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Everything posted by Deli

  1. Ain't it strange that arrests are never reported, smugglets are always shot dead. The haul is sold in the streets tmw.
  2. Looks like he eventually took the right drugs now.
  3. Welcome to Pyongyang 2.0 Nobody needs this Western rubbish system here
  4. Just follow my advice, A-Nut-In: Keep the doors for the Chinese closed. Is is really so difficult to say: No entry ?
  5. I know quite a lot of people working in Tourism who do NOT want the Chinese back. The are just killing the business / tourism from all other countries, as basically none wants to mingle with them, even with covid risk.
  6. You can't fix stupid politicians.
  7. He's on the screen again and defending his ancestors. Makes me sick.
  8. China was nice as long as Mao ruled it. Hardly anyone in, no one out. Perfect world for the rest.
  9. Just keep the border closed for them and treat all others as you do now. Sometimes it's so easy to do the right thing. But not in Thailand.
  10. Will they have enough live vests on the vessel ?
  11. In fact, I am one of the. And I am not Ukranian.
  12. Different but better ? Both worship their Dictators, though.
  13. I hope that you are not only right but that it will take much longer than that, before they can travel again. Everybody happy without them around.
  14. I'd say that is only one with a very fragile state of mind
  15. That one looks like a Russian mine sweeper
  16. I won't see it ready in this lifetime
  17. Which floods in Phuket ?
  18. And how many companies cannot fill their vacancies because Thai people do not want to take the job ?
  19. They might have been Russians in a casino bus
  20. I'd say everybody under 60 is happy to do so
  21. I would prefer 2030 or later, though
  22. Is Anutin aware of this ? Blood from dirty foreigners ?
  23. They watched them for 2 years, learned the business, took brown envelopes and now they are ready to take over.
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