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Posts posted by myluckythai

  1. wow Thailand has a staggering 8 fold of traffic related deaths, in comparing to europe.

    you can blame all the above like tachographes, driving hours Bad equipment and what not, but one thing i know for sure.

    being used to the many antisocial behaviours of thai people, one thing will amaze me every day again and again.

    The people here drive like total A holes!

    they just don't seem to care about anyone and anything including themsleves when driving their vehicles.

    It is their way of driving that causes most deaths. No matter they have been driving for hours or just a minute.

    Even driving of a parkingplace, or turning into the first street they encounter after leaving home, and they already cause a dangerous situation by just turning on the road without even checking it is possible. Or their behaviour at trafficlights !!?

    Let alone all the switching of lanes without looking, the complete lack of understanding the concept of a rearview mirror, or blinking a light when taking a left or right turn, or signaling to the right and then turning to the left and so on....

    It does not help anything ,enforcing laws and all, if they drive like complete morrons and A holes without any sense or regard for an other.

    This is up to the individual and no one else.

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  2. So you rented a car without knowing what the deductible was!

    Well could be 5000, 10,000 or the full deposit, take a look at your copy of the contract.

    In the UK it is very obvious on the contract, particularly as it is no mean amount...£600 or over 30,000 baht per incident.

    And I believe that is what they get pre-authorisation for on the CC.

    They offer supplementary insurance to reduce that but it is expensive.

    Good luck, if you can get it done on the cheap, do so.

    Yep. I learned thatlesson too. dont rent the cheapest ones as the usually have a number 3 or worse iinsurance leaving you with whatever costs it might give. It is not helping you now but Always rent with number one Insurance from now on and check the contract as for what figure they charge you at the maximum when damaging the car. Should not be more than 30K

  3. it depends. i hit a cow once in a rentalcar. Took the owner of the car to a repairshop and made a deal to fix it for 100K. Then i went back alone and told the shop i only have 25K and asked them if this was possible. They fixed it up andmade it look like a good job for 25 K . looked good again and owner was happy

  4. The general hate rally cry against Thaksin reminds me of another in history - Hitler and his rally for the country to hate the Jews. Point to a scapegoat for all the country's problems and create a mob. Hate is the heart of a mob's mentality. Truly sad.

    I still can't find any solid evidence of what Thaksin did wrong. Can anyone tell me?

    I would commend you to invest in an education. The first step for you would be to learn how to search on the internet.

    Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia.

    "...He was convicted by the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions of abusing his power to help his wife buy public land at an auction, and was sentenced to two years in jail. Various criminal charges await him if he returns to Thailand..."

    He also evaded tax by fraudulent share transactions for the sale of Shincorp to another bunch of politicians in Singapore.

    How did he help his wife buy public land at an auction?

    Did he hold the gavel?

    there are actually several ways to rig an auction. a land auction wil lnot have many everyday men coming and so it will be mostly known parties to bid.

    As it is many people with big power and money , one can easliy grasp how these things can go.

    1.they mighthave promised other parties that is not in their personal gain if they overbid,or otherwise maybe not in the interest of future business deals to overbid this one

    2 the exact opposite, they could have made a side deal. It would be in the personal interest by a payoff, or future business interest to not overbid this one. you give me this one and you get something else for it in return which might interest you more than me. and so on..There are even more ways of course

  5. haha so funny

    they want an election - they get one - now they don't want one - they say they are "democrats' but don't believe in democracy

    PTP and Thaksin must be thanking Buddha there is no sensible opposition and counter manifesto and an inept opposition. A real leader would have exposed the issues and rallied the people all Abhisit can do is say

    "I'm not playing and taking my Ball home - so there!!!"

    Edit: actually it's not funny at all sad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png poor Thailand

    well this is a typical thai reaction of dealing with matters i think. Not being able to reason but just stonewalling every sensible attempt to find concensus...too bad

  6. it is not helping you right now i guess,but my baby has a double nationality. I made a pasport from my homecountry for her too. So if i feel my baby would be better of with me and not the grandparents,i will be able to take her with me on her european passport. It will need a quick action and a carefull one,not to be arrested on sort of a kidnap allegation i guess,but she is a european citizen so once i've taken her i will not have problems back home with this and i imagine if i only show the european passport at customs they will not make a problem of me travelling with her too.

  7. Just looove it that i can turn my stereo way up at a level that would never be accepted back home. That's the counterside of this.

    Just hate the cars with the commercials blasting out of the loudspeakers, driving around town. we have one ahole selling meat at 7.30 in the morning, driving around ,shouting in his microphone almost every day of the week. noone else seems to be bothered by him though. I don't need an alarmclock to wake up every day at the same time.

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  8. It is time that Thailand followed the U.S. and other countries in regards to posession of marijuana, almost legal now in many countries, or at least decriminalized posession and yaba as well. I guess the boys at the top have too much to lose.

    yaba possesion decriminalized. hell that's a great idea... not. nothing involving yaba should be considered ok. It causes a lot of grieve and problems all over, and too bad to say it is the users that are dangerous to the everyday man on the street. I understand they don''t make the sheit and are in fact many times 'victims' , but non the less they are very dangerous when having used or looking for their next fix. Legalize marihuana great! Yaba never!

  9. Hi, first of all fogive me if i do not know all proper terms, but i'll try my best to be clear.

    My wife bought the new yamaha spark 115i a few months back.

    we drove the bike for 1000 km when trouble started. First the ballbearings in the front and the back, driving the chain and in the backwheel, started rattling. this got worse and worse and they found there was almost no grease in between 'm. only 400 km later i heard a rattling sound in the engine.

    Went back to the shop and first they tried to tell me this is normal. Not being taken for a fool i said it is not, it's in the cylinder, but agreed to thai customs i guess, and let them have the bike to check/fix the problem.

    When i got it back it was still the same. Been back 3 times when the agreed with me that it was a problem in the cylinder. They checked it good this time ( i guess they did not do a lot the previous times) and found that the spring around the pistons was not fitting well in the cylinder and this caused the problem.

    Having replaced this ,the problem still wasn't fixed. The piston was just not fitting well in the cylinder and kept making this sound.

    Later i found out that this bike has a newly designed engine and all, not the same as the spark nano, and i felt bad a little that i let my wife buy a bike.

    I know new designs have often problems they have to fix for later models.

    They agreed after 4 weeks of looking and trying, to give me a new one, but it had to be the same type of bike. I reluctantly agreed, at least being happy to get another bike.

    The new bike worked fine for about 1000 km.

    Then a sound in the engine started. Not the same,and no idea what this was. Also a few hundred km further the same rattling started in the cylinder. then on top of that the gearbox started getting noisy and not shifting smooth anymore.

    Then finally the engine started to run at a higher rate at it's own, and not going down between shifting gears anymore, also it stalled a little sometimes making the bike shutter and all shut down at times.

    I've had enough and traded it for a Honda wave.

    Just a word of hard learned experience. better not buy this one,or at least for a few years untill these problems are fixed.

  10. I know you said Townhouse but.........Have a look at Muang Thong Thani at small condos. The TALL buildings, not the short ones. Less than 3 million I believe, maybe lots less. Better security than a Townhouse, easier to put in your name. I know someone who has been there since the late 90s. He likes it, not perfect any means, but pretty good value for the money. Covered parking also for your vehicle. Worth looking at anyway.

    well for mueng thong thani you should do some homework to get intothe good part. there are many many many cheap places there, but some areas are not that great for future investementreturn, or living conditions. Some parts seem to be abandoned by dveleopment companies and buildings are not maintained anymore. Othersparts are great and upcoming. been looking there too and there are great differences from one area to another as to the future plans

  11. And this is a higly educated person?? Look at her english. Says it all. No sense no brain. Guess she willnever be an economics proffesor. Better a low educated farmer that's nice than these kind of C*nts. But i think foreigners in my homecoutry are treated likewise, only our highly educated people don't speak out in such simple words and thoughts. It\s the lower class there that speaks in simplistic and racist terms

  12. Looks like it was cut with a weed whacker. At least they could have done a proper job of it.

    Was there any forewarning issued? This could be in the form of previously agreed-upon standards about dress and hygiene.

    At my school, several students (late teens) were deemed to have hair too long to take the final exam. This was on the day of the exam, as the students had already entered the classroom and were sitting at desks waiting to be issued the exam papers. A school 'behavior' person came into the room, ran his fingers through their hair and escorted them all to a barber across the street and they all came back in 15 minutes looking like chemotherapy victims.

    I guess that's how it works here.

    they actually have people looking at behaviour in schools???? well that's knowledge taught, fading away as quick as they leave school . maybe they should have adult behaviour supervisors too. would make a difference

  13. the color of oil doesn't say anything ! Change it for new oil and check it just a few days driving later and it is already 'off colour'. You should check it for purity. is it still smooth fluid without grains in it.......if so, like stated before,your oil is OK. When younger i owned old cars wich i drove for 50 to 60.000 km without oilchanges. never any problems. (been a car mechanic btw for quite some years and sold oil on a regularbasis too to my customers.....thats the way they want it , that's the way they get it xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.CwSpBGGvqN.png

    Yes, very true. BUT..... Do not forget that the honda click, and all scooters, do not have Oil Filter, they don't need, but there will be more dirty on the oil. than on bikes with filter. and in Bangkok I have seen some very very nasty filters just after 1 year. imagine those that remove the whole filter to get more power...

    ok. never owned a click and didn'tknow that. no oil filter. hmmmm. good info..bad situation. is that why i find all the clicks i see driving around sounding so crappy maybe. ( but also the fino's, airblades etc.)not a big fan ofthe automatics in general anyways..never owned one too. drive a spark here (yamaha) and before a Suzuki. that gotme 80.000 km before i sold it well running still.

  14. the color of oil doesn't say anything ! Change it for new oil and check it just a few days driving later and it is already 'off colour'. You should check it for purity. is it still smooth fluid without grains in it.......if so, like stated before,your oil is OK. When younger i owned old cars wich i drove for 50 to 60.000 km without oilchanges. never any problems. (been a car mechanic btw for quite some years and sold oil on a regularbasis too to my customers.....thats the way they want it , that's the way they get it :)

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