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Everything posted by Deli

  1. Can he reshuffle him and fatty and of the country, please ?
  2. They can perfectly team up with the Indians: standing always in groups when you don't want them. Loud the same, just a different odor. However, the Indians at least speak English.
  3. I dislike these corrupt commies as much as dog <deleted> on my shoes but would more than 1 billion people all of a sudden know how to deal with freedom ? Look back to 1989 when the wall in Berlin came down. 16 million people couldn't deal with it and until now many struggle.
  4. You have no idea but comment. There is the Andaman Hub hospital for several years already. You better do research before misleading
  5. I am in Phuket and I definitely DO NOT WELCOME them. They can team up with the Indians, both extremely annoying, wherever they are.
  6. It is business and it is money. And this is what the world keeps on turning. You cannot bring back the dead. It they don't do the business, anotherone will do. Suck it up.
  7. Never would have thought that so many rainbow keyboard warriors are living under the blue roofs in the NE in this country. Or do they just want to leave a comment to a subject they don't even understand and gossip about the gay or katoey of their village ?
  8. Just leave it as it is and stop trying to be the same clowns as in the West. All good with the current system for me.
  9. The world is lost, as long as people like them can walk free
  10. Sounds like a.meeting of foreigners key board warriors, living in Isaan under their blue roof. Aka fun busters from moms basement
  11. Why the hell regulating hours? Let the market tell them when to close and when ro.open. Is it North Korea here ?
  12. Are the coppers now selling his collection to the Phuket taxi mob ?
  13. Chinese ( locked up ), Indians, and now again Russians... all the wanted high spending quality tourists. Did I miss anything ?
  14. Normally I do not comment on isdues like this but in this case I do: send the Russians to Russia. All of them.
  15. For me Xi and his Mafia can keep their folks locked up for another 20 years. Better for the rest of the world. Unfortunately all countries have become dependent on China in the meantime, and this sucks a lot. The world was bettet when Mao was their leader.
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