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Posts posted by Deli

  1. 17 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

    Just a question what is considered qualified in your eyes not being facetious just curious. My g/f tells me that if you do not have a degree and are not under 25 years of age your chance at a good job is nil. She speaks and UNDERSTANDS English is good with people adaptable and would understand what the job expects of her. She is a really good people person honest to the nth degree. 

    Fluent English written and spoken is a must, age doesn't matter, prefer the 40 + OL's with no small kids, which keep then away from work.

    Experienced on the job, used to deal with Farangs and to understand Farang mentality. Flexible in working hours ( doing OT against payment ).

    Problem solver, not a shy pencil pusher with a Hello Kitty bag and 10 FB accounts. Yes, I am willing to pay for all this, but very hard to find in Phang Nga province. 

    Have one and she is a Jewel :)

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