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Posts posted by Paulbangkok

  1. 007 - 009 - 001 all have different rates and it also depends which promotion your new sim has, the best thing to do is call 1175 or 022294260 from a land line, find out which promotion you are on (invariably they start you on the most expensive one), and change it to the best one for you, which takes about 30 minutes to become effective, also they will give you all the long distance rates you need, plus I've always found somebody that can pood dee ungrit which helps.



    EDIT: Typo

  2. I knew you didn't mean it as an insult! I think it's funny and often used by people who use it in preference to swearing... :o

    My dad used to use sayings without using the punch-line. A classic was "It's like looking for a pork pie"without adding "in a synagogue"! :D

    Me mum usually starts one that she doesn't know and finishes it with chaff! Oooh I'm colder than a.........cold person .......in coldsville and that sort of thing, also one of the only people I know that Involuntarily say's "Whoops a daisy" when having a minor accident!!!! (however i've said it a couple of times recently, maybe its Hereditary!)

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