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Posts posted by Deli

  1. 6 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

    You must be scared to go to bed at night Deli....in case the Reds are underneath it. 

    Mad statements like that--Sort of takes me back to the 1950s


    Of course your have  long list of Orders that the Chinese Goverment  ordered the Thais to implement. .......or else........


    Look forward to reading them...................:coffee1:

    Won't waste my time one you and others who follow blindfolded the dear leader.

    • Confused 1
  2. 51 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    It does appear he wants to be a Duvalier, Castro, Hun Sen, Putin, or Fazaa type. I think there is no doubt the power, and massive fortune he is making is going to his head. My guess is he will be in office, until he is ingloriously ushered out, kicked out, arrested, sent into exile, or worse. And the real shame, is that he is likely one of the least capable, least intelligent, least creative, and least worthy leaders Thailand has ever had.


    And that is saying alot, as Thailand has had countless dreadful leaders at the helm. They could win an award for "leaders with the least talent and capability".

    And people still don't rise.

  3. On 9/22/2021 at 9:21 PM, chalawaan said:


    Another bet I'm making is that since Xi has put Macau on Notice, Thailand would be very foolish indeed not to U turn on gambling, at least at the high roller level. I'm taking bets now, this will be my easiest money ever!

    The Clowns who run the show are just too blind to see it. Or are filling too well their personal pockets with the illeagel casinos

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