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Posts posted by myluckythai

  1. Hello, a lot of members do not know Thailand at all and can hardly speak two words of Thai. Having stayed years in Pattaya does not give one the right to have a authorized opinion on everything Thai -wink.png)

    Ryro88, imho you made a big mistake. The amount of money you gave to them was the equivalent of one month salary for someone in the country. The simple fact that they took the money is an indication of Thai people bad mentality versus money. They should have refused the money, simply put. It was OK to give them some money, for example pay for the car benzine. And give a small gift on departure. But 5000 baths, certainly not.

    The message you have given to them is that you are in fact a walking ATM. Mgjackson69 is perfectly right. Next step is most probably to try to get more and more from you. Not that they are bad people. But because they are Thai and because of the strange relation between Thai and money. Do not show your money, refuse loans, put clear barriers, this is my advice (I am happily married for 17 years with an isaan girl).

    indeed.giving m this is like giving a european 1000 euro's. Now the fun starts. and 4 days is easy to show only your good side and hardly enough to get a real impression. But i hope Op is right and they are indeed very nice and not leeches. good luck to you OP

    • Like 1
  2. They just don't care much about you or another. this is easy to see in all day life and so this reflects in their way of driving too. of course they are terrible drivers,but they just don'tcare about others as much or consequences of their actions as you might be use to back home. at least that is my belief about their anti social way of driving, me me me....oh there are others too?

    • Like 1
  3. Took the Nakonchai air vip bus many times to bangkok and back. a 900 Km trip there and back These busses Always have seatbelts. Up to you if you use m or not. I never had come at the place of destination quicker than another time, so i have to conclude they never try to drive quicker at some times to save time. 2 weeks ago the bus was late 3 hours due to the weather an d flooded roads in bangkok , but still did the same time, and no rush. Travelling with Nakonchai air feels pretty good i have to say. I still have seen enough coaches turned over and what not along the way , and trough time, so don't know about the other companies and their policies The road conditions here are pretty well and the whole way is all 4 lane roads but the last 30 km's, so that is a difference from the road where the accident happened, but another driver slamming in to you is a hard thing too avoid i think.

  4. I think we all used this way of driving one time or another avoiding driving too far for a u turn or because it was just a little few meters....and all of you can lie about it here but,

    Can you exclude me from that " WE ALL " please .

    The reason i never ride my bike in Pattaya is because I know it happens all the time, and that's also the reason I don't engage in this practice.

    pretty clear what i mean no? like the next post that're my feelings on most commentors here when stating all garbage and knowing and doing it all so well......those beautifull, magnificent farang...just hate talking crap about a dead person. when in fact talking on TV and their real behaviour outside is a world of difference. The ones feeling adressed by some things said usually are the ones i am talking about.......so.....if you feel offended by me saying this but not by all the dogs talking crap about a dead young girl..need i say more

    Exclude me too i ride an extra 3km so I don't have to go against traffic. I am not an idiot to start to mimic bad Thai habits I leave that to the farangs that are equally dumb as those Thais. I guess you also decide to save on tail lights on your bike like many of the Thais.

    i start to understand beter and better why there are so little farang i care about here in thailand. Does the word Übermensch mean something to you? checkin out as you are not worth the effort. btw would love to hear you say stupid or dumb thai in the face of the family of that girl......or most other thai... they never do these tv loudmouths

    Of course it says something to me its a language i understand. I call them as i see them. As a foreigner you should know better you don't so i think your stupid and irresponsible to drive on the wrong side of the road. Same as that i don't care much for drunk drivers.

    Thais can be excused for lack of education most foreigners can not. I know plenty of thais that think driving on the wrong side of the road is bad and they call those ppl stupid too.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    it says a lot about all talking like you that you live here.............maybe you need to feel great about yourself, maybe you were a sucker back home, But i am sure you act like a real nice guy towards m when you are confronted. I know that kind of person all too well. i would not want to live here if thinking like you unless you get sheit on back home and now you can sheit on others (on internet so yo don't have to be scared)...... guess you are just full of it........

  5. I think we all used this way of driving one time or another avoiding driving too far for a u turn or because it was just a little few meters....and all of you can lie about it here but,

    Can you exclude me from that " WE ALL " please .

    The reason i never ride my bike in Pattaya is because I know it happens all the time, and that's also the reason I don't engage in this practice.

    pretty clear what i mean no? like the next post that're my feelings on most commentors here when stating all garbage and knowing and doing it all so well......those beautifull, magnificent farang...just hate talking crap about a dead person. when in fact talking on TV and their real behaviour outside is a world of difference. The ones feeling adressed by some things said usually are the ones i am talking about.......so.....if you feel offended by me saying this but not by all the dogs talking crap about a dead young girl..need i say more

    Exclude me too i ride an extra 3km so I don't have to go against traffic. I am not an idiot to start to mimic bad Thai habits I leave that to the farangs that are equally dumb as those Thais. I guess you also decide to save on tail lights on your bike like many of the Thais.

    i start to understand beter and better why there are so little farang i care about here in thailand. Does the word Übermensch mean something to you? checkin out as you are not worth the effort. btw would love to hear you say stupid or dumb thai in the face of the family of that girl......or most other thai... they never do these tv loudmouths

  6. I think we all used this way of driving one time or another avoiding driving too far for a u turn or because it was just a little few meters....and all of you can lie about it here but,

    Can you exclude me from that " WE ALL " please .

    The reason i never ride my bike in Pattaya is because I know it happens all the time, and that's also the reason I don't engage in this practice.

    pretty clear what i mean no? like the next post that're my feelings on most commentors here when stating all garbage and knowing and doing it all so well......those beautifull, magnificent farang...just hate talking crap about a dead person. when in fact talking on TV and their real behaviour outside is a world of difference. The ones feeling adressed by some things said usually are the ones i am talking about.......so.....if you feel offended by me saying this but not by all the dogs talking crap about a dead young girl..need i say more

    The lady was a awarded a Darwin Trophy, what else can be said. I feel sorry for the Iranian.

    feel offended by the wrong reasons that's up to you. feel i blame the iranian (although i never said that) up to you , and most of all feel free to not care one single bit about a young person dying. I don't care about pretentious people like you. so.....shove it

  7. Dear Myluckythai,

    I didn't mean anything bad of course. Maybe you are worried I am being sarcastic as many people here post in a negative fashion?

    I did not think you survived as a family in Holland on about 1000 Euros ...but I guess you are saying you could, but due to subsidies and free certain things?

    I thought you were spending about 1000 Euros in Holland, but came to Thailand, got a wife and kids and now spend about the same.

    Frankly, IF you can get by on the same amount of money in Holland, it seems like you should go there/stay there, because your kids will get such a better education ...I think? You certainly cannot get private schools for 2 kids on your budget and are not getting health care included right? That might cost you nothing now, because nobody has a problem now, but free, very good schools, and guaranteed good, free healthcare, and other things being about the same, but maybe house not as good, seems like being in Holland would be a good deal for you and family.

    If you don't like that deal, can I take your place in Holland, with my daughter? My grandparents were Dutch. Sounds like a good deal to me!!

    haha feel free to take the place. My kids don't go to private school here, but do have a farang teacher who has a small class of kids . it more expensive compared to thai schools but a lot cheaper than private school. I still have a health Insurance from holland and my wife and kids have one here you can upgrade to more extensive care as you wish. I left holland because my job ended there after many years and that is why i lived the last years on this low income. I had to start all over again and finding a good job is not that easy nowadays in europe. neither is starting a new business btw . If i have to start new i might as well do it here. I live a common live here too, but have all the nescessities a familie needs. don't drink, don't own a car , rent is cheap and buy little things i do not need. Holland still has many benefits of course , but my wife has an old mother here who needs the help of my wife now and so the choice was made for me by having to start new no matter where i live and having a mother in law that needed my wife to be here now. You are right when healthy and young one has little concerns, but they are there oh boy are they. i hope to be able to make a way here, but hey all of life is a gamble,

    • Like 1
  8. I live out in the country, Northeastern part of Thailand, and my cost of living here with the wife and 2 daughters are exactly the same as i pay back home in Holland. I do not own a car for this which i did have back home, do have a well covered healthinsurance for the whole family and rent a home here. I use a fair amount of internet and have 2 motorbikes. My total living costs are about 35 K to 40 K baht a month. I find it to be rather expensive in comparing to some years ago yes. But the only difference for this money is i do live in a great house, but then again do not have a car here. shopping costs for food are the same as in Holland. I feel a person from holland should at least think in the same numbers as living easy back home.

    Fair enough.....I have Dutch friends here that might disagree with you (ie regarding costs being exactly the same for Thailand and Holland)

    but have no reason to doubt you....thanks for the post!

    without my family it would be much cheaper indeed. for food i find some things to be much cheaper but others to be much more expensive, and hey i don't want to live all like a thai. have some thing i need/want the farang way. housing is much cheaper. Insurance just a little . i can imagine there are ways to live cheaper . give up some luxuries and send the kids to a thai governmentschool would save me a lot already. ( this i forgot to mention before). And off cours many people do not live for 1000 euro's a month in holland, but much more than that. the difference in feeling may be in this. i lived a pretty common life. no house owner so no big mortgage, didnot go out a lot and 'only' had one small car. haha. i know people who pay only 1000 already or more in mortgage . when you own a house , a big car and have kids in university or something 1000 euro is a joke.

    Wow, "Myluckythai",

    You are doing so well on that amount of money in Thailand ...I guess that is why you must feel "lucky." I think you must be comparing living a single life in Holland to a life with a wife and 2 kids, as costing the same, because I can't believe that 4 people could barely buy food/utilities in a Euro country for this same amount as your whole life here?

    Anyway, congrats for getting by on such amount of money!! That must take discipline and a good frame of mind! Be proud of yourself!

    not sure what u mean, But no it was with the whole family . i have tro admit it was just a lttle over 1000 euro but not a lot. And hey we have free Insurance for the kids in holland. you get a reduction in rent in the form of taks paybacks, if you earn a little, the same thing goes for the healtinsurance for the adults, money back. you get money from the government for taking care of your kids and i had a wood burning firestove that safed me some. believ it or not there are people actually living of less. and it ain;t great no.....one example. a taxi driver in my city earns a basic income of 900 and some euro's. the rest he has to make in tip which he is taxed for ahead, no matter if he makes m or not. how many tips you get you think after they just payd 50 euro for a sh**ty short ride? you can get extra money up to some 1100 euro to get the minimum salary that is determined by law

  9. I live out in the country, Northeastern part of Thailand, and my cost of living here with the wife and 2 daughters are exactly the same as i pay back home in Holland. I do not own a car for this which i did have back home, do have a well covered healthinsurance for the whole family and rent a home here. I use a fair amount of internet and have 2 motorbikes. My total living costs are about 35 K to 40 K baht a month. I find it to be rather expensive in comparing to some years ago yes. But the only difference for this money is i do live in a great house, but then again do not have a car here. shopping costs for food are the same as in Holland. I feel a person from holland should at least think in the same numbers as living easy back home.

    Fair enough.....I have Dutch friends here that might disagree with you (ie regarding costs being exactly the same for Thailand and Holland)

    but have no reason to doubt you....thanks for the post!

    without my family it would be much cheaper indeed. for food i find some things to be much cheaper but others to be much more expensive, and hey i don't want to live all like a thai. have some thing i need/want the farang way. housing is much cheaper. Insurance just a little . i can imagine there are ways to live cheaper . give up some luxuries and send the kids to a thai governmentschool would save me a lot already. ( this i forgot to mention before).

    Hey I feel for you......My kids are grown up and out of school ....but when that was an expense it was a big part of my budget...

    found the following statistic on the internet.....interestering

    Cost of living in Amsterdam (Netherlands) is 149% more expensive than in Khon Kaen Thailand


    that's just because the dutch government want to cut disablity checks and pension checks as it is so called cheap living in Thailand . the ones having those kind of incomes don't need so much money haha. no just joking. (although?) I'm not sure about these numbers. i lived cheap in holland compared to many 2 income households and 'educated'earners. But living of say 600 euro with a family in thailand as our government stated ones on television, i find it hard to believ. my brother spends 5000 a month on his Household in holland so... yeah there are differences. that is why i left holland. i am amongst the poorer ones there and found it hard to get ahead of that. And one footnote. living in Amsterdam is to be compared to living in Bangkok. A lot more expensive than other places in Holland

    • Like 1
  10. I live out in the country, Northeastern part of Thailand, and my cost of living here with the wife and 2 daughters are exactly the same as i pay back home in Holland. I do not own a car for this which i did have back home, do have a well covered healthinsurance for the whole family and rent a home here. I use a fair amount of internet and have 2 motorbikes. My total living costs are about 35 K to 40 K baht a month. I find it to be rather expensive in comparing to some years ago yes. But the only difference for this money is i do live in a great house, but then again do not have a car here. shopping costs for food are the same as in Holland. I feel a person from holland should at least think in the same numbers as living easy back home.

    Fair enough.....I have Dutch friends here that might disagree with you (ie regarding costs being exactly the same for Thailand and Holland)

    but have no reason to doubt you....thanks for the post!

    without my family it would be much cheaper indeed. for food i find some things to be much cheaper but others to be much more expensive, and hey i don't want to live all like a thai. have some thing i need/want the farang way. housing is much cheaper. Insurance just a little . i can imagine there are ways to live cheaper . give up some luxuries and send the kids to a thai governmentschool would save me a lot already. ( this i forgot to mention before). And off cours many people do not live for 1000 euro's a month in holland, but much more than that. the difference in feeling may be in this. i lived a pretty common life. no house owner so no big mortgage, didnot go out a lot and 'only' had one small car. haha. i know people who pay only 1000 already or more in mortgage . when you own a house , a big car and have kids in university or something 1000 euro is a joke.

  11. I think we all used this way of driving one time or another avoiding driving too far for a u turn or because it was just a little few meters....and all of you can lie about it here but,

    Can you exclude me from that " WE ALL " please .

    The reason i never ride my bike in Pattaya is because I know it happens all the time, and that's also the reason I don't engage in this practice.

    pretty clear what i mean no? like the next post that're my feelings on most commentors here when stating all garbage and knowing and doing it all so well......those beautifull, magnificent farang...just hate talking crap about a dead person. when in fact talking on TV and their real behaviour outside is a world of difference. The ones feeling adressed by some things said usually are the ones i am talking about.......so.....if you feel offended by me saying this but not by all the dogs talking crap about a dead young girl..need i say more

  12. Another Sad story.....but the people who are fault here are the police, for not enforcing the laws of the road to their country men & women

    And they should really come down hard on the few "idiot farangs" who do the same thing

    RIP Young lady

    yeah i know nobody does this and we are all the finest examples of how to do thing right here....omg tv must have the finest of the finest examples of human behaviour all on one site......right.

  13. Unfortunately this behaviour is far too common here. The positive in this incident is that, in the incredibly unfair world of accidents, this one has affected the person at the root of the accident the most. I feel sorry for the Iranian chap.

    I did note from the image the helmet lying on the floor. Even if it was on it was barely a helmet and can be guaranteed to have not been secured.

    Nothing will change here whilst it is more cost effective to the government to allow the acceptance of the results of dangerous driving.

    No common sense, and the people involved and watching will still never learn, they will all carry on doing the same thing. The helmet most likely belonged to the Iranian guy, poor guy wrong place wrong time, but thankfully an innocent person came out of it without serious injury for a change. She learned a hard lesson which resulted in her life, i can't feel sorry for her.

    Is it possible to feel sorry for someone who is already dead?

    Right! very dumb remarks. RIP . Happy for the Iranian, but Always a tragedy when a live is wasted. I think we all used this way of driving one time or another avoiding driving too far for a u turn or because it was just a little few meters....and all of you can lie about it here but, Have respect for the dead and hope your not next and everybody will be pissing on your grave!!!!!!!!

  14. im sure these things happen in Pattaya as well as other places, But... a lady i knew well ( she passed, but was the reason for me to visit thailand the first time) owned a guesthouse in one of the soi's and i visited it several times. In this soi if you came there with a young child looking for a room or taking one to the room you had already. word got round really quick and locals would act on it hemselves or call the police immediately. In this particular soi it would be very wise NOT to do this... don't know so well about what happens in the other soi's or neigborhoods as to this matter, but this did not fly there at all. you woulld most certainly be spotted right away and dealt with in a proper way.

  15. this must be a old fart problem..

    clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif width=31 height=25>

    No, it's a socially inadequate problem.

    As for the guys who only have their wife as a friend, when she dumps you you'll be really, really sad!

    To be honest ,you sound a very sad sort of person ,been dumped?

    My wife in the UK had allowed me NO friends, edged out all my old ones, replaced them with the husbands of her friends. When she dumped me, I had no friends of my own at all .... a personal disaster. Yes, I was really, really, sad, but my own fault.

    That's why I warn everyone, you must have your own friends, totally independent of your wife, better if she never meets them, and has no way of contacting them.

    Listen to Transam and me ............ we have been there and done that ......................

    When in a relationship, no matter how strong,


    your wife had allowed you no friends....? no there's the problem right there isn't it. the wife is the closest friend you should have, who know the most of you, who knows your true heart. if not i think there is a problem in your marriage. but that is just the way i look at it.My wife knows all the people i am seeing, who they are and what they do is not for her to Judge, she has no saying in this. she can show her opinion in this but it is uo to me and noone else who i go along with! i know many many have not married in this way or for these reasons...My wife is my only real best friend. rely on this 100% no. like said before wives can leave you to of course.

    • Like 1
  16. I live out in the country, Northeastern part of Thailand, and my cost of living here with the wife and 2 daughters are exactly the same as i pay back home in Holland. I do not own a car for this which i did have back home, do have a well covered healthinsurance for the whole family and rent a home here. I use a fair amount of internet and have 2 motorbikes. My total living costs are about 35 K to 40 K baht a month. I find it to be rather expensive in comparing to some years ago yes. But the only difference for this money is i do live in a great house, but then again do not have a car here. shopping costs for food are the same as in Holland. I feel a person from holland should at least think in the same numbers as living easy back home.

  17. A wife is no more a friend than any one else when she decides to do something else. I have the T-shirt from a 25 year relationship with a lady. We were two peas in a pod. worried about each other all the time, then suddenly.......BANG..........she wanted to do something different and our cuddly love disappeared, went up in smoke. sad.png

    Same as your health, you or I do not know whats around the corner. sad.png

    Sorry if I sound grim but it is reality. I have been there.

    so true. one day you love each other, the other day you can ask yourself how did i ever love this woman.. surprising to me still. No matter who you are with , firends, someone you just met or whoever at the moment, cherish it for what it is now and keep it as a sweet memory when it has past by. that way you never have to be dissapointed when it does

    May I add, that lady in my post was the love of MY life, perhaps still is, l don't know, BUT, my point is in reply to the topic, do you (REALLY) have any friends.

    oh i got that . she left you heartbroken, not the other way round. I am sorry for your loss genuinly . i am looking from the other side i think. sorry. I never think too long about these things no matter how deep the love or friendship was to me. to keep it in your words , just turn around that corner. Remember them Always yes. Feel bad about it No. And No i dont believe in real friends

  18. A wife is no more a friend than any one else when she decides to do something else. I have the T-shirt from a 25 year relationship with a lady. We were two peas in a pod. worried about each other all the time, then suddenly.......BANG..........she wanted to do something different and our cuddly love disappeared, went up in smoke. sad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png

    Same as your health, you or I do not know whats around the corner. sad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png

    Sorry if I sound grim but it is reality. I have been there.

    so true. one day you love each other, the other day you can ask yourself how did i ever love this woman.. surprising to me still. No matter who you are with , firends, someone you just met or whoever at the moment, cherish it for what it is now and keep it as a sweet memory when it has past by. that way you never have to be dissapointed when it does

    • Like 1
  19. Friends tssssssssssssssss. who needs m. they all have a certain point where they can not be trusted any more. Only see ´m as people i know and like better than others and go along for a while, but wait until they benefit more when leaving or cheating you , than they do in staying true.

    look at my post #95

    now this is a topic nobody can claim to be more of an expert than an other...I like that.. i understand your point of view. I have people i go along with for most of my life. One of m more 30 years. this might be called a friend, but it is only because forgiveness is a big word in this relationship that it endured. Things happened along these years that took the better part of the relationship away and only for the sake of long long memeries and adventures and sharing innerthoughts together i suppose it still might be called a friend, but both of us (my friend and me) know there have been matters occuring that will never be forgotten and made me see a friend is only as much as a word, with no true value , and yes i would easily walk away from this guy too if hat is the smarter thing to do for me. For me the true value is in my family, but i understand that this is a lot different for many , as their families are the ones breaking m down. To me really trusting people who have no unbreakable connection with me is a foolish thing.

    Thanks for the great post. Understand.

    Thank you too. your post made me think about this and maybe i gotten a little cynical throughout the years. It makes me wonder if it is not time for me to reevaluate things . great posts all! never too shy to see another one's view on matters and reflect them on my way of living.

    • Like 1
  20. I have lived my entire adult life in Thailand and learned long ago that relationships are very transient. Before email, when people left the country to work elsewhere, you simply lost touch.
    I have never been the clingy or needy type, so I simply feel grateful for the time I share with people and move on when they leave, for whatever reason. I have always known a lot of people socially, but my wife is the only one I would ever ask anything of. She is my best friend.

    Excellent post VF, once again. I think your viewpoint is very similar to mine, enjoy the friendships of the time and move on to a new chapter of your life, new characters.

    I can never understand people who insist that the only true friends that they have ever had come from their home towns, formed through childhood. No doubt they are still friends to these believers, but people and situations continually change in this world of ours.

    Everyone to their own, but me personally wouldn't trust anyone that I haven't seen for many years, supposed true friend or not.............wink.png

    BTW, currently there are about 6 people that I would consider true friends, this number has been a constant throughout my life when I think about it. The number remains the same, the people change.

    yuup, same as villagefarang stated

    • Like 1
  21. Friends tssssssssssssssss. who needs m. they all have a certain point where they can not be trusted any more. Only see ´m as people i know and like better than others and go along for a while, but wait until they benefit more when leaving or cheating you , than they do in staying true.

    look at my post #95

    now this is a topic nobody can claim to be more of an expert than an other...I like that.. i understand your point of view. I have people i go along with for most of my life. One of m more 30 years. this might be called a friend, but it is only because forgiveness is a big word in this relationship that it endured. Things happened along these years that took the better part of the relationship away and only for the sake of long long memeries and adventures and sharing innerthoughts together i suppose it still might be called a friend, but both of us (my friend and me) know there have been matters occuring that will never be forgotten and made me see a friend is only as much as a word, with no true value , and yes i would easily walk away from this guy too if hat is the smarter thing to do for me. For me the true value is in my family, but i understand that this is a lot different for many , as their families are the ones breaking m down. To me really trusting people who have no unbreakable connection with me is a foolish thing.

    • Like 1
  22. Friends tssssssssssssssss. who needs m. they all have a certain point where they can not be trusted any more. Only see ´m as people i know and like better than others and go along for a while, but wait until they benefit more when leaving or cheating you , than they do in staying true.

    where did u get the name lucky?

    by not trusting my 'friends'

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