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Everything posted by Deli

  1. I hope you are right. Nobody needs these western rules in this country. Except the key board warriors under their blue roofs in Isaanistan.
  2. payday for the taxi mob
  3. She should be in Russia and fight against her Zar instead of holidaying in luxury in Thailand.
  4. No, I just feel your pain... 3 Ducatis is worse than 3 wifes. I love my Japs.
  5. Guns don't kill, people do. And sometimes they have a very good reason to do so and sometimes they are nutters or insane, or both. And sometimes the same people they just give orders to use guns. In Russia, in Thailand and elsewhere.
  6. Jealous clown you are
  7. In fsct, Phuket is very busy with Ivans agsin. And more to come, their community is growing and they stick together. ED Visa for $ and hete we go. Unfortunstely, Cha Cha and his clowns don't ban them. As longvas their Zar bombs Ukraine, they are guilty the same. Don't want to get close to these people.
  8. Make Smith & Wesson to become your friends.
  9. Funbusters for a day.
  10. Ruled by the highest power. No objection possible.
  11. My SCB Bank branch still insists on masks inside the bank. Clowns.
  12. And no accommodation available in Buriram or vicinity. Not talking about infalted air fare to Buriram. It's a real pity that they cannot get this done.
  13. Make a new one ?
  14. I'm loving it. Would love it even much more without the masses of Indians. Be prepared, they always stanx where you you don't want them to stand.
  15. He won't fight for Putin anymore, that's for sure.
  16. Now he is trying he luck on the big guys. Will be silent very soon and a new Lexus to come.
  17. 900.- Thai and Non Thai here are equal
  18. Maybe they can stand this "Government" only under the influence of drugs ?
  19. Try Phuket International Physical Clinic. Opposite the main police station. Not really a massage place, more a physio. 076 217134
  20. Copying all stupidity from the West or S'pore. Just leave it as it is and it's all good
  21. Cash day, obviously. Talked last night to a service girl working in a club on Bangla. From Laos and here on a TV.
  22. Not in the face, anywhere else absolutely OK. Don't like piercings, though.
  23. Unfortunately, not in this lifetime. They, the Thai people never have / had the desire to change things. Look what happened in Europe in the late 80ies. Here they are just lethargic sheeple. Sad but true.
  24. There were sleeper cells during the cold war. Guess this one got forgotten.
  25. Hope that someone will help this unfortunate addict
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