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Posts posted by antfish

  1. Chanansara, who presented the findings at Bangkok's Montien Hotel yesterday, cited several examples including a photograph circulated by ASTV satellite TV showing Sondhi Limthongkul, co-leader of the People's Alliance for Democracy, holding a can of insecticide that is apparently aimed at the opposition Democrat Party, often compared to a cockroach.

    Thats an old meme, made by all sides of the political spectrum in Thailand from left to right and not just made by Sondhi.

    Originally Its a pun on the Democrats survival skills being still there as political party after so many coups the country has seen. Not sure if Sondhi uses it in that context.

  2. This really a sort of man bites dog story. In nearly all the stories I read about here in Pattaya, it is the lady boys who are handing out the punishment to the tourists in the form of pick pocketing or killings by spiking drinks. So it seems odd to see a story where the lady boy is on the receiving end....


    So you too think it wasn't a sexual assault but an attempt to robbery?

    We should also keep in mind we have heard only one side of the story and the victim cannot tell hers.

    I love the running concept on this thread by the gay crowd that if you do not

    like gays, you somehow have some mysterious tendency towards gayness. Nice !!

    Actually i understand and read their spin on the story as: When you are gay you have definitely no interests in transgender females.

  3. ...

    Now the magnitude of STALIN'S atrocities, before, during, and after the war - THAT'S another story! NOT many have any appreciation of that, in the US or anywhere.


    I agree that the history about Stalin and the eastern front of the war is certainly not covered well in the U.S. I can't speak for other countries. I learned most of what I know about that well after my school days.

    Did you learn and hear about American war crimes in school?

  4. Living in Pattaya, of course I'm not at all attracted to LBs because being gay they look, think, and act in a female fashion. However, frankly I couldn't care less if a LB grabbed my junk. They wouldn't get that far as I would be assuming what they were really after was my wallet. Yes I know there are respectable LBs but the ones grabbing about the pants areas of strangers aren't of that sort.

    So you think it wasn't a sexual assault as some say but an attempt to robbery?

    But then we should also keep in mind we have heard only one side of the story and the victum cannot tell hers.

  5. Stupid and stupid

    Stupid to take someone's life for something so silly

    Stupid to try to touch "penis" and flirt with a straight man

    Why do not ladyboys understand that NOT all men want to sleep with other man?

    Ladyboys never seem to hang around gay bars, but always around straight men bars.

    Easy to understand , lady boys are NOT GAY , that's why they prefer straight men. Ladyboys are women in their heads .

    The question is if the murderer is straight or not. opinions vary.

    Some suggest that straight men enjoy the company of transgender women meanwhile real queer men wold never.

  6. Stupid and stupid

    Stupid to take someone's life for something so silly

    Stupid to try to touch "penis" and flirt with a straight man

    Why do not ladyboys understand that NOT all men want to sleep with other man?

    Ladyboys never seem to hang around gay bars, but always around straight men bars.

    a "straight" man probably would have been able to laugh it off.

    the killing rage seems to affect those who are insure of their own sexuality

    Who knows if the murderer was a "straight" man.

    • Like 1
  7. It's really a shame for our government to buy huge amount of (probably low quality) rice from Thailand. Iran has an excellent rice. Thai rice has been notorious in Iran for not being delicious and having no scent at all. I'm sure only people who cannot afford Iranian rice will go for it!

    my brother, don't copy the falangs here and start talking bad about Thailand. Thailand exports rice to Iran since ages.

  8. 10.43am and 30 degrees in Caracas, Venezuela.

    Caipirinha on the beach F430?


    I think I saw something about his lawyer saying Novisibirsk was a possible destination for Snowden. Haha, send him to Siberia. My wife is from there and that is not a good place to go . . . Very dirty, very cold, very industrial, very mafia controlled and not a lot of people speak English there like they do in Moscow. Definitely not Hawaii climate and not where they send people that are viewed as valuable assets. He will likely get a roughed up a bit by some good Russian boys drinking vodka 24/7 if he starts messing around with some of those hot Russian girls.

    Why he should be concerned about the number of English speakers in Novosibirsk(not Novisibirsk). Didn't Snowden say he wants to learn Russian?

    And then who knows if he really ends up in Novosibirsk (not Novisibirsk). Probably just something you think you saw.

    Russian boys drinking vodka 24/7 and roughing you up when you mess around with Russian girls you say. Is that based on personal experience?

    (Admin Maestro said that in case a BM makes blanket statements citizens of one country other members' questions as to what this opinion is based on are a valid questions)

  9. source?

    in the interview published here http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/interview-with-edward-snowden-lawyer-anatoly-kucherena-a-912884.html

    Kucherena gives the same answer, but to a different question.

    Several sources.

    The questions were mine except where it says question.

    The point is to use some common sense, logic and read between the lines. You are not exactly going to get full story from anyone and if you believe everything Kucherena says is not censored or carefully stated . . . Kucherena is not going to so anything to put Kremlin in a bad including issues of self preservation.

    So what are your sources?

    And could you please indicate when and where you cite a source and when you put in your own questions and modify and rewrite interviews.

    I did not rewrite interviews. Scott already deleted your bs once.

    Rather than accusing me of something, would it not be more prudent to show how what I said was untrue?????

    What do you disagree with?

    (1) The who hired Kucherena part was not taken from any interview so not sure what you are implying there or why you quote that and say it did come from an interview.

    (2) Did not Wiki, Harrison or Assange or someone report, several weeks ago, that Snowden filed for asylum in 21 countries?

    (3) Did not the quote from Kucherena say this was impossible?

    Rather than blab bs, why not show how something is inaccurate.

    You posted a sort of text that looked like an interview. i asked for your source. still waiting for an answer.

  10. Who hired Kucherena?

    Kucherena is a supporter of President Vladimir V. Putin who reportedly sits on the public council of the Federal Security Service, the successor to the K.G.B. Kucherena founded the Institue of Democracy and Cooperation which has been classified as a pro-Kremlin think tank designed as an image building tooll for the Kremlin.

    RE: who came up with the 21 country asylum request story? Assagne?

    Kucherena: He claimed he had requested asylum in 21 countries. I then explained to him that wasn't legally possible. He can only file an asylum application in the place where he is currently located. Anything else is virtual.

    Sounds like Russia may have helped shoot those down.


    in the interview published here http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/interview-with-edward-snowden-lawyer-anatoly-kucherena-a-912884.html

    Kucherena gives the same answer, but to a different question.

    Several sources.

    The questions were mine except where it says question.

    The point is to use some common sense, logic and read between the lines. You are not exactly going to get full story from anyone and if you believe everything Kucherena says is not censored or carefully stated . . . Kucherena is not going to so anything to put Kremlin in a bad including issues of self preservation.

    So what are your sources?

    And could you please indicate when and where you cite a source and when you put in your own questions and modify and rewrite interviews.

  11. Who hired Kucherena?

    Kucherena is a supporter of President Vladimir V. Putin who reportedly sits on the public council of the Federal Security Service, the successor to the K.G.B. Kucherena founded the Institue of Democracy and Cooperation which has been classified as a pro-Kremlin think tank designed as an image building tooll for the Kremlin.

    RE: who came up with the 21 country asylum request story? Assagne?

    Kucherena: He claimed he had requested asylum in 21 countries. I then explained to him that wasn't legally possible. He can only file an asylum application in the place where he is currently located. Anything else is virtual.

    Sounds like Russia may have helped shoot those down.


    in the interview published here http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/interview-with-edward-snowden-lawyer-anatoly-kucherena-a-912884.html

    Kucherena gives the same answer, but to a different question.

  12. Where the hell were the Canadian officials and security? Why did no-one pull them apart. I know Canadians are a little whacky, but this takes the piss!

    I think it caught them by surprise. Lets face it, would you be expecting fisticuffs during a badminton game?

    You need to take of your rose coloured glasses.

    Everyone spends a little bit more time in the badminton scene knows how prone to acting like children most of the badminton players are. Its called badmintonness.

    Apart from that what do you expect at a sport event in Canada? When in Rome ...

  13. A question for the likes of NeverSure and Publicus and others who have knowledge:

    Why does the US not just sever all ties with this pitiful and dangerous nation China?

    Is China too important economically to the West? Are we too indebted to them?

    Is the lure of 1.4 billion consumers too seductive for the likes of motor car manufacturers like BMW and drug companies like Bayer and Pfizer? Etc etc etc etc.

    If I was Obama I would say to the Chinese 'We don't want anything to do with You."

    The knowledge I have is companies like the ones I have mentioned are in China but OPERATING ON CHINESE TERMS.

    There is no goodwill or generosity from China. Just greed and lust for revenge.

    The Chinese Dream behind the cosy menacing smile of Xi Jinping.

    Probably because they don't think that China is a pitiful and dangerous nation and ties should be cut.

  14. Unbelievable. He says: "the USA is the main reason". Talk about shirking their own responsibility.

    No mention of the Chinese nuclear plants....I am pretty sure they are all safe, or perhaps the Chinese will be a little less understanding if they try to blame them for their ineptitude.

    Absolutely unbelievable.

    He talks about reactor types and that there are 31 similar reactor types in the USA. guess the malfunction we see in Fukushima Daiichi can happen only in that certain reactor type.

    He actually didn't said one single English word. between what he said, how it was translated and how you understand it might be a wide gap in the meaning.

    That also doesn't mean that nuclear energy is totally unsafe and dangerous at all. I share your trust in the Chinese nuclear plants and think they are safe.

  15. Two things:

    >>> Facebook is banned in China. Main reasons: it's too easy for regular people to post truth, and too difficult for Beijing iron-fisters to control.

    >>> As a comparison; Nation newspaper has lead stories with large photos, such a man who puts on cardboard crown and fries bananas (an actual headline from last week's Nation)

    Which is more drivelish? Facebook or print media?

    1. Facebook is an American commercial enterprise. They have other platforms for social networking in China, run by Chinese companies who don't allow the NSA to collect data.

    2. The Nation isn't in the newspaper of record.category. and Thais mostly read newspapers that are published in their language. There might be other countries with newspaper that put a large photo of a man making danish pastries on the front page. but that doesn't mean that the whole print media of such a country is "drivelish".

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