam, particularly when they are living in a western country where islamophobia is rife.

    Still blaming Islamophobia. CAGE laughably blamed heavy questioning by the security services for Jihadi John turning to serial beheading.

    If Western countries are Islamophobic, they have good reason to be.

    Would you like a list of the reasons?

    It's rather lengthy.

    • Like 2
  11. I didn't say anything about jihadwatch.

    And saying, "there's stuff in some of those countries that I don't like" or "they use the word sharia!" has nothing to do with ISIS. You can't just conflate everything you don't like about Muslim people or Muslim nations together in one package. Those nations aren't anything like ISIS, which is what I said.

    The United States has committed far more killing and atrocity in recent history than most of the nations I mentioned (all of them, in fact, with the possible exception of Egypt), and you could say the same thing for Australia and England in the fairly recent past. Plenty of denial of rights and atrocity committed to parts of their own populations and to other populations as well.

    Christian Serbia was far more violent and genocidal than Muslim Bosnia in their recent war.

    Atheist/Buddhist Burma is a much more repressive place to live than adjacent Muslim Bangladesh, Muslim Indonesia is more free than Atheist Vietnam, and I'd far rather live in Malaysia under Muslims than Laos under atheists.

    The Muslim "stans" that have moved on from their USSR-era atheist leadership and now have moderate Muslim governments are more free than the "stans" that still have atheist holdovers leading the state.

    The most horrifically oppressive countries in recent memory - North Korea and Pol Pot's Cambodia - weren't religious at all, and many of the most significant dictatorships responsible for the most deaths in recent history - such as Stalin's USSR, Mao's China, Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, and Franco's Spain - all had Christian or Atheist backgrounds.

    This isn't an anti-Christian or anti-Atheist post. I'm a devout Christian and a good number of my friends are very good atheists. All governments have some faults. I'm just pointing out that there's absolutely no validity to claiming that correlation equals causation, and even the claims of correlation are quite faulty.

    That bears repeating. Correlation does not equal causation. The simplistic claims you are making would be rejected by a social or political scientist immediately because it is so ignorant of the wider reality of political, historical, and economic factors.

    Sorry but that's all just a total deflection from your comment I quoted.

    You said..

    they don't look the least bit like Sharia law.

    That is your comment. I proved you were totally wrong and then you start to switch the onus onto historical Christian/atheist events.

    The rest of your post was just the usual apologist BS. "Christian Serbia was far more violent and genocidal than Muslim Bosnia".

    Okay. And how does that equate with IS?

    One can say IS is more violent than, or as violent as Christian Serbia. But what's the point. Debating the level of violence used by different parties is off topic.

    The fact that other non-Islsmic countries have commited atrocities in the past is undeniable but has no relevance to this thread. Feel free to start separate threads on the Nazis, Burmese military rule, Australia's treatment of Aborigines or the British empire.

    The thread is on whether ISIS is Islamic.

    Despite the protestations of pro-Islam posters here who continually try to deflect the importance of Islam to IS onto the actions of other states and failing that, chant the old chestnuts of 'bigot' and 'predudice', many belive ISIS to be a pure form of Islam.

    One poster here even ridiculously blamed the rise of IS on 'Islamophobia'.

    They are also very much a reaction to an islamophobic world

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